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33 billion selloff in Malaysia stock market in less than two months


Stupid gin with poor judgment invest in Malaysia then come and kpkb about Malaysians.
Ccb Malaysian son of whore don’t conflate crime and investment to dismiss your filthy crimes stealing slandering and harassing me!


I have a feeling if they don't get their act together and fix the country fast, once the Najib excitement has subsided there will be more shit stirring with Singapore and China to keep up the distraction.

China has more than enough clout and experience to dispatch them pronto, but we will be stuck with never ending dramas.


Alfrescian (Inf)
I have a feeling if they don't get their act together and fix the country fast, once the Najib excitement has subsided there will be more shit stirring with Singapore and China to keep up the distraction.

China has more than enough clout and experience to dispatch them pronto, but we will be stuck with never ending dramas.

So, it is Sinkapore's interest to help out, like agreeing to pay more for raw water?


No use lah change government only all hell break loose! My maybank dropped from rm11 to below rm9!


Alfrescian (Inf)
Maybank should be a good msian company,now it's on great Malaysian sale discount,time to hoot more shares!!!!

Anyone know how to buy msian stock?