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Serious 5 Star hotel Sinkie chef Suddenly dead at 35!


i dunno what is the purposes of these genetic jabs.
Huat for Sg GDP with pifzer plants. Free test subjects, continued yearly jab translating to fixed sales. Govt spendings funded by GST. Eco system for wealth transfer. Don't forget temasek shareholders:smile:


Trust moi...that vaccine dun work
I tio after 5th week of my 3rd dose
It helps to reduce serious infection to cold symptoms. Globetards and sheeple believe such logical fallacy.

The “science” that globetards and sheeple preaches are theory, they believe it and can never be proven using scientific methods
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He's wife looks delicious from the back view. And the good news is that she's now available again for new cocks to fuck. When one door closes, another one opens.