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5G network coverage in 北京、雄安、上海、广州、深圳、天津、杭州、苏州、武汉、成都、兰州、南京 already began!



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2019-03-07 00:32 手机

中新网客户端北京3月7日电(记者 吴涛)近日,5G手机密集发布,5G相关消息也层出不穷,网友看得眼花缭乱。但目前5G网络能不能用?哪些地方能用,怎么用?很多网友是一头雾水。










不过在2月19日,高通推出第二代5G NR调制解调器——骁龙X55调制解调器。所以不着急换5G手机的不妨再等等,毕竟X50在2016年就推出了。








资料图:5G VR体验。中新社记者 殷立勤 摄






资料图。中新社记者 殷立勤 摄



华为发布的折叠5G手机Mate X,据称达到200MHz带宽,理论峰值达到4.6Gbps,最快可实现3秒下载一部1G的视频。














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5G science: Can ordinary mobile phones connect to 5G networks? Where are the priority coverage?

2019-03-07 00:32 mobile phone

China New Network client Beijing March 7 (Reporter Wu Tao) Recently, 5G mobile phones were intensively released, and 5G related news also emerged endlessly, and netizens looked dazzled. But can the current 5G network be used? Where can I use it and how? Many netizens are confused.

Can the mobile phone now use 5G network?

One of the doubts of netizens is, can the current mobile phone use 5G network?

At present, most of the users use 4G mobile phones, and certainly cannot connect to 5G networks.

In addition, there are no mass-produced 5G mobile phones on the market. Although Huawei, ZTE, Samsung, OPPO, and Xiaomi have recently released 5G mobile phones, mass production and sales are basically in the middle of this year.

Huawei 5G mobile phone. Image source: Huawei official website

Is it good to buy a 5G mobile phone?

5G mobile phones are so much, which one is better?

From the current situation of mobile phone manufacturers, a mainstream configuration is Qualcomm Xiaolong 855 processor + Xiaolong X50 modem. For example, the 5G version of Xiaomi MIX3 is this configuration. The 5G mobile phones released by ZTE and OPPO also use the Xiaolong X50 modem.

However, on February 19, Qualcomm introduced the second generation 5G NR modem, the Opteron X55 modem. So don't worry about changing 5G mobile phones, let's wait, after all, X50 was launched in 2016.

5G experience site. Photo courtesy

How do 5G terminals use 5G networks?

Many netizens are asking: How do I see media reports starting to use 5G networks?

It is understood that this situation is the use of some special equipment. For example, in the media work area of the two sessions, journalists can use the 5G network and 5G+VR high-definition camera installed in the Great Hall of the People's Assembly Hall to watch the live broadcast of the experience minister through VR glasses.

And network coverage also requires operators to build. The CPPCC represents the Beijing Railway Building, and China Mobile said that it will complete the construction of two 5G microcellular base stations in the Beijing Railway Building within 36 hours.

Data map: 5G VR experience. China News Agency reporter Yin Liqin photo

Which places give priority to 5G networks?

The good news is that some regions are expected to take the lead in experiencing 5G networks. Recently, Miao Wei, Minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said that the 5G license will be issued soon. So everyone is expected to experience the 5G network soon.

According to incomplete statistics, the three operators have already conducted off-site testing or 5G pilots in Beijing, Xiong'an, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Tianjin, Hangzhou, Suzhou, Wuhan, Chengdu, Lanzhou and Nanjing.

Specific to the city, China Unicom said that 5G base stations will give priority to several key scenarios in Beijing, including the Media Center, Beijing City Sub-center, Beijing New Airport, Chang'an Street, Financial Street, and Beijing World Expo in 2019.

Data map. China News Agency reporter Yin Liqin photo

How is the speed?

One of the main features of the 5G network is the fast speed. According to several operators, compared with 4G, the 5G network speed has a speed of more than ten times.

Huawei's collapsed 5G mobile phone Mate X, said to reach 200MHz bandwidth, the theoretical peak reaches 4.6Gbps, the fastest to download a 1G video for 3 seconds.

Of course, these are all under test conditions, and their speeds are different in different environments.

For example, the same is China Mobile 5G, in the Beijing Railway Building, after field testing, the network downlink rate reached 700Mbps, uplink 90Mbps.

However, on February 27th, China Mobile's first 2.6GHz band 5G base station opened in Lhasa, tested in outdoor environment, download peak rate of 530M / sec, the average rate is about 500M / sec, download 1GB of film takes 2 seconds bell.

