Malaysian Chinese dogs open mouth only all malicious lies of me. ALWAYS.Ginfreely old prostitute, dry pussy, big nipples, ugly slut, tries hard to get fucked. All the way to india, this slut.
Your mother cb is like that Malaysian dog!Always your cheebye.
Take a look at your cheebye, is there a broomstick inside?
@Valium dog I am a virgin so every sentence you said here will guarantee you a slap in hell! Pui your Malaysian whore mother wife daughters phua cb! They will be gang raped no thanks to your devious act. Just watch!
Take my virginity test challenge if not no talk of hymen. Pui coward liar from Malaysian slut family!No hymen no talk. Stop bluffing you cock loving slut.
I'm surprised you are not aware of:I just googled Joan of arc.
Do you expect angmoh that loves Chinese culture to know everything about chinese culture? No of course not. So what’s the problem again? I love whatever I know of French culture and never claim to know all about of them. You sure malicious dog out to create something out of nothing.I'm surprised you are not aware of:
one of France's most famous Saints, even though you say that you "love French culture":
Do you expect angmoh that loves Chinese culture to know everything about chinese culture? No of course not. So what’s the problem again? I love whatever I know of French culture and never claim to know all about of them. You sure malicious dog out to create something out of nothing.
The problem is that you love well below 100% (maybe even less than 1%) of French culture, but when you say you "love French culture", you are implying you love (and, therefore, know, since you cannot love what you don't know) 100% of French culture or at least 100% of mainstream French culture, which certainly includes Joan of Arc, who is not only one of France's most famous saints, she is even one of France's:So what’s the problem again? I love whatever I know of French culture and never claim to know all about of them.
Another big fat lie when that was the title of the thread about social injustice aspect of French culture that I love. I never imply anything else. You are casting aspersions on my character out of nothing as usual.The problem is that you love well below 100% (maybe even less than 1%) of French culture, but when you say you "love French culture", you are implying you love (and, therefore, know, since you cannot love what you don't know) 100% of French culture or at least 100% of mainstream French culture, which certainly includes Joan of Arc, who is not only one of France's most famous saints, she is even one of France's:
Your Malaysian mother wife daughters are sluts for sure. Not me, you are proven coward that dare not take up my virginity test challenge and yet open your toilet mouth non stop.A French wannabe slut like you would know Maison de Putain.