Delta should be rarer now? Anyway, loss of smell is also one of omicron's symptoms but not as jialat as with Delta.
Our analysis showed
no significant difference in the overall symptom profile of Delta and Omicron, with the top five symptoms in both time periods being a runny nose, headache, fatigue, sneezing and a sore throat. But when it comes to the overall prevalence of the symptoms, there are some clear differences.
The prevalence of Omicron symptoms per the ZOE COVID app. (Image: Supplied)
For example, anosmia (loss of smell) was in the top 10 in October but has fallen to 17th place. What was once a key indicator of COVID is now only seen in around one in five people testing positive. And according to our data, less than a third of people (29%) will ever experience a fever, which is also far less common than we’ve seen in the past.
Importantly, we found that only half of people with COVID had any of the classic three symptoms of fever, cough or loss of sense of smell.