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1st world cuntry with 3rd world transport for workers


Liddat then the seatbelt law should be completely abolished and not deemed as a traffic offence by law.


aiyah. i’ve spent at least 6.9 years in the field, not like you enlisted ns kia. saf has strict rules on sg roads and training areas. but there are still accidents. you haven’t seen tw army trucks carrying saf soldiers pengsang in mountain roads in starlight. elephant hill is like child’s playground. before sounding like a moron, there’s a huge difference between military training and civilian workers being transported to worksites. the two are not the same. 1st world amerikan troops are still transported on land by army trucks. when in civvy clothes and off duty no such thing.
Lol irrelevant point. No need to throw smoke bomb. You have no clue just say no clue.


moreover, it’s not all the lorries’ fault. other heavy vehicles crash into them at high speed. the lorry’s low speed and loading will not prevent workers from flying superman style when kena slammed by a speeding 6.9-ton dumpster truck.
Very seldom they kena slammed. Go study the accident stats.


how much traffic is there and how fast they are in an saf training area compared to heavy rigs and dumpster and container trucks zipping by sexpressways at 69 km/hr?
Just enforce the speed limit.

Singapore cops all wayang only. Got so many laws. But all never enforce one. Cow boy cuntry.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Just enforce the speed limit.

Singapore cops all wayang only. Got so many laws. But all never enforce one. Cow boy cuntry.
that’s the problem. enforcement is lax. cars, trucks, lorries, motorbikes, wannabe tdf cyclists race and cut each other off. and most of the time on sexpressways there are more delivery vans and lorries with workers than any other types of vehicles. sg is truly built on the backs of cheap coolies when there are few cars compared to commercial vehicles on any given day.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Very seldom they kena slammed. Go study the accident stats.
countless. i barely have time to post them all. in all these cases, only fines or a few weeks jail time.

Calls to review practice of transporting workers in lorries after 2 accidents

SCDF said it was alerted to the accident along Upper Bukit Timah at 7.25am on Apr 24, 2021.


Mercedes collides with lorry carrying foreign workers in Yishun, 11 taken to hospital



Three pedestrians killed as lorry ploughs into them
Driver arrested after his lorry ploughs into them in Yio Chu Kang
Father & son rescue man flung into canal after lorry crash

Lorry driver trapped in vehicle for over an hour after Tuas collision

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Google ,

How many foreigners are in Singapore?

1.56 million

As at June 2022, there were 3.55 million Singapore Citizens (SCs) and 0.52 million Permanent Residents (PRs). In total, there were 4.07 million residents. 1 Non-residents, which comprise our foreign workforce across all pass types, dependants and international students, totalled 1.56 million.


Based on unoffical numbers easy more than 2.30 million foreign workers in SG Aug 2023

Imagined transporting all 2.3 million daily in a aircon coach as proposed by some quarters :biggrin:


Ever see the huge convoy of mini lorries ( hundreds of them ) leaving
the workers dorminatories each morning to their Job sites ?

and those mini lorries ( hundreds of them) returning for job sites
at the end of the day ?:giggle:


Alfrescian (Inf)
That is a true observation.
But many SME are now operation with shorlace budgets as economic condition darken over horizon
so many condo launches. in fact 6.9k new launches from now till end of year bringing total for 2023 to 19k units. that’s a record for sg. all these “sme” contractors huat ah!



Just throw them all into 3 tonners la. Confirm cannot speed (too slow) and won't overturn if kena ram.

Even if put them in buses, will still kena accident. It's about enforcing speed limits and responsible driving.

FSD will solve many of these problems eventually. Till then, stick them all into 3 tonners.


Alfrescian (Inf)
These third world serfs are easily replaceable. If one dies, a hundred more are available to replace them. :biggrin:

First world gods should not be concerned with the well-being of third world insects. :cool:



Alfrescian (Inf)
Just throw them all into 3 tonners la. Confirm cannot speed (too slow) and won't overturn if kena ram.

Even if put them in buses, will still kena accident. It's about enforcing speed limits and responsible driving.

FSD will solve many of these problems eventually. Till then, stick them all into 3 tonners.
electronically and mechanically cap the speed to 69 km/h.