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丢!大吉利是! HK 2歎早茶 @Alfrasco cafe suddenly got 阿婆 suicide jump from above and landed next to your tables! Customer fainted!

democracy my butt


女子墮樓傳巨響臥屍咫尺 嚇煞2歎早茶街坊

on.cc 東網

12.5k 人追蹤

2019年4月3日 上午7:53


香港撒瑪利亞防止自殺會: 2389 2222
生命熱線: 2382 0000
明愛向晴軒: 18288
社會福利署: 2343 2255
撒瑪利亞會熱線(多種語言): 2896 0000
東華三院芷若園: 18281
醫管局精神健康專線: 2466 7350
利民會: 3512 2626

Women's towers screaming loudly squatting squatting scare 2 sigh morning tea neighborhood
[on.cc east net]
On.cc East Net
12.5k person tracking
April 3, 2019, 7:53 am
The woman’s mortuary scene is not far from the “Winter Mushroom Pavilion”. (Photo by Hu Dewei)

A 78-year-old surnamed Yu Duju, an elderly woman, today (3rd) at 3 am, at the 18th floor of Boyu House, Bokang Village, Sha Tin. She was lying in a coma, and the ambulanceman confirmed that she died on the spot. The tent covered the body and no suicide note was seized at the scene. After preliminary investigation, there was no suspiciousness and the family was being contacted to understand the incident. It is reported that the deceased had a son who had moved out of residence in his early years.

The location of the old scorpion mortuary was only about 6 meters away from the "Golden Mushroom Pavilion" in the village's cooked food center. When the incident happened, there were two neighbors, Aber, who had morning tea in the pavilion. Two people heard a loud noise behind them and turned back. At first sight, He sees the old woman on the ground, and there are still two embarrassing people in the 2nd block. She told the Eastern Network reporter that there are people in the village who often look down on the building, so they are not afraid, but this time they were scared and shocked by the smashing of the tower. It was a little scared at the time.

Suicide prevention hotline:
Hong Kong Samaritan Suicide Prevention Association: 2389 2222
Lifeline: 2382 0000
Caritas to Qing Xuan: 18288
Social Welfare Department: 2343 2255
Samaritan Hotline (multiple languages): 2896 0000
Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, Ruo Ruoyuan: 18281
HA Mental Health Hotline: 2466 7350
Limin Club: 3512 2626
Jockey Club Youth Emotional Health Online Support Platform "Open噏": www.openup.hk


Alfrescian (Inf)
Hongkies so backward. At least the Sinkie police have a nice blue tent to cover the body.
