Sakon Shima
Jul 8, 2010
2 JC classmates jump
<!-- by line --> By Elena Chong
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The scene of Ho Yi Xin's suicide at Blk 532 Jelapang Road -- PHOTO: WANBAO

Ho Yi Xin was believed to have fallen from the 24th storey of the block as her silver-coloured bag was found there. -- PHOTO: SHIN MIN

<!-- story content : start --> TWO Pioneer Junior College classmates died within three weeks of one another by leaping from high-rise blocks of flats about a year ago, a coroner's court heard on Thursday. Ho Yi Xin, 17, was described as a hard-working student with high expectations of herself. Her ambition was to be a doctor.
The second-year Pioneer Junior College student had been seeing a private psychiatrist since June last year as she was feeling anxious in school and at home. She had problems sleeping and could not concentrate on her studies. Her last visit to the psychiatrist was on July 3 - the day she was found dead at the foot of Block 533 Jelapang Road in Bukit Panjang.
She was believed to have fallen from the 24th storey of the block as her silver-coloured bag was found there. At an inquiry into her death, the court heard that Yi Xin, an introvert, had confided in her classmate around May last year that she was depressed over a detention form given by her favourite teacher for being late.
Seventeen days later, her classmate, Wong Peek Yian, leapt to her death from her seventh-floor bedroom window at Jurong West Street 81. Peek Yian had found out that she had done badly in her mid-year examination and dreaded to see her vice-principal over her poor performance.
A few hours before her death leap, she had sent text messages to her boyfriend, full-time national serviceman Valentino Lee, 19, telling him that her teacher had advised her not to see him too often. State Coroner Victor Yeo recorded a verdict of suicide on both deaths. He felt that their deaths were a sad coincidence and there was no evidence to suggest that Peek Yian was emboldened to follow Yi Xin in her footsteps.