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$21 Caipng


Buyer, here is the trick. Next time encountered exploitive seller. Order first, if not happy with the quoted price, walk away. Only stupid people will shy shy, pay and then start to complaint on facebook. We all know that papppy cronies opened foodcourt and use Jiuhu Ikanbilis to exploit sinkies wallet.
Worse,I saw hawker vendor shout at customers using cdc vouchers because vendor got to scan here scan there very troublesome : No money Don't Eat lah !!!


Alfrescian (Inf)
I have my snack time to taste the richfulness of variety of food in singapore and stumble upon Lucky plaza...

That's a tourist trap. Even the Pinoy maids don't eat there.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Worse,I saw hawker vendor shout at customers using cdc vouchers because vendor got to scan here scan there very troublesome : No money Don't Eat lah !!!
If vendor find it troublesome to use CDC voucher, why sign up for it in the first place? For show or to make PAPPY happy?


We can substitute Cai Png with other options. Seeing a few Cai Png stalls with lesser q. Price sensitive food.