The writer you responded to happened to be me, my friend. Now, Australia is attracting loads of Asian emigrants. Why do you leave? If you think CPF is a good scheme, think again.
Let me put it another way for easier understanding. In countries without CPF type induced savings, it seems like people don't save voluntarily. Now, that is because there is social parachute for old age. In USA, there is 401k, as example. Yet, for those who choose to work hard and be innovative, the environment allows entrepreneurial people to make it rich in life. When I mean rich, I mean bloody rich.
People in Australia remains poor and penniless because they choose to. Yet, the government has social security and other initiatives that are easy to apply for. In Singapore, our CDC schemes had failed and without the conviction of Sinkie government, which had never really believe in handing aid to those in need, it has been reported and a fact that many in hardship finds it difficulty or impossible to get aid from CDC. If you remember the case of that man who jumped track after finding out that CDC cannot help him, with a family to provide for, falling on hard times in Sinkiepore is tremendously difficult for one to rebounce.
Sinkiepore's government had about killed most entrepreneurial initiatives of Sinkies. As I had worked out, on an average, Sinkies would have $250k. This is poor if you considers that beyond this, you are really on your own.
Your example of medical insurance is flawed. Medisave is not insurance. It is your own money. If it is Medishield or Eldershiled, then it is insufficient. With medical costs so high, it is better to be dead than to be sick.
Think about it this way. If Sinkiepore does not have welfare provisions, then it should not be involved in the economy and stifle private enterprise and stifle entreprenuerial initiatives by its many rules, laws and by-laws. The climate is not conducive for private businesses. Most SMEs survive from hand to mouth and never really grow big. The cost of starting and maintaining a business is costly and the economy is not large enough to sustain it.
Most Sinkies will be marginalised one way or another. Can you imagine that even though a student has 4B in his 'A' level, he does not have a place in a local uni? Because the government limits the number of locals to 60% and the rest of the places are given to foreign students. That is Sinkiepore's version of 1st world for you, my friend.