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“Don’t put your dirty tray next to my kids!” – Diner’s attempt to return food tray triggers dispute at Clementi Mall


The bitch has no brains and no manners. Whether it's a table of 4, 6, 8 or 10 is not the issue. It boils down to basic hygiene and simple manners. How would anyone feel if they were to sit down for a meal and a bitch came along and place her soiled plate with bones, leftovers, etc such as the pics below next to them? Wouldn't it be a huge turn off?




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The bitch has no brains and no manners. Whether it's a table of 4, 6, 8 or 10 is not the issue. It boils down to basic hygiene and simple manners. How would anyone feel if they were to sit down for a meal and a bitch came along and place her soiled plate with bones, leftovers, etc such as the pics below next to them? Wouldn't it be a huge turn off?

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You forgot about wantons aka used tissues with a good supply of mucus.


Old Fart
All these low-class aggressive traits of a Sinkie parent is symptomatic of the amount of stress they face in their daily lives. Over-sized but fragile egos; delusional sense of self-worth; primordial territorial instincts over such a petty thing as table space; over-protective of their kids and so on. There is no Singapore Spirit to talk about.
Singapore really tak boleh!
Perfect description of the ugly sinkie. Chope seats, won't give way to signalling traffic on the road, dash into lifts, etc. I see them almost on a daily basis, and it always takes a lot of restraint for me to not punch them in their self-righteous and self-important face.


You forgot about wantons aka used tissues with a good supply of mucus.

I have actually experienced this. The chibai with his family who was seated on the adjacent table simply turned around, took their used plates with tissues, bones and grease, and placed them on my table where my wife, grandson and I were still eating. They then continued talking and eating as though this was a very normal thing to do. Sinkies are really crass, uncouth and lack manners.


be smart okay already (keep your own table space clean,stack plates,cutlery etc) why act smart and encroach on another diner's space... what a btich!


Alfrescian (Inf)
if she intended to return tray might as well return it (fully) to return tray station. or at least hand the tray to elderly cleaning woman. why leave it on a table? like choping tables with tissues, business cards and credit cards, sinkies don’t have the dna to do anything proper and polite.

posted about this on sbf in may this year. sinkies in their faint attempts to “return” trays at bedok central hawker center would rather pile them on a table next to return tray station than walking a few more feet and place them on empty shelves at the station.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Mdm Lim's attempt to be gracious was carried out at the expense of a fellow diner. It really didn't matter if the table could sit eight. The fact is she was encroaching onto the privacy of another diner by disposing "dirty plates and possibly leftover food" on that other's table. That is NOT gracious at all, and super rude. She was merely using Mdm Lim's "difficulty in moving" as an excuse after her "inconsideracy" had been exposed.

If she was really concerned about the cleaner, she should have returned the tray and all that stuff to the tray return corner.

When you eat at a food court, you do not have exclusive use of a common table. If you want that, go eat at a restaurant.


male, 非male, young (toa payoh 狗男女), pioneers gen self entitled pricks and cunts are all spoiling for a fight... every dumb fucks is a walking matherfarking time bomb!


Alfrescian (Inf)
When you eat at a food court, you do not have exclusive use of a common table. If you want that, go eat at a restaurant.
i always look for table with sexy milf eating alone, flash my 6.9-pack abs, ask her if i can share space, and if she says yes with a smile sneak up right next to her and stare at her meal. “wah bery healthy food to stay ravishingly beautiful hah. can i try?” and then the shock, followed by giggles. “no lah. me not beautiful lah. getting old oredy. teehee.” and then we becum friends (with benefits). no chance i’m going to try that stunt with triple h unless she grows a pair of melons.


i always look for table with sexy milf eating alone, flash my 6.9-pack abs, ask her if i can share space, and if she says yes with a smile sneak up right next to her and stare at her meal. “wah bery healthy food to stay ravishingly beautiful hah. can i try?” and then the shock, followed by giggles. “no lah. me not beautiful lah. getting old oredy. teehee.” and then we becum friends (with benefits). no chance i’m going to try that stunt with triple h unless she grows a pair of melons.

The story about the cleaner having "difficulty moving" was an afterthought after her uncouth behavior was exposed. If she was anywhere near the cleaner, like what you just said, she could have passed it to the cleaner or left it on her trolley. Instead, she left it on a table - not an empty table but a table where a family was dining. How uncouth and rude !

If the man didn't kpkb, and if they family cleared their own trays without clearing Mdm Lim's tray, people would think that it was the family that did not clear the tray.

The truth is she was lazy but was under pressure to clear the tray "from her table" where she dined. So she conveniently moved her tray to someone else's table. When she was confronted, she conveniently used the cleaner as a cover.


Alfrescian (Inf)
I have actually experienced this. The chibai with his family who was seated on the adjacent table simply turned around, took their used plates with tissues, bones and grease, and placed them on my table where my wife, grandson and I were still eating. They then continued talking and eating as though this was a very normal thing to do. Sinkies are really crass, uncouth and lack manners.
you should've fucked them, or do the same I did - to put those used items back on their table and see their reaction - priceless! :cool:


Alfrescian (Inf)
The story about the cleaner having "difficulty moving" was an afterthought after her uncouth behavior was exposed. If she was anywhere near the cleaner, like what you just said, she could have passed it to the cleaner or left it on her trolley. Instead, she left it on a table - not an empty table but a table where a family was dining. How uncouth and rude !

If the man didn't kpkb, and if they family cleared their own trays without clearing Mdm Lim's tray, people would think that it was the family that did not clear the tray.

The truth is she was lazy but was under pressure to clear the tray "from her table" where she dined. So she conveniently moved her tray to someone else's table. When she was confronted, she conveniently used the cleaner as a cover.
and she’s flat chested, ugly, and scowlingly obnoxious too with the cheebye look. if she is a ravishing beauty everyone will submit and succumb, and she will get away with anything. my sister claire would have not only return the tray to station but also wipe the table clean with sanitary napkins, oops back up for a moment, clean the table with sanitized wet wipes and usher the next diner to a seat. i’m so proud of her. wish she’s back here to flash her solasfera.