the only reason these shitskins succeed at the top of the business and it world is the same reason why shitskins make the best lawyers and politicians,they are the greatest master debaters and bullshit artists god has ever placed on this earth.the chinese and the rest of the asian race prefer to keep quiet and let their work and results prove their substance and abilities,shitskins prefer to let their tongues do the walking all the way.
just look at every single one of these "great" shitskins mentioned,all of them boast of fantastic creditials and graduates from renowed business schools,stanford,iit,Biits,Xilr and all kinds of indian mumbo jumbo schools,but can any single one of them boast of building any billion dollar enterprises from scratch or any forbes 400 companies?entrepreneurs and businessmen they are not.......they are only good for bullshiting as far as their MBAs go......
in the world of ecommerce,u have seen hundreds of chinese trading sites spout up over the years,including many giants like alibaba,taobao,lazada and many others offering cheap chinese products at massive discounts and offers.what internet giant have u seen come out of india despite their so called prowess in IT and whatnot?
why does shitskin dominate the western world and any worthless country that happens to speak the devil's language english?shitskin has always been renowned for their linguistic ability,both spoken and written,there has been many famed and accolladed indian english writers and a couple handful of chinese ones,and their innate ability to grasp multiple languages fluently,in addition to paul tambyah iv met at least 2 or 3 young indians at poker games that could grasp the mandarin language to a remarkable extent,when most sinkies have a hard time struggling with even their own mother tongue and english.its no wonder the white devils' are so easily bedazzled and hypnotised by these shitskin's ability to proselytize about the wonders of ganges river and muthu curry.