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美眾院表決通過彈劾川普2項條文送參院審理 美國史上總統第三人
43.9k 人追蹤
2019年12月19日 上午9:32
美國聯邦眾議院今天先後以過半數票數230:197、229:198,表決通過指控川普「濫用職權」及「妨礙國會調查」兩項彈劾條文,川普成為美國歷史上繼1868年約翰遜(Andrew Johnson)和1998年柯林頓(Bill Clinton)之後,第3位遭到彈劾的總統。眾院通過彈劾案後,接下來將由參議院來審理,決定川普是否下台。共和黨居優勢的參院判決罷黜川普機會甚微。
民主黨指控川普濫權扣住對烏克蘭軍事援助,想施壓烏克蘭對民主黨前副總統拜登(Joe Biden)展開貪腐調查,因為拜登可能在2020年總統大選成為川普的對手。川普也被控妨礙國會對這項醜聞的調查。
川普的私人律師朱利安尼(Rudy Giuliani)上福斯新聞頻道(Fox News),指控前副總統拜登(Joe Biden)施壓烏克蘭當局開除一名檢察官。這名檢官當時正在調查與拜登兒子韓特(Hunter Biden)有關的一家公司。
傳川普今與烏克蘭總統澤倫斯基(Volodymyr Zelensky)通話前至少一週,曾指示白宮代理幕僚長穆瓦尼(Mick Mulvaney)扣住應給予烏克蘭的近4億美元軍事援助。
據稱美國駐歐盟大使桑德蘭(Gordon Sondland)、駐烏克蘭特使佛克爾(Kurt Volker)就如何確認川普的要求調查方向,為澤倫斯基提供建議。
美國聯邦眾議院議長裴洛西(Nancy Pelosi)宣布啟動彈劾調查。
這兩天陸續公布的證詞顯示,5月被拔官的前美國駐烏克蘭大使尤凡諾維契(Marie Yovanovitch)告訴眾院調查人員,她曾被逼推文挺川普來保住飯碗。尤凡諾維契又說,川普7月25日與澤倫斯基通話時說她「會經歷一些事」,令她感覺受到威脅。
前國務卿高級顧問麥金里(Michael McKinley)也說,保守派媒體和川普親信抨擊尤凡諾維契時,國務院默不作聲,令他擔心海外大使變成川普推動國內政治目標的工具。
國會舉行首場公開聽證會,現任駐烏克蘭代理大使泰勒(William Tylor)和負責烏克蘭事務的國務院副助理國務卿肯特(George Kent)出席作證。
桑德蘭還宣稱川普政府施壓烏克蘭,高層人人有份。例如國務卿蓬佩奧(Mike Pompeo)除施壓烏克蘭調查,並指示外交官們與朱利安尼協同行動;副總統彭斯(Mike Pence)知道這些事情。這是蓬佩奧與彭斯首度被捲入醜聞。
眾議院全院表決,結果以票對票通過川普彈劾案,川普成為美國歷史上繼1868年約翰遜(Andrew Johnson)和1998年柯林頓(Bill Clinton)之後,第3位遭到彈劾的總統。眾院通過彈劾案後,接下來將由參議院來審理,決定川普是否下台。
美眾院通過彈劾 一次看懂川普兩項罪名
彈劾表決逼近 政府官員忙下鄉轉移焦點
川普同黨盟友拿他比耶穌 網路熱議
川普轟民主黨政變 裴洛西回噁心
抗議群眾齊聚紐約街頭 高呼彈劾川普
The US House of Representatives voted to impeach two articles of impeachment to the Senate for trial
[Yahoo 奇摩 (Live News)]
Yahoo Qimo (Instant News)
December 19, 2019 at 9:32 am
An error occurred
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The U.S. House of Representatives today voted with more than half of the votes: 230: 197, 229: 198, and passed two impeachment clauses accusing Trump of "abuse of power" and "hindering Congressional investigations." Johnson and Bill Clinton in 1998, the third president to be impeached. After the House of Representatives has passed the impeachment case, the Senate will next decide whether Trump will step down. The Republican dominates the Senate's ruling, giving Trump a small chance.
On the 18th, the U.S. House of Representatives voted to pass impeachment provisions accusing Trump of "abuse of power", making Trump the third-ever impeached US president. (Photo)
Reuters reported that the Federal House of Representatives passed the first clause on abuse of power in 230 to 197, and Republicans in the House of Representatives voted against it. All but two Democrats voted in favor.
Then, the House of Representatives voted 229 against 198. All Republicans voted against the impeachment clause accusing Trump of impeding Congressional investigations. All Democrats voted in favour of it except three.
