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6 (+2) empty seats in parliament, and counting... ...


This would be excellent opportunity to empower the fucking useless NMPs now to replace these missing MPs. Their time spent sitting in the Parliament can now be exploited to exhibit their real MP skills….if any.


1. SM Tharman stepped down to run for Presidential Elections.
2. Tan Chuan Jin - affair
3. Leon Perera - affair
4. Cheng Li Hui - affair
5. Raeesah Khan - lied
6. Faisal - hospitalised but will recover x
6. Chris de Souza - professional misconduct. Will not be running for re-election.
7. Vivan Balakrishnan - too much of a liability for the PAP. Will not be running for re-election.
8. Liang Eng Hwa - nose cancer
You should add Halimah who is already gone.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Eagerly awaiting a colossal scandal to hit the useless son, so big they cannot cover it up. :cool:


Alfrescian (Inf)
K Shanmugam is too valuable a dog for PM Lee to retire.
As Law Minister, he knows too much dirty secrets of the PAP.
He will be rewarded for his doggone good works by being promoted to Senior Minister
K Sham probably know more about the mysterous committee in the Oxleygate . He held LHL by the balls, and became untouchable.


Alfrescian (Inf)
1. SM Tharman stepped down to run for Presidential Elections.
2. Tan Chuan Jin - affair
3. Leon Perera - affair
4. Cheng Li Hui - affair
5. Raeesah Khan - lied
6. Faisal - hospitalised but will recover x
6. Chris de Souza - professional misconduct. Will not be running for re-election.
7. Vivan Balakrishnan - too much of a liability for the PAP. Will not be running for re-election.
8. Liang Eng Hwa - nose cancer
Don't leave out Minister Iswaran.