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不想被色男性侵 少女竟直接跳樓逃命
三立新聞網 setn.com
10.5k 人追蹤
2018年4月8日 上午9:45
★ 尊重身體自主權!請撥打113、110" data-reactid="25">★ 尊重身體自主權!請撥打113、110
★ 三立新聞網提醒您:" data-reactid="26">★ 三立新聞網提醒您:
勇敢求救並非弱者,生命一定可以找到出路。透過守門123步驟-1問2應3轉介,你我都可以成為自殺防治守門人。" data-reactid="27">勇敢求救並非弱者,生命一定可以找到出路。透過守門123步驟-1問2應3轉介,你我都可以成為自殺防治守門人。
※ 安心專線:0800-788-995(0800-請幫幫-救救我)
※ 張老師專線:1980
※ 生命線專線:1995
※ 反霸凌專線:0800-200-885" data-reactid="28">※ 安心專線:0800-788-995(0800-請幫幫-救救我)
※ 張老師專線:1980
※ 生命線專線:1995
※ 反霸凌專線:0800-200-885
台版「熔爐」 教保員性侵智障少年
女童遭6男性侵 肚痛產下「癱瘓嬰」
人渣父母下藥性侵8歲女 還邀人共享
色狼給我滾開!" data-reactid="30"> 色狼給我滾開!
印度性犯罪猖獗 父權心態積重難解
誘騙11歲女童 6男輪流性侵懷孕生子
3歲女被拐上巴士性侵 5歲哥哀求住手
恐怖性侵 女子遭鐵棒插入、腸子扯出
姦殺5歲女童 2疑犯慘遭村民圍毆死
https://tw.news.yahoo.com/%E4%B8%8D%E6%83%B3%E8%A2%AB%E8%89%B2%E7%94%B7%E6%80%A7%E4 %BE%B5-%E5%B0%91%E5%A5%B3%E7%AB%9F%E7%9B%B4%E6%8E%A5%E8%B7%B3%E6%A8%93%E9% 80%83%E5%91%BD-014504064.html
Do not want to be invaded by colored males
[Sanli News Network setn.com]
Sanli News Network setn.com
10.5k person tracking
Sanli News Network
April 8th, 2018 9:45am
International Center/General Report
Female purgatory! In India, the tragic incidents of women’s brutality and sexual assault are frequent. Even innocent girls can’t escape deterrence. Recently, a local girl was sexually assaulted by a strange man who did not want to be attacked. She fled to the roof with her legs and then jumped down. The shocking scene scared many people.
▲In order to avoid being sexually assaulted, young girls jumped directly from the roof. (Photo/Introduction from the Daily Mail)
According to a report by the British "Daily Mail", the incident occurred in Palghar, India. At 11 am on the 3rd of this month, a suspicious man asked a 12-year-old to lead the road. She unexpectedly took the opportunity to attack her. The girls took off and fled to the roof of a building. Then they sat directly on the edge of the roof, and many of them were terrified after seeing the people.
Unexpectedly, in the next second, the girls jumped directly from the 4th floor, and the people at the scene could not help but scream. Three of the rickshaw drivers hurriedly pulled off the canvas to serve as a safety net, and finally succeeded in catching the girl. However, due to the large impact, Causes the canvas to crack, and the girl's back falls to the ground and is fractured. However, there is no danger of death after sending a doctor.
According to the police, afterwards, the young girl admits that because she did not want to be attacked by men, she had no choice but to jump to escape. Fortunately, she was lucky to save her life. At present, the police have launched an investigation and hope that the man who wants to sexually invade the girl can be arrested as soon as possible.
▲Video Source: Taken from the Daily Mail. Please be forgiven if removed.
不想被色男性侵 少女竟直接跳樓逃命
三立新聞網 setn.com
10.5k 人追蹤
2018年4月8日 上午9:45
★ 尊重身體自主權!請撥打113、110" data-reactid="25">★ 尊重身體自主權!請撥打113、110
★ 三立新聞網提醒您:" data-reactid="26">★ 三立新聞網提醒您:
勇敢求救並非弱者,生命一定可以找到出路。透過守門123步驟-1問2應3轉介,你我都可以成為自殺防治守門人。" data-reactid="27">勇敢求救並非弱者,生命一定可以找到出路。透過守門123步驟-1問2應3轉介,你我都可以成為自殺防治守門人。
※ 安心專線:0800-788-995(0800-請幫幫-救救我)
※ 張老師專線:1980
※ 生命線專線:1995
※ 反霸凌專線:0800-200-885" data-reactid="28">※ 安心專線:0800-788-995(0800-請幫幫-救救我)
※ 張老師專線:1980
※ 生命線專線:1995
※ 反霸凌專線:0800-200-885
台版「熔爐」 教保員性侵智障少年
女童遭6男性侵 肚痛產下「癱瘓嬰」
人渣父母下藥性侵8歲女 還邀人共享
色狼給我滾開!" data-reactid="30"> 色狼給我滾開!
印度性犯罪猖獗 父權心態積重難解
誘騙11歲女童 6男輪流性侵懷孕生子
3歲女被拐上巴士性侵 5歲哥哀求住手
恐怖性侵 女子遭鐵棒插入、腸子扯出
姦殺5歲女童 2疑犯慘遭村民圍毆死
https://tw.news.yahoo.com/%E4%B8%8D%E6%83%B3%E8%A2%AB%E8%89%B2%E7%94%B7%E6%80%A7%E4 %BE%B5-%E5%B0%91%E5%A5%B3%E7%AB%9F%E7%9B%B4%E6%8E%A5%E8%B7%B3%E6%A8%93%E9% 80%83%E5%91%BD-014504064.html
Do not want to be invaded by colored males
[Sanli News Network setn.com]
Sanli News Network setn.com
10.5k person tracking
Sanli News Network
April 8th, 2018 9:45am
International Center/General Report
Female purgatory! In India, the tragic incidents of women’s brutality and sexual assault are frequent. Even innocent girls can’t escape deterrence. Recently, a local girl was sexually assaulted by a strange man who did not want to be attacked. She fled to the roof with her legs and then jumped down. The shocking scene scared many people.
▲In order to avoid being sexually assaulted, young girls jumped directly from the roof. (Photo/Introduction from the Daily Mail)
According to a report by the British "Daily Mail", the incident occurred in Palghar, India. At 11 am on the 3rd of this month, a suspicious man asked a 12-year-old to lead the road. She unexpectedly took the opportunity to attack her. The girls took off and fled to the roof of a building. Then they sat directly on the edge of the roof, and many of them were terrified after seeing the people.
Unexpectedly, in the next second, the girls jumped directly from the 4th floor, and the people at the scene could not help but scream. Three of the rickshaw drivers hurriedly pulled off the canvas to serve as a safety net, and finally succeeded in catching the girl. However, due to the large impact, Causes the canvas to crack, and the girl's back falls to the ground and is fractured. However, there is no danger of death after sending a doctor.
According to the police, afterwards, the young girl admits that because she did not want to be attacked by men, she had no choice but to jump to escape. Fortunately, she was lucky to save her life. At present, the police have launched an investigation and hope that the man who wants to sexually invade the girl can be arrested as soon as possible.
▲Video Source: Taken from the Daily Mail. Please be forgiven if removed.