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$35 for 2 bowls of BKT in Singapore...do u think these Tiong CCP people tio chumcaitao?


Go supermarket and get the BKT packet spices and go market to buy pork ribs and boil your own BKT soup. Tasted just like the ones at Song Fa if not better. I have tried cooking that before.

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
Go and see the queues at the Song Fa BKT daily…..full of Tiong tourists going to punch cards. The queue so damn long even the rival founder/legend opened nearby hoping to do some of its spillover business.

I doubt the Tiongs care about the taste they just want to take photos there to upload social media it’s like a must visit tourist attraction


Alfrescian (Inf)
These 富二代 chinks find it pricey? I think it doesn't matter to them as long as they have "punched card" and show off their photo achievements on social media.

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
These Tiongs tourists go travel like squeeze in max locations in minimum time. They got a list and just want to take photos above all else.

Scrooball (clone)

Should have gone to Song Fa Bak Kut Teh la.


Alfrescian (Inf)
i think in my 50 years on earth..............i eat BKT less than 5 times..............no like leh..............even though i like herbal soups

Ah Max

Go supermarket and get the BKT packet spices and go market to buy pork ribs and boil your own BKT soup. Tasted just like the ones at Song Fa if not better. I have tried cooking that before.

agreed. my indon maid makes ze best bkt but no prime rib no talk. :biggrin: