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33 billion selloff in Malaysia stock market in less than two months


No thanks to big mouth mudland new government that did nothing useful except crash the stock market!

Malaysia’s Stocks Selloff Has Investors Sniffing for Bargains
Livia Yap
July 4, 2018, 5:00 PM EDTUpdated on July 4, 2018, 10:36 PM EDT
  • Country’s stock market capitalization down $33b since election
  • Good opportunity to get back into growth proxies: Nikko Asset

Photographer: Sanjit Das/Bloomberg
A $33 billion selloff in Malaysian stocks since Mahathir Mohamad’s election has got Nikko Asset Management on the hunt for bargains.
Some of the nation’s banks, consumer and healthcare shares have now fallen to attractive levels, according to Kenneth Tang, a fund manager at the $220 billion Japanese investor. Risks over rising interest rates and a global trade war have also been discounted by the recent selling, he added.
“Companies that we have always wanted to own and felt that valuations were the only issue are now coming back in our favor,” Tang said in a recent telephone interview. “This is a good opportunity to get back into some of these growth proxies.”


No thanks to big mouth mudland new government that did nothing useful except crash the stock market!

Malaysia’s Stocks Selloff Has Investors Sniffing for Bargains
Livia Yap
July 4, 2018, 5:00 PM EDTUpdated on July 4, 2018, 10:36 PM EDT
  • Country’s stock market capitalization down $33b since election
  • Good opportunity to get back into growth proxies: Nikko Asset

Photographer: Sanjit Das/Bloomberg
A $33 billion selloff in Malaysian stocks since Mahathir Mohamad’s election has got Nikko Asset Management on the hunt for bargains.
Some of the nation’s banks, consumer and healthcare shares have now fallen to attractive levels, according to Kenneth Tang, a fund manager at the $220 billion Japanese investor. Risks over rising interest rates and a global trade war have also been discounted by the recent selling, he added.
“Companies that we have always wanted to own and felt that valuations were the only issue are now coming back in our favor,” Tang said in a recent telephone interview. “This is a good opportunity to get back into some of these growth proxies.”
Lost 33 billions made how many billions from canceling contract, 1mdb and collecting donations?


Lost 33 billions made how many billions from canceling contract, 1mdb and collecting donations?
So much trouble on 1mdb why don’t forgive and forget like what mudlander bastards expected me to do so for their filthy crimes on me? Proven Malaysians


UMNO council members should run road. Sell everything and hide their money overseas.


So much trouble on 1mdb why don’t forgive and forget like what mudlander bastards expected me to do so for their filthy crimes on me? Proven Malaysians

My handphone hang multiple times when I tried to type in Chinese. Looks like this platform is worse than before, can’t even post first then edit. Anyway proven Malaysians are hypocrites when they Steal from me they expect me to forgive and forget but when others steal from them cannot forgive and forget even when they already won!


My handphone hang multiple times when I tried to type in Chinese. Looks like this platform is worse than before, can’t even post first then edit. Anyway proven Malaysians are hypocrites when they Steal from me they expect me to forgive and forget but when others steal from them cannot forgive and forget even when they already won!
Forgive and forget najib lah Malaysians, you already won, what else you want?


KNN tiu lei deep deep again. want to invest and want to kpkb .you are not shameful of your disgusting horny bitch act KNN


KNN tiu lei deep deep again. want to invest and want to kpkb .you are not shameful of your disgusting horny bitch act KNN
Malaysian Cantonese slut call me horny bitch base on hot air. That’s how evil and shameless Malaysians are!


Sniffing for bargains?!

Are these investors insane? U wanna invest in stocks with a country headed by an asshole who doesn't give a shit about contracts and regulations?!
Yes I totally agree to STOP all Malaysian investment to punish these evil bastards harming and trampling foreigners like me with malicious lies and their Malaysia boleh pride!


Najib already lost what else you want from him Malaysians? You want to hang him?
Hey Malaysian bastards that have been trampling me non stop calling me evil spirit for talking about injustice, go practice what you preach about forgiving and forgetting and stop bitching on najib like evil spirit! He already lost! You already got justice compared to me!


Alfrescian (Inf)
I am all in Mudland ...that country has the resources, good infrastructure compared to most countries in the region, educated workforce ...the long term prospect is good.


I am all in Mudland ...that country has the resources, good infrastructure compared to most countries in the region, educated workforce ...the long term prospect is good.
No use lah change government only all hell break loose! My maybank dropped from rm11 to below rm9!