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Serious 12 Year Old Girl Cares For Widow Mother Who Has Kidney Failure, Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Weak Heart, Obesity! Guess Race!


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

SINGAPORE — At 5 am, while most of her friends would still be asleep, Nurul Syafiqah Roslan wakes up, prepares medications for her mother, who suffers from various ailments, and sometimes cooks simple dishes. When she’s done with all these chores, she gets ready for school – after all, she is 12.

Nurul Syafiqah’s story is among those featured in a new book launched by the National Kidney Foundation (NKF) on Friday (31 May). The book, “Love Triumphs”, is a collection of the personal stories of 13 real-life caregivers in Singapore, nine of whom are aged 25 and below.

The book is not available for sale, but 700 copies were given out to donors, volunteers and guests at NKF’s 50th Anniversary Charity Dinner on Friday.

NKF chief executive officer Mr Tim Oei said the book hopes to shed light on the struggles faced by caregivers.

“When a loved one has kidney disease, many struggle to cope and deal with the disease, frustrations and other day-to-day obligations while caring for their loved ones,” he said. “We wanted to share the caregivers’ real life experiences to offer console to any caregiver, especially the fellow caregivers of kidney patients, in knowing that they are not alone.”


Nurul Syafiqah’s mother, Mdm Yanti Binte Mazlan, 45, has cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, kidney failure and a weak heart. She also has difficulty walking after a hip replacement operation.

The 12-year-old student of Bedok Green Primary School has had to step up as her mother’s main caregiver as her father died in 2017, a year after her mother was diagnosed with kidney failure.

Mdm Yanti’s ailments have rendered her almost immobile and she needs help to carry out simple tasks such as taking her medications, taking a shower, changing her clothes and putting on her shoes.

Nurul Syafiqah is aided by her sister, Nuryn Diyana, 10, and occasionally their grandmother, Patijah Elias, who is 68.


Still, caregiving takes up all her free time. After school, Nurul Syafiqah usually heads home to either spend time studying or take care of her mother.

Despite not being able to have fun like the most of her peers, Mdm Yanti said her daughter helps her out without complaint.

“She didn’t actually tell me, but I myself also used to be young, and I get the feeling that she wants to go out and be with her friends and all that,” she told TODAY.

Nurul Syafiqah herself is stoic about her struggles, saying that while it was tough at first to handle the caregiving duties and schoolwork, she has gotten used to it.

“It is okay for me, it is not tiring. I do it because I love her,” she said.



Old Fart
She has filial children. But she could've taken better care of herself. Diabetes is related to kidney disease, and also an ailment like high BP can all be avoided with a healthier lifestyle. She is over-weight and irresponsible. Now her kids suffer. They should just let her die.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
The whole fucking family are going to die early deaths.

The PAP should impose a FAT tax on all those who are beyond a healthy BMI.

The fat fucks should also be charged extra on public transport for taking up more than their fair share of space and causing more wear and tear on the equipment.


She has filial children. But she could've taken better care of herself. Diabetes is related to kidney disease, and also an ailment like high BP can all be avoided with a healthier lifestyle. She is over-weight and irresponsible. Now her kids suffer. They should just let her die.
Well said, should just Soylent Green the mother.


KNN nurul and nuryn has a sad childhood KNN these are the real people that needs social help KNN anyone care to help KNN where is halimau KNN


Alfrescian (Inf- Comp)
Are You Destined to Be Fat? What Role Does Genetics Play in Obesity?

Your genes are why your eyes are brown and your hair is red. They’re what make you, well, you. But can genetics determine the size of your jeans?

Research shows that differences in your genes can lead to weightissues. So if your parents are obese, you’re more likely to be, too. But that doesn’t mean you will without question. Many people with obesity in their families don’t tip the scales. And you can fight the odds with diet and exercise.

Is There a “Fat Gene?”

There’s one gene that’s getting a lot of attention, called FTO. Scientists found that people with certain differences in this gene have a 20% to 30% higher chance of obesity. And those differences are pretty common.

Dozens of other genes are linked to weight as well. Some, for example, cause people to just naturally store more fat.

But it’s still unclear exactly how much weight genes really do carry. Are you really destined to be overweight?

