Singaporeans are lousy migrants. They expect their new host nation to be a "mini Singapore" when they migrate there. Then, they found out that it is not like Singapore and move back.
what do u do? never try u never know
Singaporeans are lousy migrants. They expect their new host nation to be a "mini Singapore" when they migrate there. Then, they found out that it is not like Singapore and move back.
Spot on ! My wifey took 4 yrs to adapt to the new world, such as the ability to push the wheelie bin to the footpath.. but she has yet to master the art of gardening :( I need to give her another 10yrs for that !
Agreed on your post. But, migrating is not an option out. When you are young, move to a new country. I won't call it migrate. But when you hit mid 30s, stay in your own country. Routine, friends and family make us happy. So we should never thinking of relocating to another country.
what do u do? never try u never know
I migrated in my early 30s. A lot if my friends said the same thing. Won't find a job, discrimination bla blah. That was 3 years ago. Now I get calls from some of them asking how to migrate. Family friends play a big part. How much you are tied to the country. What I find is if you are cash up back home you won't migrate. Even if you do. Apply for it, you would have stayed in the country.
really? i avoid talking to my mother as much as possible. she drives me nuts. you guys must love chiou chee bye a lot more than i do.
I am not discouraging people from migrating, but one must have realistic expectation that your new home is not going to be like Singapore, which many Singaporeans cannot forgo.
Just a thought to share with everyone. Migrating is not an easy option out and it gets harder u r a lot older
Emigrating in general is not easy but emigrating to get out of that shithole called "Sinkiepoor" is very, very easy. You're pretty much better off no matter where you end up.
I should say it all depends on individuals. But people who want to emigrate, they should be prepared to go through hardships.
It's nothing compared to the hardships faced by those who are stuck in Singapore with 5 million other obnoxious sinkies and foreigners.
Emigrating in general is not easy but emigrating to get out of that shithole called "Sinkiepoor" is very, very easy. You're pretty much better off no matter where you end up.
Singapore sure is a good place if you are rich and well-connected.
Just a thought to share with everyone. Migrating is not an easy option out and it gets harder u r a lot older
Singapore sure is a good place if you are rich and well-connected.
If you r rich and well connected any place would be a good place not just Singapore.
Singapore sure is a good place if you are rich and well-connected.
Yes it will be harder. But it is better to die trying than to die without any trial. Study and research on the country you want to migrate to first, then make the final decision.
Singapore is definitely better because of the lower taxes and the fact that you can just fire locals to bring in cheaper foreigners without having to explain or account for it. I cannot find another nation that allows the same.
The rich don't have to live in Singapore. All they need to do is list Singapore as their primary abode for tax purposes. That's what I do to take advantage of the low income tax regime.