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5 girl students jailed for torturing their classmate


Admiral Piett


5 girl students jailed for torturing their classmate

By Zhang Xuanchen | 2011-4-1

FIVE female junior college students in Beijing received sentences from 10 months to one year in jail for beating their classmate, forcing her to eat paper and taking her nude photos in revenge for breaking a promise.

The five convicts pled guilty and said they felt sorry for what they had done to a 15-year-old girl last September, Beijing Times reported today. The Fangshan District People's Court didn't reveal their names.

The girl called Student A to teach her boyfriend a lesson after they had an ugly quarrel. But when Student A summoned four friends as support, the girl got nervous and said she regretted and wanted to cancel the action.

Her change made Student A feel being fooled and the five students were further infuriated after the girl declined to buy them a meal for apology. So they blocked her in the dorm room and began slapping her.

Student A thought of a revenge scene she saw in a TV drama and asked the girl to eat a piece of paper stained with her nose blood and took off her clothes, ordering her to pose in front of a mobile phone camera.

The five students were arrested after the victim called her uncle for help. Her uncle then called the police.
