To all taxi drivers, no offence, I make following comment from long experience with you lot. If you are tired from long hours of driving, just rest, don't be a dick head. But if you are frustrated with life as a taxi driver, then strive for whatever that you consider a better career. If this is not possible for whatever reason and you are still frustrated with life as a taxi driver, tell you what, why don't you just go home (if you even have one), you see that nice little knife inside kitchen cabinet? Well, take that nice little knife, yes that's right, then wipe it over butter or cooking oil, and then push it inside your anus. There you go, nicely done, nicely done. Now, are you still frustrated with your life as a taxi driver? If yes, every time you sit in your taxi, just remember that feeling of that nicely little knife inside your anus. That's right. Not so bad isn't it? Surely is better than to have someone push you down from top floor of HDB block, right?