Taiwanese peasants who had been dodging law and mata got baited by Ma Ying Jiu's CNY Ang Pow. When they turned up to receive PROGRESS PACKAGES dozens of them got arrested by awaiting matas!
Times are so bad that the wanted Taiwanese peasants took their risk to turn up to collect CNY Ang Pow.
Ma Ying Jiu distributes this CNY NT$3600 per citizen striaght. To collect they have to turn up in person and show identity documentations.
This is a great risk for those peasants with outstanding warrants of arrests or out standing fines etc. Some unlucky ones got arrested and tried to use Ang Pow to pay fines, but mata said Ang Pows are coupons and can not be used for paying fines. Look like they have to spent CNY in jail with their ex-president Ah Bian. :p
都是為3600 通緝犯領消券被逮
<label> </label> 更新日期:<q>2009/01/18 18:16</q> 劉欣逵 辜士陞 劉錦源
<table class="left" cellspacing="0"> <tbody><tr><td><label> </label></td></tr> </tbody></table>為了領消費券,逃亡多時的通緝犯通通現身,不過卻成了員警的甕中鱉!台東有位因竊盜案被通緝的男子,為了領券,從花蓮回來,被眼尖員警逮個正著,還想用消費券繳罰金;嘉義和基隆也有通緝犯,因為領券而被逮,光是基隆分局,今天就抓到13名通緝犯。
除 了台東,嘉義也剛好抓到2名通緝犯,一名蔡姓男子因為偽造文書被通緝,回嘉義領消費券,立刻被逮;另一名女通緝犯,更是在7年前販毒被通緝,躲躲藏藏好幾 年,和丈夫從高雄到去嘉義領券,也被逮到。發現員警李文博:「主動去查覺得怪怪的。」記者:「看到你會閃?」李文博:「對啊。」
Times are so bad that the wanted Taiwanese peasants took their risk to turn up to collect CNY Ang Pow.
Ma Ying Jiu distributes this CNY NT$3600 per citizen striaght. To collect they have to turn up in person and show identity documentations.
This is a great risk for those peasants with outstanding warrants of arrests or out standing fines etc. Some unlucky ones got arrested and tried to use Ang Pow to pay fines, but mata said Ang Pows are coupons and can not be used for paying fines. Look like they have to spent CNY in jail with their ex-president Ah Bian. :p
都是為3600 通緝犯領消券被逮
<label> </label> 更新日期:<q>2009/01/18 18:16</q> 劉欣逵 辜士陞 劉錦源
<table class="left" cellspacing="0"> <tbody><tr><td><label> </label></td></tr> </tbody></table>為了領消費券,逃亡多時的通緝犯通通現身,不過卻成了員警的甕中鱉!台東有位因竊盜案被通緝的男子,為了領券,從花蓮回來,被眼尖員警逮個正著,還想用消費券繳罰金;嘉義和基隆也有通緝犯,因為領券而被逮,光是基隆分局,今天就抓到13名通緝犯。
除 了台東,嘉義也剛好抓到2名通緝犯,一名蔡姓男子因為偽造文書被通緝,回嘉義領消費券,立刻被逮;另一名女通緝犯,更是在7年前販毒被通緝,躲躲藏藏好幾 年,和丈夫從高雄到去嘉義領券,也被逮到。發現員警李文博:「主動去查覺得怪怪的。」記者:「看到你會閃?」李文博:「對啊。」