Hi Mr. Ea..e. How's life in turbulent San Francisco with its badly shaken up IT industries, employability, high property rents for home & biz in the face of Generative Artificial Intelligence today? Consider returning home to Singapore & build up your wealth & KNOWLEDGE with your experiences learnt in USA, & create more jobs for fellow citizens, as well as have compassion & MORE understanding on those living here, as locals or foreigners than you could comprehend half a world away?
Sadly, as a citizen living here in Singapore, I would have to disagree with your post.
1. Do not blame ICA for allowing fellow Humanity into Singapore. Singapore is a Rule of Law Nation, & derives a substantial percentage of its economy from tourism. To do as you proclaimed, would be profiling INNOCENT Humans & against Womanhood. ALL HUMAN are proven innocent till proven guilty. Worse, with profiling, it may end up Changi Airport should just simply close down & allow NO foreigner into Singapore, & destroy our economic & social expenditure aims for each citizen.
2. Human Trafficking is indeed despicable, & the insignificant nobody me agrees fully with you. However, there is a DIFFERENCE between being forced or being Willing to perform a role, to earn a living.
I had the privilege to sit down with those ladies, talked to them & found out their motivations. Many of them are decent women but forced by circumstances such as real hardship from their agrarian society,- low pay, weather concerns such as cyclones or heatwaves, limited ability by governance, etc, had little choice but to turn to such means to earn a living to SURVIVE, not just for them but for their family & loved ones..
It is not something that I alone can help them from such desperate issues in life. I can help, but I can't help all. Some of our elderly would have relationships issues in their life. Such occasions meeting & talking to those ladies, are only TRANSACTIONAL. Our elderly too have needs, to remain Human & for sure they are NOT robots, & thus their participation in such occasions. So long as the golden rule of life is observed - to hurt no one & not be hurt by anyone - live & let live, in peace...
My sincere apologies, but no offence was intended to you or anyone.