The Democrats have accused Trump of abuse of power to withhold military assistance to Ukraine, and want to pressure Ukraine to launch a corruption probe into former Democratic vice president Joe Biden, because Biden may become Trump's opponent in the 2020 presidential election. Trump has also been charged with impeding Congress's investigation into the scandal.
Trump once again denied wrongdoing today, dismissing the allegations as "horrifying lies".
After Trump was revealed this summer that he suspected of asking Ukrainian President Zelensky to investigate possible scandals involving political opponent Biden, Congress began to review his actions, and today he has become the third US president to be impeached. Here are the origins and progress of the impeachment investigation:
● April 7
Trump's personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, went to Fox News and accused former vice president Joe Biden of pressuring Ukrainian authorities to fire a prosecutor. The prosecutor was investigating a company related to Biden's son, Hunter Biden.
● June 13
Trump said on an ABC television channel that he would accept information from political opponents provided by foreign governments.
● July 25
Trump is reported to have spoken to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky at least a week before instructing White House Acting Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney to withhold nearly $ 400 million in military assistance due to Ukraine.
The text record of the call released on September 24 showed that Trump asked Zelensky for help during the call on July 25, and hoped that Zelensky would pay attention to investigating Hanter's commercial transactions.
● July 26
Gordon Sondland, U.S. ambassador to the European Union and Kurt Volker, special envoy to Ukraine, are said to have advised Zelensky on how to confirm the direction of Trump's request for investigation.
● Early August
Giuliani met with a senior assistant to Zelensky in the Spanish capital Madrid to encourage the Ukrainian government to investigate Khanty.
● September 9
US Inspector General of Intelligence has informed Congress of a whistler to report Trump's actions. Three House Committees on Foreign Affairs, Intelligence and Supervision have begun investigating whether Trump has used his position for political gain.
● September 11
The White House released military aid to Ukraine.
● September 22
Trump confessed that he did mention the allegations of corruption facing Biden when he spoke with Zelensky.
● September 24
The U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi has announced an impeachment investigation.
● October 31
After a month of obtaining evidence, the House of Representatives voted to hold a public hearing. Only two Democrats did not support it, and Republican lawmakers vetoed it almost without objection.
This vote allows the House of Representatives to accumulate a complete set of public evidence. This evidence is crucial if the House of Representatives must eventually vote on the formal impeachment clause.
● November 4-5
Testimonies released over the past two days indicate that Marie Yovanovitch, the former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, who was removed from office in May, told investigators in the House that she had been tweeted to support Trump. Juvanovic also said that when Trump spoke to Zelensky on July 25, saying that she "would go through some things," she felt threatened.
Former Secretary of State Senior Adviser Michael McKinley also said that when conservative media and Trump's cronies attacked Juvanovic, the State Department remained silent, raising concerns that overseas ambassadors would become Trump's tools to advance domestic political goals.
Sunderland also reconciled to House investigators and acknowledged that the White House had previously frozen nearly $ 400 million in aid to Ukraine, related to the Trump administration's desire to pressure Ukraine to investigate Biden.
● November 13
Congress held its first public hearing, with William Tylor, currently acting ambassador to Ukraine, and George Kent, deputy assistant secretary of state for Ukraine, testifying.
Taylor said his assistant had heard Trump and Sunderland talk on July 26. Trump asked Ukraine about Biden's investigation that day, and Sunderland responded that Ukraine was ready to proceed. In this regard, Trump said that he was unfamiliar with Sunderland, and also confirmed that Trump did carry out investigations of political opponents against other governments.
The assistant also told Taylor that Sunderland believed that the person who led the investigation of Biden was Giuliani. Both Taylor and Kent expressed concern about Giuliani's involvement in foreign affairs.
But Republican lawmakers questioned that Taylor and Kent had never contacted Trump directly, and that their testimony came from second-hand information and was speculative.
● November 20
Sunderland said at a public hearing that Trump understandably ordered diplomats to seek an "exchange condition" with Ukraine, and urged Ukraine to cooperate with Giuliani's request to conduct two investigations in exchange for the leaders of the two countries to hold a summit at the White House. Sunderland also said that he "followed the President's order."
In addition to asking the Kiev authorities to publicly announce that they would investigate Biden's son as a director, Giuliani also asked Zelensky to investigate a widely-conceivable conspiracy theory that Ukraine had implanted evidence in Democratic servers and stolen Russia. Intervention in the 2016 US election.
