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So you trust a pseudo-articles as sources without academic source? is about as lame as Black people claiming how they created all the civilizations in the world and ruled the world -------> http://realhistoryww.com/
I have respect for you Hakka, we are both descendants of Han. But you Jews of Asia ? last time I checked Jews have won more than 200 science nobel prize with 150 world boxing champions. Hakka have 0 boxing world champions and 0 nobel prize winners. You can claim that. Exaggerated article and wikipedia that once claim you have signficant influence of world history is now changed to chinese history.
Deng Xiaoping never said he was Hakka. There's no knowledge, if you go to Baidu Chinese page they don't even list Deng as among the list of Hakka people.
Corazon Aquino, is only just a article rumor. He isn't listed as Hakka in neither Baidu or wikipedia.
Do you have Cantonese cultural hubs like Hong Kong, Macau. I mean if you're so damn superior don't you have the luck and privileged of Cantonese people. Why are you Hakka cities ranked only in the no.80 and no.90 among the wealthiest.
Yes Yes Yes..... Hakka genes make them formidable.
That's why Hakka people were ruled 50 years by Japanese in Taiwan
That's why Hakka were ruled 156 years by British in Hong Kong
That's why KMT of Wu Chinese ruled Taiwan 40 years and oppressed your Hakka people/language ( this include Hokkien people/language )
That's why Hakka escaped to Southern China from all the invasion, you were also ruled by Mongols and Manchus for 400 years, so what make you so special ?
Even your Taiping rebellion lasted for only 14 years , showing that you're not capable of creating a empire and really showing you're also just a piece of shit Southern Chinese with many limits.
If you Hakka people can show you once created a Hakka empire that ruled from East Asia, Southeast Asia, Central Asia. Than yes you Hakka are superior otherwise I'm not impressed.
hahahahha. That's why I said you should stop spouting nonsense and check your facts before you speak and post, your post is all nonsense and full of crap.
Just to prove my point, you state in your posts "Corazon Aquino is only ..... He isn't listed as Hakka in neither Baidu or wikipedia." . You can even get a simple fact right. Corazon aquino is a FEMALE and former president of phillipines. Hahahhah. huge faux pas. and this is just the beginning of your posts full of errors, shits and illogical arguments, you can even get simple facts like the sex correct, no point talking about dialects and race, nobel prizes etc hahhahahaha. ROTFLOL,
why talk about jews nobel prizes.the nobel prizes is for the english speaking world and major scientific publications in english. Do you know they do not consider most publications in other language??? that's why no russians and japanese discoveries published in native cyrillic or kanji were awarded as 99% of all japanese science are published in kanji!!!! go to tokyo universities and see for yourself. , If the Chinese were to create a seperate equivallent of nobel prize for scientific achievements published in Chinese, I am sure 90% of the awards would go to chinese. warped stupid logic. what about paper invention, fireworks, printing, seismograph, compass etc? all discovered by chinese in China. the jews nobel prizes were all mainly won overseas in USA NOT in israel . they were won using USA research funds and infrastucture. even the chinese physicists like samuel ting and yang CN won thier prizes in the 1950s with american collaboration and even then there were so few chinese research scoentists in USA then . By pro rata(hope you understand what this means), the Chinese impact would be greater than the jews!!!!!
The articles I cited was published by an amrican white professer of history in an american university citing facts, whereas you can only spout nonsense. try to do better please... do n't insult my and his intelligence. he is a caucasian /white professor of history and definitely knows more about chinese culture and history than a chinese like you . How shameful!!!! hahahahahah
Like I said don't post subjective or dubious "facts" which you cannot verify or referenced. If this is in the real world , all knowledgeable and respected scholars would give you a F(for fail or farkingly stupid) grade. you don't even know what is cross referencing and you want to talk about Nobel prizes??? Don't make my toe laugh.why talk about taiwan being ruled japanese is the fault of hakkas when 95% of the Taiwanese are hokkiens and likewise 90% of the Honkies are cantonese when HK was being ruled by the British. If that is the case , it actually reflects on the incompetencies and stupidities /cowardice of the Cantonese(in HK) and hokkiens(in Taiwan) stupid, NOT Hakkas. I really cannot fathom your logic but now knows why cantonese and hokkiens like you make poor politicians as you do not even possess simple logic and cannot present simple logical arguments. hahahhha
by the way this is not an empty boast. you can look up my past posts and all the long time forummers here know about my credubility and I hold at least 8 post grad qualifications and have travelled round the world and have billionaires and top politicians as acquaintances.
By inferences the China empire today is actually due to the collective work of the Hakkas esp Sun yat sen and Deng Xiao Ping. even the white author Mary S. Erbaugh acknowledged this fact and called it the "The Chinese Revolution as a Hakka Enterprise" . even she said the Hakkas were very formidable and another western historian even went as far as to say the Hakkas saved China!!!!!
This is not some fly by night newspaper article but an academic treatise by two independent white academics in USA(so definitely not biased). there are many more such articles about the Hakkas saving the china sovereignity in the library.
the cantonese and hokkiens on the other hand were sleeping or whoring away!!!!
so go eat your heart out,
Read these reference first as proof:
https://www.pdx.edu/intl/sites/www.pdx.edu.intl/files/Erbaugh Secret History of Hakkas CQ (2).pdf
as for the hokkiens and cantonese achievements??? what is there to boast. show me some independent academic from a western university praising the hokkiens or cantonese. I can't find any. because there is absolutely NOTHING great to boast or write about them. Nothing. Zilch.
until you can show me these proofs all your whining is just pathetic attempts of trying to promote the cantonese at a better light .
HK and Macau as a cultural hub??? please don't insult the mainland Chinese. Macau is world fanous as a casino and gambling money laundering hub festered with low class triads. what culture is there?
same for HK. nobody goes to HK to see their art musuems or plays. more like for decadent shopping and finding social escorts in club volvo. or bboss later. culture????hahhah unless you call triad members with crude language as cultured people. even thier so called high society people there are very crude, snobbish and lack class talking about money all the time and know nothing about world affairs. your posts about HK and Macau just show a frog in well mentality but it is a good joke. hahahah
why? because everybody knows the cantonese are know to be extremely selfish and only interested in money(that why HK end in british rule and Xi is screwing them and they cannot do anything as they are useless and selfish), the hokkiens are stupid and low class genes from fujian( LKY once told Deng indirectly why China would do far greater tahn singapore is because the hokkiens are of lower gene stock) . The Manchus are good at killing and smoking opium that why China was humilated by all the french, british, spanish and USA concessions in shanghai(go read your history). the shanghainese are greedy shylocks and not interested in patriotic pursuits. The manchus are known betrayers. ask how they end up being called manchuko and colonised by the Japanese. after years of humilation due to incompetencies of the manchus and shanghainese it takes Sun yat sen and Deng to salvage the chinese pride again. all these facts you conveneiently ignore or forget(maybe due to your puny brain). even the western academics are more patriotic and acknowledged this fact unlike traitors like you. hahahhahah
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