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“Don’t put your dirty tray next to my kids!” – Diner’s attempt to return food tray triggers dispute at Clementi Mall


A diner’s attempt to return a food tray she had used triggered a scuffle at the food court at Clementi Mall last Friday, when another diner made a fuss over the tray being placed near her children.

42-year-old housewife Mdm Lim, a frequent patron of the food court, told reporters that she finished her meal around 6.15pm and noticed that the usual cleaner was working that day. Since the cleaner is an elderly woman who has difficulty moving, Mdm Lim went up to her and placed the tray on the table beside the cleaner’s trolley:

“The frequent customers here know the cleaning aunty has difficulty moving around. We don’t want to make her job difficult so after eating we will put our trays on the table near to her trolley where she can reach them.”

Mdm Lim’s gesture, however, angered another patron who was dining with his wife and two children. Mdm Lim recounted that the man rose from his seat and yelled at her: “Don’t put your dirty tray next to my kids!”

When Mdm Lim shared her intentions to help the elderly cleaner and pointed out that the table was large enough to seat 8 people, the man whipped out his mobile phone and told Mdm Lim that he would “make her famous” on the Internet.

Mdm Lim said that the table was big enough to sit 8 people, and she left the tray there to make life easier for the cleaning aunty.

She said that the man, seeing that she didn’t respond, took out his handphone and took a photo of her and said he would make her “famous” on the internet. Mdm Lim recounted that she left the scene, afraid that the situation would escalate into a physical fight:

“I tried to explain but he wouldn’t listen, so I left with my friend and my son. As I was leaving, I thought I also better take a photo of the man, so I took out my handphone and snapped a photo of him from a distance. He saw me do that and rushed towards me, trying to grab my handphone. I was scared he would attack me so I called the police.”

Police officers who arrived at the scene helped cool tensions between the male diner and Mdm Lim. Mdm Lim, however, revealed that she plans to pursue the matter further:

“I went to the police station to make a police report that night. I’m also planning to lodge a Magistrate’s Complaint against that man.”



This is very shocking indeed....cleaning aunty has difficulty moving around.

Wonder if she gets paid in full?


Alfrescian (Inf- Comp)
Mind you, these are all parents with kids behaving like uneducated juveniles. I am sure their kids have inherited all their awesomely crass Gins! Oops, I mean Genes. Lol :biggrin:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Sinkie people is sure cranky. Once you step out, prepared to trigger, rage against another. Is it too stress up and wan to relieve on random stranger?
Pee, lift, parking, eating, mrt, bus all can fight
Crazy little thing can trigger people to lose humanity
And funny thing is there is a collection point, why dont put direct there instead?


Old Fart
It might have gone nicely if Mdm Lim had asked/informed those seated at the table first, that she is placing the tray there for the elderly tray lady to pick up in a minute. Still, I think that asshole man over-reacted. Such is the state of sinkieland where most sinkies are petty, quarrelsome and unforgiving (70% of them). I intend to migrate to NZ soon. :biggrin:


It might have gone nicely if Mdm Lim had asked/informed those seated at the table first, that she is placing the tray there for the elderly tray lady to pick up in a minute. Still, I think that asshole man over-reacted. Such is the state of sinkieland where most sinkies are petty, quarrelsome and unforgiving (70% of them). I intend to migrate to NZ soon. :biggrin:

Mdm Lim's attempt to be gracious was carried out at the expense of a fellow diner. It really didn't matter if the table could sit eight. The fact is she was encroaching onto the privacy of another diner by disposing "dirty plates and possibly leftover food" on that other's table. That is NOT gracious at all, and super rude. She was merely using Mdm Lim's "difficulty in moving" as an excuse after her "inconsideracy" had been exposed.

If she was really concerned about the cleaner, she should have returned the tray and all that stuff to the tray return corner.


Old Fart
Mdm Lim's attempt to be gracious was carried out at the expense of a fellow diner. It really didn't matter if the table could sit eight. The fact is she was encroaching onto the privacy of another diner by disposing "dirty plates and possibly leftover food" on that other's table. That is NOT gracious at all, and super rude. She was merely using Mdm Lim's "difficulty in moving" as an excuse after her "inconsideracy" had been exposed.

If she was really concerned about the cleaner, she should have returned the tray and all that stuff to the tray return corner.
OK, that's one way to look at it. But I still maintain it was a non-event if only the situation was handled with some give and take. With some common sense vebal communication. Sinkies need to chill and stop being petty bitches. I assume the table and eight chairs are like these, it's a fucking big table!



OK, that's one way to look at it. But I still maintain it was a non-event if only the situation was handled with some give and take. With some common sense vebal communication. Sinkies need to chill and stop being petty bitches. I assume the table and eight chairs are like these, it's a fucking big table!

I agree the man overreacted, but the attitude of the woman in disposing her dirty tray must have played a big part.

When she was told not to put the tray next to his kids, she could have immediately lifted her tray off and put it on the cart. Instead she went on a journey of justifying her rude behaviour by claiming the table could sit eight.

It was a dirty tray and the family was having a meal. If a person sits on a table for 4, it's still one table and I will be very careful of his right to privacy.


The best part is, she intends to pursue the matter further. Wonder what will be the outcome? What is a Magistrate's complaint?


Old Fart
I agree the man overreacted, but the attitude of the woman in disposing her dirty tray must have played a big part.

When she was told not to put the tray next to his kids, she could have immediately lifted her tray off and put it on the cart. Instead she went on a journey of justifying her rude behaviour by claiming the table could sit eight.

It was a dirty tray and the family was having a meal. If a person sits on a table for 4, it's still one table and I will be very careful of his right to privacy.
When I join in a table of eight, I always ask for permission even when those seated are at the other end. Different strokes for different folks, I guess. Ugly sinkies are everywhere, but I always tell my family to be thoughtful and polite, especially in public.

Come on, how dirty can a food tray in a food court be? It's a tray mostly containing used utensils, incomplete food and perhaps some spilled food or liquids. Its not like someone defecated on it? Why call it a dirty tray? Anyway, we do not have the complete picture of what transpired. It's probably a non-event. But good that it happened so that poodles got something to do.


When I join in a table of eight, I always ask for permission even when those seated are at the other end. Different strokes for different folks, I guess. Ugly sinkies are everywhere, but I always tell my family to be thoughtful and polite, especially in public.

Come on, how dirty can a food tray in a food court be? It's a tray mostly containing used utensils, incomplete food and perhaps some spilled food or liquids. Its not like someone defecated on it? Why call it a dirty tray? Anyway, we do not have the complete picture of what transpired. It's probably a non-event. But good that it happened so that poodles got something to do.
The man should count himself lucky that Mdm Lim was no Lion King. Otherwise all hell would have broken loose and he and his kids would have been treated with a feast of expletives.


Old Fart
The man should count himself lucky that Mdm Lim was no Lion King. Otherwise all hell would have broken loose and he and his kids would have been treated with a feast of expletives.
Speaking of Lion King, perhaps I should take her off my ignore list. Need some entertainment!


Alfrescian (Inf)
All these low-class aggressive traits of a Sinkie parent is symptomatic of the amount of stress they face in their daily lives. Over-sized but fragile egos; delusional sense of self-worth; primordial territorial instincts over such a petty thing as table space; over-protective of their kids and so on. There is no Singapore Spirit to talk about.
Singapore really tak boleh!