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13 weeks’ jail for Alvin Chew Hou Ming, 51, who kicked elderly stranger thinking she had mocked him


Dear @zhihau 你的老相好 @ginfreely 又来骂人了
Tsk tsk tsk you Cantonese dog son of slut prostitute mistress everyday 说三道四 颠倒黑白 it’s you criminal dogs smear and insult me slut whore mistress and not I scold you first Pui!


Dear @zhihau 你的老相好 @ginfreely 又来骂人了
难道zhihao和老巫婆有一腿? :tongue:
@zhihau 全身上下只有腿還是硬的

Not my 老相好, I don’t know her at all.
只是嘴硬而已 :coffee::coffee::coffee:
A bunch of Cantonese dogs sons of prostitutes that everyday 说三道四 do defamation crimes to Gansiokbin hokkien virgin Pui!


Alfrescian (Inf)

13 weeks’ jail for man who kicked elderly stranger thinking she had mocked him​



Nadine Chua

OCT 22, 2024, 02:32 PM

SINGAPORE – A man was sentenced to 13 weeks’ jail for kicking a 67-year-old woman because he thought she had called him stupid.

He believed the woman did that because he was experiencing auditory hallucinationshearing sounds or voices that are not there.

On Oct 21, Alvin Chew Hou Ming, 51, pleaded guilty to one charge of assault.

Deputy Public Prosecutor Lee Da Zhuan said that on Dec 13, 2021, the victim was with her husband at Circuit Road Hawker Centre when Chew confronted her, accusing her of mocking him for being stupid.

“This did not actually happen, and the victim never once called out to the accused or mocked him,” said the prosecutor, adding that Chew and the victim were strangers.

To avoid trouble, the victim ignored Chew and walked away.

When he saw that she ignored him, he kicked her on her back. She fell forward onto a chair at the hawker centre and then to the ground.

Chew was subsequently remanded at the Institute of Mental Health (IMH) for evaluation, and was diagnosed with psychotic disorder at the time of the offence.

“The doctor opined that he experienced auditory hallucinations that the victim called him ‘stupid’, hence he was paranoid towards her and possibly kicked her in anger,” said DPP Lee.

As a result of the kick, the victim suffered blunt abdominal trauma and had to undergo a procedure to repair a small bowel injury. She was hospitalised for seven days and given hospitalisation leave for 14 days.

The medical bills for the surgery amounted to over $3,600 but no restitution has been made to date, said the DPP.

The pain in her abdomen also prevented her from returning to work, and she had to resign from her job. It was not mentioned in court what kind of work she was doing.

She resumed work around six months later in May 2022, said the prosecutor.

Seeking at least 12 to 13 weeks’ jail for Chew, DPP Lee said no mitigating weight should be attributed to Chew’s psychotic disorder diagnosis.

“The IMH report merely describes what the accused reportedly experienced – that he thought the victim had called him ‘stupid’, and crucially does not show that he was unable to control or refrain himself from committing the criminal act because of his mental condition,” said the prosecutor.

In mitigation, Chew apologised for his actions and said he was drunk at the time, adding that he was unable to make restitution as he has been unemployed for the past few years.

In meting out the sentence, Deputy Principal District Judge Kessler Soh told Chew: “Even if someone used that word on you, which in this case the victim did not, it does not mean you can just go and beat up that person.”

In response, Chew said people have called him “stupid” for many years.

He then apologised to the judge, who warned him not to reoffend.

For hurting the woman, Chew could have been jailed for up to five years, fined up to $10,000, or both.
A very severe punishment.

True Believer

Whether it is due to auditory hallucinations or being under the influence of liquor, who is going to pay for the victim's medical bills and loss of earnings?


Ban Ban Ban! :laugh:

I have a better suggestion. Instead of the abused enabling the ignore button, the administrator should impose the ignore button on the abuser so that the abuser will never get to see or read anything written by the abused that may provoke the abuser. In this case, the abused runs a long list. That way we remove the 'toxic' from the abuser's cyberspace without the need to ban her.


That banning module was removed long ago. :coffee::coffee::coffee:

Even if it’s restored, I don’t think it gives me any pleasure to ban anyone anymore. Boss has enlightened me with his profound wisdom.

You should learn from Boss Sam too.
Your pleasure is to relac one corner and fantasize about some tantric sex which obviously you're not capable anymore. :wink:


I have a better suggestion. Instead of the abused enabling the ignore button, the administrator should impose the ignore button on the abuser so that the abuser will never get to see or read anything written by the abused that may provoke the abuser. In this case, the abused runs a long list. That way we remove the 'toxic' from the abuser's cyberspace without the need to ban her.


I have a better suggestion. Instead of the abused enabling the ignore button, the administrator should impose the ignore button on the abuser so that the abuser will never get to see or read anything written by the abused that may provoke the abuser. In this case, the abused runs a long list. That way we remove the 'toxic' from the abuser's cyberspace without the need to ban her.
In the olden days abusers eyes were purposely blinded so that abusers could not see people and abuse others