smartest in what sense exactly?
mongoloids can not be intelligent
copycats can't be intelligent
some stupid AI using statistics/data can become more intelligent than this inferior race of mongoloids
when was the last time mongoloids invented anything?
just cut, copy, paste ins't good enough
this is true worldwide as well
among muslims, you see the likes of turkiye or iran more caucasoid but the lower breed, inferior breed of caucasoids. darker shorter from southern eastern regions compared to gayropeans
now compare with melayun or indon who are from asean region. you see these australoid/semi-mongoloid melayun are not muslims in the first place
clear as day that throughout history and to this day the iranian or turks (the lower variant of the caucasoids) triumph over semi mongoloid or australoid asean members in intellectual endeavour
it has to do with genes
no point denying the truth.