“Obesity is a very complex disease, and many factors can contribute to it and cause it, including genetics, behavior, and environment,” says Naima Moustaid-Moussa, PhD, director of the Obesity Research Cluster at Texas Tech University. Obesity can run in families -- not because of genetics, but because of habits and environment, she says.

More than a third of adults in the United States are obese, Moustaid-Moussa says. “The number of Americans with obesity has steadily increased over the past five decades, but this can’t be explained by some dramatic changes in our genes.”

Jung Han Kim, PhD, an obesity researcher and professor at Marshall University’s Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine, agrees. Obesity has increased around the world with industrialization, a sedentary lifestyle, and a fat-filled diet, she says.

So can your lifestyle trump your genes?

“We know from research that some genetic predisposition increases your risk to be overweight and obese, but it can be overcome by lifestyle,” says Zhaoping Li, MD, PhD, director of the Center for Human Nutrition at the University of California, Los Angeles. “Genetics load the gun, environment pulls the trigger.”

And by environment, Li means the tried-and-true offenders like too much sitting and too much food.

Plus exercise is key. Research shows that even if you’re likely to be obese because of your genes, you can change course by breaking a sweat regularly.

The Bottom Line

Family history alone doesn’t seem to be enough to make you obese.
“Genetics does play a role, but the truth is who you are is still determined by how you live your life,” Li says.

So the same advice holds true:
  • Get active. Aim for 2 1/2 hours of moderate-intensity exerciselike brisk walking every week. Even doing 10 minutes at a time helps. Weight training, done at least twice a week, will help make your muscles strong.
  • Eat less. Cut calories. Lopping off 500 to 1,000 a day can help you lose 1 to 2 pounds a week.
  • Choose good-for-you foods. Go for fruit, veggies, whole grains, and fat-free or low-fat dairy foods. Fish, lean meats, beans, eggs, and nuts are also good options.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
People get FAT because they stuff more calories into their face than they need.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Woman Intentionally Gains and Loses 42 Lbs. for Controversial TLC Documentary

The British TV personality aims to show weight loss is easy in Fat and Back

By Gabrielle Olya
January 04, 2015 12:50 PM



While plenty of people are trying to shed a few pounds, one woman purposely got chunky to prove a controversial point.

British television personality Katie Hopkins, 39, consumed 6,500 calories a day and gained 3 stone (42 lbs.) in three months with the goal of dropping it all to show that losing weight is not difficult. The entire process was taped for a two-part TLC documentary, Fat and Back, which airs beginning Jan. 18.

Hopkins says the project was inspired by the rate of childhood obesity in the United Kingdom.

“One in 10 of our children starts school at the age of 4 already obese,” she tells PEOPLE. “Seeing fat kids at school really upsets me.”

She continues: “One of the key messages [of this documentary] is that we tend to give people excuses all the time for being fat, but there are no excuses. If you eat too much and you don’t move enough, then you get fat. But if you eat a bit less and you move a lot more, you can get rid of that weight again.”

To gain weight for the show, the former reality show contestant ate every two hours, consuming full-fat beverages, junk food and candy. Although eating anything you want sounds fun in theory, Hopkins says the thrill wore off after the first day.

“I’m nearly 40 years old, and watching your body get bigger and bigger and bigger in a really short timeframe is a weird thing,” she explains.
The added pounds took an unexpected emotional toll on the typically tough Hopkins.

“I thought it would be an interesting physical thing to watch someone get fat and then get thin, but actually this turned out to be much more an emotional journey than I ever imagined,” she says. “I didn’t cry at my weddings, I didn’t cry at childbirth, I don’t cry at pain, but I did cry a lot during the making of this program.”

“I get emotional strength from being physically fit, and when I was at my fattest I felt very low. I felt very vulnerable.”

To lose the weight, Hopkins limited her daily caloric intake to 1,500 calories and took 20,000 steps a day. Though slimming down was difficult, she found it less emotionally exhausting than gaining the weight.

“There was a lot of sweat and tears and pushing myself to lose my weight, but I enjoyed that journey more because I was going back to something that I knew best, which is how to be strong and how to be Katie,” she says.