Which applications have been launched?

In fact, the characteristics of 5G are far from being limited to the speed of the network, and the application is not limited to 5G mobile phones. Its application can cover almost every industry. At present, there are more applications of 5G+4K live broadcast.

China Unicom's relevant staff told Zhongxin.com that the 5G mobile phone is only a terminal product of 5G, and the application of 5G network is far from mobile phones.

Miao said recently that "in the future, about 20% of 5G facilities will be used for communication problems between people, and 80% will be used for things and things, things and people, that is, the Internet of Things, especially the mobile Internet of Things. Communication problem."

Students are experiencing 5G. Photo courtesy

For example, in the education industry, China Unicom has recently launched a 5G new technology open class. In order to allow students to better experience the refraction and total reflection of light, students can wear VR glasses to experience the mirage.

Hubei Liantong education informatization expert Li Yuzhao explained that the holographic projection portrait has higher requirements for the network speed than the HD video live broadcast. The 5G network speed is 10 times faster than the 4G, and the network delay of the holographic projection video is less than 5 milliseconds. Only by entering the 5G era can video tools truly achieve vivid holographic projection.

At the 2019 Shandong 5G Industry Summit held recently, 21 sets of 5G application booths based on 17 scenes were displayed, which fully demonstrated the 5G 5G application directions such as 5G+ artificial intelligence, 5G+ robot, 5G+ virtual reality and 5G+ Internet of Things. (Finish)


Alfrescian (Inf)
Let's see how IOT function in those cities :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
5g chips too sexpensive for iot now. moreover it's an overkill for iot. iot requires only low bandwidth in the mbps range to transmit and receive data for periodic updates and telemetry, much like wireless metering for utilities and sensor alarms for security firms. 4g lte is cumming out with new standards called nb-iot (narrow band iot) where end and guard bands of existing 4g spectrum are used to carry this information. it also has provisions for in-band carriers to carry iot information. alternatively, very much cheaper wi-fi chips can easily be used in iot applications today (me thinks wi-fi will prevail in iot) in almost every appliance and rely on internet broadband with a wi-fi router via cable or fiber to carry the iot info to the cloud. wi-fi iot can also use 4g to carry iot info to the cloud if cable or fiber is not available. home and commercial use of security, baby, and pet video cams today rely on wi-fi together with wired broadband (cable or fiber). nb-iot on 4g can also relay real-time video info, much like how the smartphone does it today, but in-band carriers will have to be used as spectrum is broader for these applications. end and guard band iot applications will primarily be used for telemetry or non-real time data applications, such as optimize fridge temperature depending on what's in fridge, daytime and night lights management, indoor temperature control, remote start-stop recording of tv programs on a tv god box such as roku, etc. moreover, 5g utilizes mostly millimetric bands thus refractive and refractive properties of radio waves in these bands are not conducive for various obstructions and corners indoors. millimetric waves are mostly reflective as they behave like lasers. you'll need 5g repeaters in every room and corner as it can barely penetrate through walls and closed doors. bands for wi-fi and 2g to 4g are best for radio propagation through walls and obstruction due to their refractive and defractive properties. hence 5g needs 3.5 to 4 ghz (lower bands) to complement its millimetric coverage to offer 4g-like services (range, penetration, multi-path, wave bending (refraction and defraction), coverage, reliability, availability, etc.).


With all that powerful bandwidth on mobile... I am still wondering what are the most practical applications that are sooooo damn hungry for bandwidth?


China says, next year 5G will be full swing mainstream system in entire China in place of 4G!


牌照将发 明年两会时5G手机规模上市
2019-03-08 09:48:55 来源: 新京报







5G的到来将会带来一波换机潮。IDC报告预测,至2022年,全球智能手机出货量将有望突破17亿部,2018年对于智能手机来说并不是最好的一年,但从2019年开始,全球智能手机出货量将保持持续增长的态势。IDC认为,背后推动这一市场变化的原因是5G手机的推出。根据IDC的预测,2020年,5G手机的出货量或为智能手机出货量总数的7%(约2.12亿部),直至2022年将占18%。 新京报记者 马婧
■ 访谈
刘多:资费的情况现在还不是很清楚。5G时代,针对不同的业务需求,提供相应服务,我觉得可能会按照用户不同的需求,出现个性化的收费方式。 新京报记者 马婧 实习生 姜仲瑛 许晨阳
■ 访谈
张云勇:5G资费现在还没定,现在说这个还稍微早了一点,也许到下半年时情况会明朗一些,不过肯定不会比4G贵。很多人都关心,5G速度这么快,4G时代可能用10G流量,5G有可能就要用20G流量,从过去的经验来讲,技术进步之后,每个G的单价应该不贵。总之不会像网上传言说的那样,5G太快了,用了一会儿就用掉了一套房子的钱。以后想享受5G服务,一定要更换5G手机,手机卡不需要换,号码也不用换。 新京报记者 侯润芳 马婧 实习生 姜仲瑛

The license will be issued. The 5G mobile phone will be listed at the next two sessions.
2019-03-08 09:48:55 Source: Beijing News
Pay attention to Xinhuanet

Liu Duo

Dean of the National People's Congress, President of China Information and Communication Research Institute

China has organized 5G technology trials since 2015. All major manufacturers and some operators in the world have participated in it to jointly solve key technical problems of commonality and have made important and fundamental contributions to the global 5G development. After the launch of our 5G network deployment, it will be the largest and best quality.

Zhang Yunyong

Member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and President of China Unicom Research Institute

We have been saying that 4G is only a change in network bandwidth. 5G is actually a change in the industry. It will even change the society, create new formats and bring some new employment opportunities.

5G is undoubtedly one of the hot topics of the two sessions. On March 5, Minister of Industry and Information Technology Miao Wei told the media that a 5G license will be issued soon. In 2019, the National People's Congress News Center realized 5G full-service. After the certification, the media can experience the 5G Gigabit Internet speed on the spot.

In 2019, it was called "5G first year". At the just-concluded 2019 Barcelona Communication Exhibition (MWC), OPPO, Xiaomi, Huawei, ZTE and other companies all released their own 5G mobile phones. Recently, Beijing Mobile announced that it plans to fully cover 5G signals in the Fifth Ring before the end of the year. Accelerating the pace of 5G commercialization is one of the key contents of economic work in 2019. Behind this, operators need to accelerate the deployment of 5G networks, and mobile phone manufacturers need to vigorously promote the rapid popularization of 5G terminals.

Zhang Yunyong, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and president of the China Unicom Research Institute, said, "Everyone must care about when we will use it. In the second half of the year, 5G mobile phones will be sporadically listed, and large-scale will wait until next year."

A number of representatives recommended to speed up 5G commercial

Although a number of 5G mobile phones have been released on the 2019MWC, the 5G is truly commercial, depending on the coverage of the 5G signal network. Ma Huateng, deputy to the National People's Congress and chairman and CEO of Tencent, recommended that the information infrastructure be vigorously promoted, the development foundation of the industrial Internet should be strengthened, and the full commercial deployment of 5G and IPv6 should be accelerated.

In addition to meeting the needs of personal mobile communication, 5G also needs to meet the industrial application requirements of real-time, reliability and security requirements such as industrial Internet and vehicle networking. Therefore, the service quality requirements of 5G networks are higher and require higher investment.

Li Yanhong, a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and chairman of Baidu, believes that 5G is good for Baidu. Every time a big technology upgrade makes bandwidth faster and cheaper, more things can be done on the Internet.

With the continuous development of 5G standards and technologies, it will enter the second phase of 5G development, and 5G will further penetrate industrial IoT applications and private enterprise networks. The National People's Congress representative, Xiaomi Group founder, chairman and CEO Lei Jun believes that 5G industry applications should be laid out in advance to promote the innovative integration of 5G and Internet of Things.

Industry insiders told reporters that as of the end of 2018, the three major operators invested a total of about 800 billion to build 4G networks, which is still in a period of continuous investment and has not recovered costs. In February of this year, China Unicom announced that it would expand its 4G network and add 416,000 base stations. Under the influence of factors such as the continuous increase in speed reduction, the 4G investment cost has not been fully recovered, and the unclear 5G profit model, operators are facing greater financial pressure.

However, some insiders said that the problem of large investment amount and unclear profit model will be met when the mobile communication network is updated, but to a different extent. There are some qualitative changes in the 5G network characteristics. For example, delays of tens of milliseconds, mobile bandwidth of more than 500M, and end-to-end service guarantees have not been possible in the past. These changes will lead to a lot of application ideas, especially vertical industry applications, not only efficiency, but also some deep changes in management mode.

5G terminal popularity requires lower prices

In the previous mobile communication network upgrades, mobile phones always lag behind, but the industry generally believes that the 5G mobile phones and 5G network equipment came out at the same time. The price is the "roadblock" in the popularization of 5G terminal equipment. Previously, China Mobile predicted that the price of 5G mobile phones is expected to be above 8,000 yuan in the 5G pre-commercial phase in 2019. By the 2020 commercial stage of 5G scale, the threshold of 5G mobile phones may drop to the level of more than 1,000 yuan.

Shen Yi, vice president of OPPO and president of the China business unit, said on Weibo that consumers should not expect too much from 5G mobile phones. He believes that at present, 5G is more of a manufacturer to demonstrate its own technology and research and development strength. It is for the front end of the industry, and it is aimed at the commercial side. The consumer side will have real value at least two years later.

Li Zhengmao, vice president of China Mobile, said that from the historical experience, terminals are often bottlenecks. The future 5G terminals are not only mobile phones, but also pan-terminals such as AR/VR, robots, and drones. Last year, China launched the “5G Terminal Pioneer Program” and “5G Universal Module Program” with 36 partners around the world to reduce terminal costs, enrich terminal types, and promote the maturity of 5G consumer terminals and industry terminal industries.

According to industry insiders, the communication core of the industry terminal is a 5G module. In the initial promotion process, it will face problems such as small scale, high cost, low profit, and slow effect. Therefore, it is necessary to quickly reduce the cost of 5G modules and accelerate the promotion of 5G industry terminals. Scale development.

The arrival of 5G will bring a wave of change. The IDC report predicts that by 2022, global smartphone shipments are expected to exceed 1.7 billion units. 2018 is not the best year for smartphones, but global smartphone shipments will remain from 2019. The trend of continued growth. IDC believes that the reason behind this market change is the launch of 5G mobile phones. According to IDC's forecast, in 2020, shipments of 5G mobile phones will be 7% of total smartphone shipments (about 212 million units), and will account for 18% by 2022. Beijing News reporter Ma Wei

■ Interview

Liu Duo: 5G scale coverage still needs to “accumulate experience”

There is no 5G temporary license issued in China, and the progress is not backward than in foreign countries; it is better to cover the whole network, usually 2 to 3 years.

Liu Du, deputy of the National People's Congress and president of the China Information and Communication Research Institute, said in an exclusive interview with the Beijing News reporter that 2019 is the first year of 5G, and 5G network equipment and terminals have reached pre-commercial level. China will launch 5G network scale deployment. . Users generally pay attention to when they can actually use 5G. Liu Duo said that after operators obtain temporary licenses, they will build 5G networks in certain urban areas under licenses to achieve scale coverage, and a lot of work needs to be done. These include: accumulating experience in network construction, planning and optimization, working with partners in the 5G ecosystem to optimize equipment and products, and develop and validate 5G typical services and integrated applications. In doing so, it lays the foundation for the follow-up large-scale national deployment, establishes a template, and provides massive testing and optimization for the actual live network environment for 5G terminals, so as to ensure that hundreds of millions of mobile phones will be sold to users in the future. Easy to use.

The Beijing News: 2018 is a crucial year for 5G standard determination and product development. What do you think 2019 means for 5G?

Liu Duo: 2019 is the first year of 5G, and many countries around the world have started or plan to deploy 5G networks. At this year's World Mobile Communications Conference (MWC2019), several mobile phone manufacturers released their 5G mobile phones. In the middle or second half of this year, 5G mobile phones will reach commercial level. Whether it is a 5G network device or a terminal, it has now reached the level of pre-commercial.

The Beijing News: In the history of mobile communications, for the first time, the synchronization of the network and terminals in commercial progress was achieved. What do you think is the problem behind this?

Liu Duo: It can be seen from the back that on the one hand, the global industry wants to seize the 5G opportunity, and 5G will bring high-speed and large-bandwidth experience. These capabilities require mobile terminals to cooperate, and whoever has the first opportunity will occupy the market; On the other hand, China's chip and mobile phone companies' R&D strength has been greatly improved and invested early, which has greatly promoted the simultaneous development of 5G terminals. It can be seen from the release of mobile phones from MWC for Chinese brands, which is a key factor. If the terminal manufacturer and the entire industry chain can develop and layout in accordance with the 5G standard as early as possible, it will help the rapid deployment of 5G.

Beijing News: Many mobile phone manufacturers have indicated that they will be the first to launch 5G mobile phones overseas. Why?

Liu Duo: Mainly because we have not issued a temporary license, so mobile phone manufacturers can't provide mobile phones for which operators. But this is not to say that our 5G progress is behind schedule. 5G is a global industry, a global standard. China has organized 5G technology trials from 2015. All major manufacturers and some operators around the world are involved in it to jointly solve key technical problems of commonality and make important for global 5G development. The basic contribution. China is at the forefront of both network equipment, chips and mobile terminals. I think it is at least in the first camp. After the launch of our 5G network deployment, it will be the largest and the best quality.

Beijing News: During the two sessions, Minister Miao Wei of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology said that the 5G license will be issued soon. After the provision of the temporary license, what stage will the development of 5G enter?

Liu Duo: The license we are talking about now is called a temporary license or a trial commercial license. In the past few years, we have been actively preparing for all aspects of technology, industry, network infrastructure, policy, and supervision. After the operator obtains the temporary license, it can immediately deploy it in different areas according to its own plan. I believe that as long as the 5G network is deployed at the outset, some related users will be able to enjoy these services.

Beijing News: How do you evaluate the current situation of China's 5G trial commercial? Which 5G application scenarios will be the first to be popularized?

Liu Duo: There are three application scenarios in 5G. The first scenario is large bandwidth. Our mobile Internet may have a ten-fold increase in speed. The second is a large connection, such as water meters, electricity meters, gas meters, machinery and equipment, agricultural facilities, home appliances, etc., connected to the Internet through sensors. The third is low latency and high reliability, such as industrial Internet, driverless, telemedicine and so on. In these three scenarios, I personally think that the first thing that can bring intuitive feeling to the people is the large bandwidth.

The Beijing News: When will China be able to achieve large-scale deployment of 5G networks, and what are the difficulties?

Liu Duo: This year, we will start scale deployment and continue to do so. To achieve better coverage of the entire network, it usually takes two to three years. Because such a large network in our country is also the largest in the world, it takes a lot of investment and a long period of time to reach the coverage of 4G.

Beijing News: At the beginning of the launch of 5G services, what level do you think the tariff will be?

Liu Duo: The situation of the tariff is still not very clear. In the 5G era, we provide corresponding services for different business needs. I feel that there may be personalized charging methods according to different needs of users. Beijing News reporter Ma Wei Intern Jiang Zhongyu Xu Chenyang

■ Interview

Zhang Yunyong: 5G network investment will exceed 2 trillion

It is estimated that the density of 5G sites is at least 1.5 times that of 4G, and the investment is about two or three times that of 4G;

On March 3, the opening of the first committee channel of the two sessions in 2019. Zhang Yunyong, a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and the president of the China Unicom Research Institute, said in response to a reporter's question that 5G is indeed "very hot" and that China's 20 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities are conducting network pilots.

On March 6, Zhang Yunyong said in an interview with the Beijing News that due to the higher frequency of 5G use, the density of 5G sites is expected to be at least 1.5 times that of 4G, and the network investment is about two or three times that of 4G, which will exceed 2 trillion yuan. Operators face certain financial pressures. The world is exploring a model to encourage some motivated private enterprises to jointly build and share operations through cooperative sharing. Do not pursue one-step development of the network, give priority to building application scenarios, and demand is particularly strong, and gradually develop.

The Beijing News: Many people are saying that this year is the first year of 5G. What changes will 5G bring?

Zhang Yunyong: 2019 is the 5G first year, but it is not very fast to achieve expectations. Generally, after two or three years of hard work, the network can be gradually optimized, and the terminal industry chain can gradually prosper. Relevant content and applications can keep up. Real end, network, application collaboration. In the 5G era, in addition to the applications we use today, there is more room for imagination and more industrial opportunities.

We have been saying that 4G is only a change in network bandwidth. 5G is actually a change in the industry. It will even change the society, create new formats and bring some new employment opportunities.

Beijing News: Do you think 5G will usher in an outbreak?

Zhang Yunyong: I personally feel that it takes two years. According to past experience, the first year is only the start. After the start of the first year, the industrial chain will take two years to mature. Everyone pays more attention to 5G, especially the government pays special attention to it, and the mature time may be shortened appropriately. However, it must also conform to the basic rules. It is necessary to build a network first, and also to build a terminal and an industrial chain. It may take two years.

The Beijing News: Some analysts said that operators are facing certain financial pressure on the deployment of 5G networks. This year's government work report has proposed speeding up and down. How should operators balance this relationship?

Zhang Yunyong: Due to the higher frequency of 5G, the density of 5G stations is expected to be at least 1.5 times that of 4G, the total number of outdoor base stations is more than 6 million, and the network investment is about two or three times that of 4G, which will exceed 2 trillion yuan. In addition, 4G has been deployed for 5 years but has not fully recovered its investment, which will cause operators to face greater financial pressure when promoting 5G network construction.

The world is exploring a model that encourages some motivated private enterprises to jointly build and share operations through cooperative sharing. I think this is a direction. The second direction is, do not pursue one step in place, first build an application scenario, the demand is particularly strong, and gradually develop. 4G is already a boutique network, and the Internet speed is very fast, which can meet the needs of users. This is done in the world, and China may also develop in these two directions.

Beijing News: China Mobile has predicted that the price of the first batch of 5G terminals will be above 8,000 yuan this year. How do you think you should lower the price of 5G terminals?

Zhang Yunyong: The terminal type in the 5G era is not only a smart phone, but also a variety of industry terminals. Rapidly reducing the cost of 5G modules and accelerating the development of terminal scale in 5G industry will become a problem that needs to be solved to accelerate the 5G commercialization.

In terms of 5G terminals, we can consider promoting operators to develop domestic unified 5G mobile phone standards, guiding terminal manufacturers to develop 5G mobile phone products in accordance with unified mobile phone standards, concentrating valuable R&D resources, accelerating research and development progress, saving R&D investment, and popularizing in the market. Provided to consumers in the process


Super Moderator
moreover, 5g utilizes mostly millimetric bands thus refractive and refractive properties of radio waves in these bands are not conducive for various obstructions and corners indoors. millimetric waves are mostly reflective as they behave like lasers. you'll need 5g repeaters in every room and corner as it can barely penetrate through walls and closed doors. bands for wi-fi and 2g to 4g are best for radio propagation through walls and obstruction due to their refractive and defractive properties. hence 5g needs 3.5 to 4 ghz (lower bands) to complement its millimetric coverage to offer 4g-like services (range, penetration, multi-path, wave bending (refraction and defraction), coverage, reliability, availability, etc.).

Very insightful, thank you for confirming my suspicions on the need for multiple repeaters in indoor areas for iot using 5G :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Very insightful, thank you for confirming my suspicions on the need for multiple repeaters in indoor areas for iot using 5G :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
high powered radio waves and radiation can spoil your tantric sex as it can cook your gonads and kill libido.


Super Moderator
high powered radio waves and radiation can spoil your tantric sex as it can cook your gonads and kill libido.

I drive an old manual sedan, drink my kopi-O kosong from the coffee sock... no iot in my bare humble abode... :coffee::coffee::coffee:

Tony Tan

Since people are so scared of signal radiation, HUAT AH! I must go setup a factory in China to make Radiation Shield Underwears + vest etc. HUAT!


Alfrescian (Inf)
I drive an old manual sedan, drink my kopi-O kosong from the coffee sock... no iot in my bare humble abode... :coffee::coffee::coffee:
#me too. don't need appliances to tell me what to eat, how to shit, and when to sleep. tiagong samsung is developing 5g water closet (a.k.a. shithole) to monitor and actuate shitting activities, color and texture of shit, amount of shit, optimal amount of water needed to flush shit, data feed to shithole medical dossier in the cloud in case no shit, too much shit, sticky shit, black shit, white shit, all kinds of shit. all i need to do is look down and check. they have 1g toilet system products today. they also run hotels in sk. and the lifts and escalators are all samsung.


I believe that there is only intense energy radiated when only there is very intensive data over the 5G network with the mobile device. When idle there is next to nothing. Stay furthest possible distance from a cell-site antenna. Stay distance from a 5G device when you know that it is busy with intensive data traffic - like live streaming 4K video, or watching a 4K video.

I think I would be safer if I am not directly hold on the intensive data busy 5G device. How? Use a 5G wifi router hot-spot for example, put it in your bag, install it in your car. Then connect to that 5G hot-spot via wifi to your phone. Keep your bag further away from yourself. Then you get less radiation.

This is not a true 5G wifi hot-spot - there is none found on youtube yet. Expect a whole bunch from Huawei ZTE Oppo Xiomi etc in no time.


Alfrescian (Inf)
China is so progressive and innovative. The West is playing catch up but panting all the way! Long live PRC!