Sunderland also said that with regard to why the White House withheld aid to Ukraine, he "later believed" that it was also related to an investigation requested by Trump.
Sunderland also claimed that the Trump administration pressured Ukraine and everyone at the top was involved. For example, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo pressured the Ukrainian investigation and instructed diplomats to cooperate with Giuliani; Vice President Mike Pence was aware of these things. This is the first time Pompeo and Pence have been involved in a scandal.
● December 3
The House Intelligence Committee approved the impeachment report on Trump, which will form the basis of formal impeachment allegations. The report details Trump's request for foreign intervention to undermine national security, undermine national security, and orders to impede Congressional investigations, including refusing high-level advisers to provide documents and testimony, attempts to block officials from testifying, and intimidating witnesses.
● December 4
The Judiciary Committee of the House of Representatives held a hearing to consider drafting the impeachment clause. Three constitutional scholars said at the meeting that Trump's seeking foreign interference in the US elections had constituted an impeachment crime. But the fourth constitutional scholar believes that the evidence that Trump has committed felony and misdemeanor is "extremely inadequate."
● December 5
Pelosi announced that the House of Representatives will begin drafting articles to impeach Trump.
● December 10
House Democrats have charged Trump with two counts of impeachment: abuse of power and obstruction of Congressional investigations.
Democrats have accused Trump of withdrawing security aid to Ukraine from Congress, and a possible meeting with the White House to induce the Ukrainian president to investigate Biden, which constitutes abuse of power; Trump is trying to prevent Congress from investigating itself fully This act also infringed on the constitutional express power of the Congress's supervisory executive branch.
● December 13
The House Judiciary Committee approved 23 counts of 17 charges against Trump's abuse of power and obstructing Congressional investigations. The impeachment clause will be sent to the House of Representatives for a full house vote.
● December 18
The House of Representatives voted and voted against Trump's impeachment case. Trump became the third president in American history to be impeached after Andrew Johnson in 1868 and Bill Clinton in 1998. . After the House of Representatives has passed the impeachment case, the Senate will next decide whether Trump will step down.
More related news
US House of Representatives understands Trump's two charges at once through impeachment
Impeachment vote draws close, government officials busy going to countryside to shift focus
Trump's allies call him better than Jesus
Trump blasts Democrat coup, Pelosi returns sick
Protesters gather on New York streets and shout for Trump
美眾院表決通過彈劾川普2項條文送參院審理 美國史上總統第三人
43.9k 人追蹤
2019年12月19日 上午9:32
美國聯邦眾議院今天先後以過半數票數230:197、229:198,表決通過指控川普「濫用職權」及「妨礙國會調查」兩項彈劾條文,川普成為美國歷史上繼1868年約翰遜(Andrew Johnson)和1998年柯林頓(Bill Clinton)之後,第3位遭到彈劾的總統。眾院通過彈劾案後,接下來將由參議院來審理,決定川普是否下台。共和黨居優勢的參院判決罷黜川普機會甚微。
民主黨指控川普濫權扣住對烏克蘭軍事援助,想施壓烏克蘭對民主黨前副總統拜登(Joe Biden)展開貪腐調查,因為拜登可能在2020年總統大選成為川普的對手。川普也被控妨礙國會對這項醜聞的調查。
川普的私人律師朱利安尼(Rudy Giuliani)上福斯新聞頻道(Fox News),指控前副總統拜登(Joe Biden)施壓烏克蘭當局開除一名檢察官。這名檢官當時正在調查與拜登兒子韓特(Hunter Biden)有關的一家公司。
傳川普今與烏克蘭總統澤倫斯基(Volodymyr Zelensky)通話前至少一週,曾指示白宮代理幕僚長穆瓦尼(Mick Mulvaney)扣住應給予烏克蘭的近4億美元軍事援助。
據稱美國駐歐盟大使桑德蘭(Gordon Sondland)、駐烏克蘭特使佛克爾(Kurt Volker)就如何確認川普的要求調查方向,為澤倫斯基提供建議。
美國聯邦眾議院議長裴洛西(Nancy Pelosi)宣布啟動彈劾調查。
這兩天陸續公布的證詞顯示,5月被拔官的前美國駐烏克蘭大使尤凡諾維契(Marie Yovanovitch)告訴眾院調查人員,她曾被逼推文挺川普來保住飯碗。尤凡諾維契又說,川普7月25日與澤倫斯基通話時說她「會經歷一些事」,令她感覺受到威脅。
前國務卿高級顧問麥金里(Michael McKinley)也說,保守派媒體和川普親信抨擊尤凡諾維契時,國務院默不作聲,令他擔心海外大使變成川普推動國內政治目標的工具。
國會舉行首場公開聽證會,現任駐烏克蘭代理大使泰勒(William Tylor)和負責烏克蘭事務的國務院副助理國務卿肯特(George Kent)出席作證。
桑德蘭還宣稱川普政府施壓烏克蘭,高層人人有份。例如國務卿蓬佩奧(Mike Pompeo)除施壓烏克蘭調查,並指示外交官們與朱利安尼協同行動;副總統彭斯(Mike Pence)知道這些事情。這是蓬佩奧與彭斯首度被捲入醜聞。
眾議院全院表決,結果以票對票通過川普彈劾案,川普成為美國歷史上繼1868年約翰遜(Andrew Johnson)和1998年柯林頓(Bill Clinton)之後,第3位遭到彈劾的總統。眾院通過彈劾案後,接下來將由參議院來審理,決定川普是否下台。
美眾院通過彈劾 一次看懂川普兩項罪名
彈劾表決逼近 政府官員忙下鄉轉移焦點
川普同黨盟友拿他比耶穌 網路熱議
川普轟民主黨政變 裴洛西回噁心
抗議群眾齊聚紐約街頭 高呼彈劾川普
The US House of Representatives voted to impeach two articles of impeachment to the Senate for trial
[Yahoo 奇摩 (Live News)]
Yahoo Qimo (Instant News)
December 19, 2019 at 9:32 am
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The U.S. House of Representatives today voted with more than half of the votes: 230: 197, 229: 198, and passed two impeachment clauses accusing Trump of "abuse of power" and "hindering Congressional investigations." Johnson and Bill Clinton in 1998, the third president to be impeached. After the House of Representatives has passed the impeachment case, the Senate will next decide whether Trump will step down. The Republican dominates the Senate's ruling, giving Trump a small chance.
On the 18th, the U.S. House of Representatives voted to pass impeachment provisions accusing Trump of "abuse of power", making Trump the third-ever impeached US president. (Photo)
Reuters reported that the Federal House of Representatives passed the first clause on abuse of power in 230 to 197, and Republicans in the House of Representatives voted against it. All but two Democrats voted in favor.
Then, the House of Representatives voted 229 against 198. All Republicans voted against the impeachment clause accusing Trump of impeding Congressional investigations. All Democrats voted in favour of it except three.
The Democrats have accused Trump of abuse of power to withhold military assistance to Ukraine, and want to pressure Ukraine to launch a corruption probe into former Democratic vice president Joe Biden, because Biden may become Trump's opponent in the 2020 presidential election. Trump has also been charged with impeding Congress's investigation into the scandal.
Trump once again denied wrongdoing today, dismissing the allegations as "horrifying lies".
After Trump was revealed this summer that he suspected of asking Ukrainian President Zelensky to investigate possible scandals involving political opponent Biden, Congress began to review his actions, and today he has become the third US president to be impeached. Here are the origins and progress of the impeachment investigation:
● April 7
Trump's personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, went to Fox News and accused former vice president Joe Biden of pressuring Ukrainian authorities to fire a prosecutor. The prosecutor was investigating a company related to Biden's son, Hunter Biden.
● June 13
Trump said on an ABC television channel that he would accept information from political opponents provided by foreign governments.
● July 25
Trump is reported to have spoken to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky at least a week before instructing White House Acting Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney to withhold nearly $ 400 million in military assistance due to Ukraine.
The text record of the call released on September 24 showed that Trump asked Zelensky for help during the call on July 25, and hoped that Zelensky would pay attention to investigating Hanter's commercial transactions.
● July 26
Gordon Sondland, U.S. ambassador to the European Union and Kurt Volker, special envoy to Ukraine, are said to have advised Zelensky on how to confirm the direction of Trump's request for investigation.
● Early August
Giuliani met with a senior assistant to Zelensky in the Spanish capital Madrid to encourage the Ukrainian government to investigate Khanty.
● September 9
US Inspector General of Intelligence has informed Congress of a whistler to report Trump's actions. Three House Committees on Foreign Affairs, Intelligence and Supervision have begun investigating whether Trump has used his position for political gain.
● September 11
The White House released military aid to Ukraine.
● September 22
Trump confessed that he did mention the allegations of corruption facing Biden when he spoke with Zelensky.
● September 24
The U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi has announced an impeachment investigation.
● October 31
After a month of obtaining evidence, the House of Representatives voted to hold a public hearing. Only two Democrats did not support it, and Republican lawmakers vetoed it almost without objection.
