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42岁卓耀伟报复前公司 用铁锤砸碎副总裁轿车挡风玻璃


【法庭】男子报复前公司 用铁锤砸碎副总裁轿车挡风玻璃



Man retaliates against former company for smashing vice president car windshield with hammer

The defendant, 42-year-old Zhuo Yiu-wai, faces eight charges, including reckless conduct endangering the safety of others, conflict with the Prevention of Harassment Act, and corrosive and explosive objects and assault weapons Act.
The case shows that the defendant worked as a senior engineer at a company in 2019 and was fired the following April.
The defendant later blamed the former company for the unsatisfactory and bad luck that occurred to him, so he decided to retaliate.
The defendant smashed the rear windshield of the former company's vice president's car with two hammers at noon on December 6 last year.
After receiving the report, the police summoned the defendant to the police station to assist in the investigation, how the defendant actually brought Swiss knives, telescopic sticks and hammers to the police station.
The court revealed that the defendant suffered from victim delusion, he pleaded guilty yesterday, and the case will be handed down on the 16th of next month.