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Serious 12 Sept 2020 - The Day John Tan's Home Nearly Got Flooded! My Maids Stood Ready With The Sandbags!


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

The national water agency, PUB, even had to issue a flash flood warning at 12:36pm.

Water levels in drains and canals reached 90 per cent of their capacity at Dunearn Road, between Yarwood Ave and Binjai Park, as a result.

The water levels only subsided after an hour.

The water level in the canal next to Dunearn Road in Bukit Timah was filled to the brim.

Should the heavy rain continue, there could have been a flash flood in the area.



Super Moderator
Still road area used to flood in the past right up to early 80s, canal made bigger and solved the flooding issue for slightly over 2 decades? I lost count on the number of flooding over the last decade alone.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Still road area used to flood in the past right up to early 80s, canal made bigger and solved the flooding issue for slightly over 2 decades? I lost count on the number of flooding over the last decade alone.
hanor, is that where the waters run deep? :confused:


Alfrescian (Inf)
The construction of the Marina Barrage was supposed to solve these flooding problems, but it looks like it didn't work too well. :wink:

Parallels with China's Three Gorges Dam.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Sir John my dear father in law, as your son in law, I will always be on 24hr stand by bed to rescue your daughter if the flood enters our Bukit Timah good class bungalow.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Be careful your maids don't sabo you by putting gunny sacks filled with pillows instead of proper sandbags.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Sir John my dear father in law, as your son in law, I will always be on 24hr stand by bed to rescue your daughter if the flood enters our Bukit Timah good class bungalow.

Evacuate to a higher area e.g. Rifle Range Road if the flood becomes too severe.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Evacuate to a higher area e.g. Rifle Range Road if the flood becomes too severe.

Before evacuating, I will take all John Tan's valuables, gold bars, his Rolex, Audemars Piguet watches , all his cash money and run..


Old Fart
View attachment 90811

The national water agency, PUB, even had to issue a flash flood warning at 12:36pm.

Water levels in drains and canals reached 90 per cent of their capacity at Dunearn Road, between Yarwood Ave and Binjai Park, as a result.

The water levels only subsided after an hour.

The water level in the canal next to Dunearn Road in Bukit Timah was filled to the brim.

Should the heavy rain continue, there could have been a flash flood in the area.

Glad to know your GCB home in that area was not affected. Your prayers were answered. My ground floor rented flat in Toa Payoh was spared too. Allah is great.