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$18 peking duck at Ubi kym


I much prefer roasted pig skin. Have you tried? Very shiok!


Can buy using Govt's G.V. ??

Yes, delicious when wrapped in PohPiah skin with the Oyster sauce??




Alfrescian (Inf)
I've never fancied Peking ducks. They're mainly just skinny ducks, with skin roasted to a crisp.
I don't see what's the whole fuss about either. When I was working in Beijing, anytime there is a Peking duck dinner I will just go straight for the meat. Just can't be bother with the wrapping of duck skin with popiah skin, add this and that all those nonsense.


I don't see what's the whole fuss about either. When I was working in Beijing, anytime there is a Peking duck dinner I will just go straight for the meat. Just can't be bother with the wrapping of duck skin with popiah skin, add this and that all those nonsense.

go fuck yourself CCP commie bastard

syed putra

I don't see what's the whole fuss about either. When I was working in Beijing, anytime there is a Peking duck dinner I will just go straight for the meat. Just can't be bother with the wrapping of duck skin with popiah skin, add this and that all those nonsense.
That is sacrilege.


Old Fart
I don't see what's the whole fuss about either. When I was working in Beijing, anytime there is a Peking duck dinner I will just go straight for the meat. Just can't be bother with the wrapping of duck skin with popiah skin, add this and that all those nonsense.
yalor, don't waste time and be practical. Nothing fancy and tedious for me too.