伍思凱 - 特別的愛給特別的你
I remember i first listen to this song in ept 1992 at a karaoke lounge i tioman island,those days they use video cassette and you have to go on satge to sing the song u choosenice songs
王馨平(Linda Wong)(原名王傳音,1971年8月5日-),前香港女歌手及演員,祖籍江蘇無錫。畢業於台灣國立政治大學新聞系,她的著名歌曲有《別問我是誰》和《寒冰》,與劉小慧、黎瑞恩、湯寶如並稱「寶麗金四小花」。她的父親為武打明星王羽,母親為女星林翠(原名曾懿貞),舅父為香港演員曾江,另有一個同母異父的哥哥陳山河。
過去她曾與鄭嘉穎拍拖,後來與金融界男友Stephen Lee結婚,婚後淡出演藝圈。
As for this song i was holidaying in langkawi with my family in dec 1995we were at a karaoke lounge in the hotel and my niece favorite song,this time it was in laser disc.[/CENTER]