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马英九's CNY Ang Pow is KAYLOONG! He got extra $200 himself
Sharp eyed netizen caught ROC President MaYingJiu that his propaganda news reported that he had spent shopping before the public media on one day 4 pieces of his own of $200 denomination Ang Pow coupons. And he said he had only spent his own share and not his family members.
However, it is a uniform standard throughout ROC that each citizen only receive 3 pieces of $200 denomination coupons plus 6 pieces of $500 denomination coupons. Therefore no one should have the 4th piece of $200 denomination coupon if not spending shares of others.
Is it not Kay Long that MaYingJiu himself got at least 1 extra $200 denomination coupon?

</label> 更新日期:<q>2009/02/05 15:44</q> 記者陳思穎/台北報導
<table class="left" cellspacing="0"> <tbody><tr><td><label>
</label></td></tr> </tbody></table>為了刺激消費,劉內閣集思廣益推出「消費券」政策,1月18日發給每人總額3,600元的「消費券」,除了一個充滿喜氣的大紅色福袋,大家還領到「三張200元、六張500元」的消費券,但問題似乎就此產生,有網友眼尖發現,曾公開表示只會花掉自己那份的總統馬英九,竟然公然在媒體面前大剌剌花掉了「四張200元」。究竟,那多出的一張200元面值的消費券,馬總統是打哪來的?!
Sharp eyed netizen caught ROC President MaYingJiu that his propaganda news reported that he had spent shopping before the public media on one day 4 pieces of his own of $200 denomination Ang Pow coupons. And he said he had only spent his own share and not his family members.
However, it is a uniform standard throughout ROC that each citizen only receive 3 pieces of $200 denomination coupons plus 6 pieces of $500 denomination coupons. Therefore no one should have the 4th piece of $200 denomination coupon if not spending shares of others.
Is it not Kay Long that MaYingJiu himself got at least 1 extra $200 denomination coupon?


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