This vote allows the House of Representatives to accumulate a complete set of public evidence. This evidence is crucial if the House of Representatives must eventually vote on the formal impeachment clause.
● November 4-5
Testimonies released over the past two days indicate that Marie Yovanovitch, the former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, who was removed from office in May, told investigators in the House that she had been tweeted to support Trump. Juvanovic also said that when Trump spoke to Zelensky on July 25, saying that she "would go through some things," she felt threatened.
Former Secretary of State Senior Adviser Michael McKinley also said that when conservative media and Trump's cronies attacked Juvanovic, the State Department remained silent, raising concerns that overseas ambassadors would become Trump's tools to advance domestic political goals.
Sunderland also reconciled to House investigators and acknowledged that the White House had previously frozen nearly $ 400 million in aid to Ukraine, related to the Trump administration's desire to pressure Ukraine to investigate Biden.
● November 13
Congress held its first public hearing, with William Tylor, currently acting ambassador to Ukraine, and George Kent, deputy assistant secretary of state for Ukraine, testifying.
Taylor said his assistant had heard Trump and Sunderland talk on July 26. Trump asked Ukraine about Biden's investigation that day, and Sunderland responded that Ukraine was ready to proceed. In this regard, Trump said that he was unfamiliar with Sunderland, and also confirmed that Trump did carry out investigations of political opponents against other governments.
The assistant also told Taylor that Sunderland believed that the person who led the investigation of Biden was Giuliani. Both Taylor and Kent expressed concern about Giuliani's involvement in foreign affairs.
But Republican lawmakers questioned that Taylor and Kent had never contacted Trump directly, and that their testimony came from second-hand information and was speculative.
● November 20
Sunderland said at a public hearing that Trump understandably ordered diplomats to seek an "exchange condition" with Ukraine, and urged Ukraine to cooperate with Giuliani's request to conduct two investigations in exchange for the leaders of the two countries to hold a summit at the White House. Sunderland also said that he "followed the President's order."
In addition to asking the Kiev authorities to publicly announce that they would investigate Biden's son as a director, Giuliani also asked Zelensky to investigate a widely-conceivable conspiracy theory that Ukraine had implanted evidence in Democratic servers and stolen Russia. Intervention in the 2016 US election.
Sunderland also said that with regard to why the White House withheld aid to Ukraine, he "later believed" that it was also related to an investigation requested by Trump.
Sunderland also claimed that the Trump administration pressured Ukraine and everyone at the top was involved. For example, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo pressured the Ukrainian investigation and instructed diplomats to cooperate with Giuliani; Vice President Mike Pence was aware of these things. This is the first time Pompeo and Pence have been involved in a scandal.
● December 3
The House Intelligence Committee approved the impeachment report on Trump, which will form the basis of formal impeachment allegations. The report details Trump's request for foreign intervention to undermine national security, undermine national security, and orders to impede Congressional investigations, including refusing high-level advisers to provide documents and testimony, attempts to block officials from testifying, and intimidating witnesses.
● December 4
The Judiciary Committee of the House of Representatives held a hearing to consider drafting the impeachment clause. Three constitutional scholars said at the meeting that Trump's seeking foreign interference in the US elections had constituted an impeachment crime. But the fourth constitutional scholar believes that the evidence that Trump has committed felony and misdemeanor is "extremely inadequate."
● December 5
Pelosi announced that the House of Representatives will begin drafting articles to impeach Trump.
● December 10
House Democrats have charged Trump with two counts of impeachment: abuse of power and obstruction of Congressional investigations.
Democrats have accused Trump of withdrawing security aid to Ukraine from Congress, and a possible meeting with the White House to induce the Ukrainian president to investigate Biden, which constitutes abuse of power; Trump is trying to prevent Congress from investigating itself fully This act also infringed on the constitutional express power of the Congress's supervisory executive branch.
● December 13
The House Judiciary Committee approved 23 counts of 17 charges against Trump's abuse of power and obstructing Congressional investigations. The impeachment clause will be sent to the House of Representatives for a full house vote.
● December 18
The House of Representatives voted and voted against Trump's impeachment case. Trump became the third president in American history to be impeached after Andrew Johnson in 1868 and Bill Clinton in 1998. . After the House of Representatives has passed the impeachment case, the Senate will next decide whether Trump will step down.
More related news
US House of Representatives understands Trump's two charges at once through impeachment
Impeachment vote draws close, government officials busy going to countryside to shift focus
Trump's allies call him better than Jesus
Trump blasts Democrat coup, Pelosi returns sick
Protesters gather on New York streets and shout for Trump