6 days since my dear mother left us.
My mother was only 64 years old. She is a woman of service, she lives her life for my father and the 3 of us. Even at the point where she collapsed, she was cleaning the floor at home so that we have a clean house to return to.
It is difficult for us to accept that she has left us.
She took her first dose of COVID-19 vaccination at 10.05am and she collapsed about 8 hours after.
My mother leads an active life and is mostly healthy except for controlled hypertension and mild diabetes. What could have happened during the course of the vaccination that robbed her of her life?
Or was it just pure coincidence that she has to return to Jesus on the day where she received her first dose of vaccination?
I used to be an advocate to the COVID-19 vaccination. And was largely convinced with how safe our authorities have wanted us to believe in the vaccination. In fact, in my own course of work, I speak positively about the benefits of receiving the vaccination. I even debunked many speculations that the vaccination is unsafe and has little studies done to it. Little can I imagine for my own mother to succumb to death on the day where she received her first dose.
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