And although Hopkins says she now better understands what it’s like to be overweight, she still sees reaching a healthy weight as an achievable goal for anybody who’s motivated.

“None of our lives are perfect, but you have to own your problems,” she says. “I think [those who criticize me] just feel offended that someone’s coming out and saying that. We’re so used to people being polite. My attitude is that sometimes people need a little kick up the a— instead.”

Fat and Back will air Jan. 18 and Jan. 25 at 10 p.m. ET on TLC.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Why would good moslems get so fat? Don't they go on a mandatory diet once a year for a full month?

Are the jews fucking the moslems again? Can't the jews at least quit messing around with the moslems' food? They already got Jerusalem. What more do they want?


Alfrescian (Inf- Comp)
To lose the weight, Hopkins limited her daily caloric intake to 1,500 calories and took 20,000 steps a day.

I have lost more than 10kg. I am now on maintenance phase. About 1800 calories intake per day and averaging 12000 steps a day with 6.5 you 8.5 hours of workout exercises per week.On a crazy week, I would hit a 18 hours workout week. It's not difficult. It's all about discipline and avoiding sugar, rice and alcohol.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
I lost 10 kg by a combination of cardio, strength and aerobic exercises. My weight loss is slow because like the late ISD director Tjong, I too like the finer things in life like wine and good food. But I also watch my sugar intake, and seldom eat ice creams, cakes and soft drinks.


Alfrescian (Inf- Comp)
I lost 10 kg by a combination of cardio, strength and aerobic exercises. My weight loss is slow because like the late ISD director Tjong, I too like the finer things in life like wine and good food. But I also watch my sugar intake, and seldom eat ice creams, cakes and soft drinks.
I have slowed down my alcohol to almost none. Alcohol is bad.


I have lost more than 10kg. I am now on maintenance phase. About 1800 calories intake per day and averaging 12000 steps a day with 6.5 you 8.5 hours of workout exercises per week.On a crazy week, I would hit a 18 hours workout week. It's not difficult. It's all about discipline and avoiding sugar, rice and alcohol.
I lost 10 kg by a combination of cardio, strength and aerobic exercises. My weight loss is slow because like the late ISD director Tjong, I too like the finer things in life like wine and good food. But I also watch my sugar intake, and seldom eat ice creams, cakes and soft drinks.

All useless effort. You will die when your time comes, sooner or later, by disease or illness, by accident or natural calamity, while you sleep, cry or having fun.

Then you will see you wasted time doing useless straining go to nought.


Alfrescian (Inf- Comp)
All useless effort. You will die when your time comes, sooner or later, by disease or illness, by accident or natural calamity, while you sleep, cry or having fun.

Then you will see you wasted time doing useless straining go to nought.
True. I agree with you. But for now, I am doing it to look good for my girlfriend. Lol :biggrin:

syed putra

Why would good moslems get so fat? Don't they go on a mandatory diet once a year for a full month?

Are the jews fucking the moslems again? Can't the jews at least quit messing around with the moslems' food? They already got Jerusalem. What more do they want?
That one full month of diet consist of huge smount of sugar to regain energy level upon breaking fast. Anyway i think they have been using too much sugar. And eating too much rice.a double whammy.

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
They are primates with hunter gatherer instincts. overeat and storing fat is a survival instinct .. Even Pap and Allah can't change that


The whole fucking family are going to die early deaths.

The PAP should impose a FAT tax on all those who are beyond a healthy BMI.

The fat fucks should also be charged extra on public transport for taking up more than their fair share of space and causing more wear and tear on the equipment.
Looking at the photo I see future social/welfare parasites

syed putra

For those of certsin physical abnormalities, i suggest they are prohibited from buying sugsry drinks.


Alfrescian (Inf)
They are primates with hunter gatherer instincts. overeat and storing fat is a survival instinct .. Even Pap and Allah can't change that
relac and hibernate at one korner during work and using ramadhan as an excuse also adds "weight" to this statement :cautious:
For those of certsin physical abnormalities, i suggest they are prohibited from buying sugsry drinks.
hanor, i recall that time when sinkies boycotted yeo hiap seng drinks when the then tpt minister yeo cheow tong was unpopular - m&ds bought them by the cartons when yhs offered a diskaun :redface: