Ok guys.
I think Thailand is a great place to retire. forget about the political problem, life bloody goes on, let them fight.
when I say Thailand is a great place to retire I mean that one must be willing to live local and its less than S$1.5k per month you will need in Thailand I mean in Bangkok. Places like in Hua Hin, Pattaya, Phuket and other touristic places I dare not say, sure damn expensive and you pay "farang" prices of course but in Bangkok if you know how to live S$1.5k is too much. Medical is also very cheap. If you want details you can find it in the Thai thread. Othe places like angmoh countries please be careful of medical costs. Ok just to give you some examples - endoscopy + colonscopy costs about $1.5k, dental is $30, full medical is $500 (detail one la) etc etc.
I think Thailand is a perfect place for sinkies because its near, come on, many farangs are building Japanese Villages, Dutch Villages, Koreans Villages, German Villages etc etc surely they are not wrong right? Only I've not seen sinkie village but I guess sinkies are very smart and well blend into Thai culture which is why you don't find sinkie village anywhere.
I believe this is a great place for sinkies, afterall Singapore is just so close.
Please let me know if anyone need help I should be able to link you to a good guy to help you apply for your visa.