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If Oppo don't speak up, people will say they doing nothing
Can not just any how do something for sake of doing. Must do only right thing.
If Oppo don't speak up, people will say they doing nothing
My view is we are better not to steer LEEgime out of their own wrong course on this population and immigration issue at this time. Let them be firmly set on their course towards 2016. Don't let lead them to steer off their current course at this phase.
Pay the price!
Population is something that REALLY takes time to steer, don't fucking give them the time. Don't !
If you led them to steer out of it now, they enjoy the benefit in the ballot boxes in GE2016.
Hold them firmly on their own course, and count the fucking ballots in GE2016. That is my point.
Why? Because this one is BIG.
If Oppo don't speak up, people will say they doing nothing
[h=2]Monday, February 11, 2013[/h] [h=3]叶叔警告:人口政策课题。反对党已经打草惊蛇[/h] 我只想讲得最少。越少越好。
但是反对党也失策在动作时机上,没有抓准2016大选的时间。对眼前这个“人口白皮书”的小目标大做剧烈反应。战略上已经是“打草惊蛇”了。你们现在这样 给予了李家王朝太多的时间去迂廻调整和调头。即使是实际上没有调头也会施放假动作的调头“政治安慰剂”言论。消减了对自己重大政治错误的选票损失。
posted by uncleyap at 6:21 PM
Yes, I believe the oppositions want to win votes in the coming election. But what is more important is to care for fellow Singaporeans.
As long as a Gov cares for its people. MIW or MIB, all doesn't really matter much.
Yes, agree. The priority is to get the best for Singaporeans, as soon as possible. UncleYap has his priorities wrong! What UncleYap just said is that opposition should let Singaporeans continue to suffer, and use this as a reason to win votes in the next election which is more than 3 years later.
Yes, agree. The priority is to get the best for Singaporeans, as soon as possible. UncleYap has his priorities wrong! What UncleYap just said is that opposition should let Singaporeans continue to suffer, and use this as a reason to win votes in the next election which is more than 3 years later.
Uncle Yap, I am disappointed by your comments. Deeply disappointed.
You said the opposition should keep a low profile or even silence regarding the white paper, and give element of surprise in the 2016 election so as win more votes from the PAP. With the opposition making their comments now, you said PAP will be given time to react and correct their mistakes.
Actually, what wrong about opposition voicing their comments now and allowing PAP to correct their mistakes from now to 2016 and making life slightly better for Singaporeans?
It is not about the strategy on winning votes, it is about doing the right thing for Singaporeans.
Like many Singaporeans, I also felt that the government made mistakes in housing, immigration and transport. But I want life to be better from this day onwards, and I respect the straight and selfless comments made by WP to alert the government on critical matters. WP want Singaporeans to enjoy a better life as soon as possible. Whether the PAP do it or not is another matter, but what matters is that WP voiced it out straight.
Yes, I believe the oppositions want to win votes in the coming election. But what is more important is to care for fellow Singaporeans.
My view is we are better not to steer LEEgime out of their own wrong course on this population and immigration issue at this time. Let them be firmly set on their course towards 2016. Don't let lead them to steer off their current course at this phase.
Pay the price!
Population is something that REALLY takes time to steer, don't fucking give them the time. Don't !
If you led them to steer out of it now, they enjoy the benefit in the ballot boxes in GE2016.
Hold them firmly on their own course, and count the fucking ballots in GE2016. That is my point.
Why? Because this one is BIG.
Voters based their vote not only on the mistakes of parties. They also vote based on the positive contribution of the parties. For the PAP, they have ample opportunity to see where they have done right, so it is important to show where they can do wrong. For an opposition party, there is very little opportunity to show where they can do right. It is by pointing out where the PAP has gone wrong and see the positive effect of the correction that the positive contribution of the Opposition can be seen. So fear not if PAP corrects their mistakes in the process as PAP doing something right is a given but doing it right at the prompting of the opposition is demonstration of the good work done by the Opposition. And this is also a demonstration that the Opposition is not alive only when the Election comes along, a common accusation, but is contributing positively throughout.
It is the same opportunity, whether you quietly accept it now and let the policy run its course or you make some noise about it sufficient to let people know about your disagreement with the policy.There is no point to catch a very minor opportunity to point out just nothing but some potential mistakes of LEEgime, in comparison against a very SIGNIFICANT opportunity to scoop tons of angry votes when the GRAVE mistake is DONE by LEEgime in 2016. You are missing a MAJOR SIGNIFICANT OPPORTUNITY to catch only a Minor Opportunity.