Life is both beautiful and ugly lah. Try to enjoy the beautiful and avoid/tolerate the ugly. Practice self-preservation, as often as we can.
These days people are the problem.
Internet is full of shit.
Everyone finds what they want to hear or believe and says that is what is truth and evidence. Sigh.
Just look at the heated arguments between Trump supporters and Anti-Trump.
Leongsam and the Covid mask wearing advocates.
Today I had one guy argue with me that Cananbis can be used to treat high blood pressure.
His idea is anything that can help you relax will lower BP. I tried explaining to him not necessarily. And there is no evidence cannabis can be used to treat Hypertension.
Argue back and forth. He is right I am wrong. Sorry I won't write the Rx. Why not? "I am right".
I told him you can go to the store and buy cannabis and self medicate that's up to you. But not on my recommendation and direction.
He got no anxiety no pain. No other problem. Wants to stop his high blood meds and use CBD to treat blood pressure.
I told him you need your family doctor on board also cos I dont do in person visits so who will monitor and measure your BP? Also if you stop your meds on your own if unctonrolled and touch wood you get stroke how?
Back and forth.
Stupid fucking internet