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$8 haircut becomes $99 job







Goggle translate :

The man complained that his 85-year-old father went to the barbershop and originally spent 8 yuan to cut his hair, but said he was lobbied to do 99 yuan hair care. The head of the barbershop explained that hair care is recommended to every customer.

Mr. Hui (57, clerk), a member of the public, complained to this newspaper that his 85-year-old father went to the HairFun barbershop downstairs of HDB 410, 10th Road, Hongmaoqiao, at about 9 am on the 9th of this month, and originally intended to spend $8 for a haircut.

“My father was waiting for my mother and went to the barbershop to cut his hair. That was his first time there. Later when he came back, he kept complaining that he had paid 99 yuan in the barbershop to do hair care, and felt very wronged.


Alfrescian (Inf)
The heartlands are infested with these trashy haircut shops run/owned/managed by jiuhu kias and Tiongs. Especially in the last five years or so.

Chalk this up to yet another 'accomplishment' of the Useless Son. :cool: