As normal, the comrades will make sure Big turnout, hefty fireworks, colorful attires, you proud of that ???
And then you see a sea of white across the gallery, you sure it’s not a political rally, ka-Ptui!!!
50 years of independence , but singapore has to beg for FTs to shore up sinkapore, rely heavily on FTs, independence ??? Hahahahaha…..
Sing this ----50 years of BOGUS INDEPENDENCE !
Proud to be local Singaporeans or to be new citizens?
Better go JB on 9 August to celebrate your own national day.
Another thing, high time for national anthem to be globalised ????
One more thing, the NDP rally speech will remind you the same story---FTs are here to help you create jobs , PTUI !!!! PTUI !!!! Divine retribtuion will come !!!