• IP addresses are NOT logged in this forum so there's no point asking. Please note that this forum is full of homophobes, racists, lunatics, schizophrenics & absolute nut jobs with a smattering of geniuses, Chinese chauvinists, Moderate Muslims and last but not least a couple of "know-it-alls" constantly sprouting their dubious wisdom. If you believe that content generated by unsavory characters might cause you offense PLEASE LEAVE NOW! Sammyboy Admin and Staff are not responsible for your hurt feelings should you choose to read any of the content here.

    The OTHER forum is HERE so please stop asking.

Serious Japan's and Taiwan's COMBINED Armed Forces are STRONGER than the PRC's, according to the Swiss bank, Credit Suisse! haha

Do you AGREE with Credit Suisse?

  • Total voters



America forgot about WW2 where China with barely any arms from USA and with single shot bolt rifles and swords and bare hands fought and killed 3,000,000 Japanese invaders?

And USA needed no less than aircraft carriers and battleships and planes and artilleries and automatic rifles to kill 300,000 Japs in the Pacific?

Or Korean War where China with single shot bolt action rifles drove USA and all her allies when USA firepower 100 times greater than China and fighting with automatic weapons and artillery and battleships with 16 inch guns .

The military might and strength of USA with heavy artillery and planes and tanks and battleships with 16 inch guns cannot be resisted by China with economy slightly out of stone age and with single shot bolt action rifles. Bolt operated rifles were just one stage above using muzzle loading muskets and black powder.

That Chinese be slaughtered and turned into red pulp should they dare to fight good old Dugout in Korea.

Chinese whacked USA and the UN combined that they had to flee south of the Parallel as demanded by China.Chinese fought with bolt operated rifles against Ma Dueces , automatic weapons and artillery and tanks and planes and chopters and battleships with 16″ guns.

Go read the book by David Halberstam
The Coldest Winter


Look on the front line at 24 Nov 1950 and the front line of 16 Dec 1950.


It took China only twenty days and less to do that push down to 38 parallel fighting USA and the UN combined who had 100 times and more of the firepower of China.

And what about Vietnam?
USA firepower at least 100 times that of Vietnam and China combined?


Hey China troll

What the fuck is up with your spastic posts?

Ken Jeong? What are you gay or something?

Oh bad news China troll

America is #1 and there is nothing you can do about it. Nothing.


I know, there, there. Oh Ken Jeong says as an American he wants you to fuck off.

China lied people died


I believe that the third most important reason is that despite lots of posturing on both sides, both PRC and ROC are quite contented with the status quo. PRC are quite contented that Taiwan largely does not have an independent country status on the world stage and most countries consider Taiwan as part of China. Taiwan are also quite contented that they have their own system, elected government, freedom to lead their lives the way most of the people want. :wink:

Dear @jw5, for the eighth time, many belated thanks for bumping up my thread again the day before yesterday by posting what you consider to be the second most important reason for your prediction that the PLA will not invade Taiwan!

You mentioned that you have "a variety of reasons", so I'm guessing that you have at least one more reason, right? :unsure:
If yes, may I ask, what do you consider to be the THIRD most important reason? :wink:


Engaging with the China trolls can be quite a pastime, and its amusing to see them try to justify with 100 pics of nonsense their asinine position. The United States of America is the most powerful, successful nation in the modern era of mankind. Its been so for 75+ years, and will be for some more. Period. Its what the textbooks say, its what is taught in universities and its what our children will be taught as history. Nothing can change this. Not the latest article on the internet from this or that pundit. It is sacrosanct fact.

Over the years there has been thousands of publications, opinions, theories from the cold war - from Brezhnev to Khrushchev to the Cuban missile crisis to missiles in Turkey - that in the end of the day, after its all been digested - the threat of MAD - deterrence - was the net end result and we had the most peaceful time in human history. Less wars and conflicts were fought during this time than at any other - all thanks to detente. The stability of a bipolar world - Russian interests vs American interests was a massive success.

After America won the cold war, the world was left with one superpower which is unstable for world order. Conflicts were fought, power vacuums formed, and we have what we have today: One power and one emerging power that has refused to accept the responsibilities that come with assuming its role. Many thousands of books have been written and one difference is we have the rise of the pundit. Armchair experts with opinions who care not about consequences or the truth - they are only interested in personal gain. Our news cycles are a disaster and most people do not know what is happening anymore.

These same people write articles on the internet and claim this navy or that army is now not as powerful and America or China has this advantage now because this plane or tank is better but people fail to see they really have an agenda. Its usually propaganda or they are lobbyists for financial gain. The more learned of us of course know this - we filter it out.

One example of this is China and its mountain of misinformation. When China claimed they had a "DF41" missile and showcased it, it was discovered to be an inferior missile. So yet another lie. This is why we believe nothing when it comes to China. They are known to say they have a weapon, paint DF something on it, and then pretend its real. We know alot of it is not, unlike in the United States, where there would be a congressional hearing if something like that happened.


Since numbers don't lie, as you have correctly posted in this thread, its been an interesting read. Obviously America is the most powerful military. Japan and Taiwan coupled together, well that will be something to see. Just don't get too worked up when the China trolls such as LaoTze who are delusional copy and paste twisted fake stats when we all know what the truth is. Apparently experience, quality, and what is factual have not entered into their limited obsessed thinking - I bet you if country A has X and B did not, you would see that B would be developing X. Its been that way for a very long time. But do enjoy yourself, because it is a form of entertainment.

China is not your friend
Dear @Peiweh-sama, many thanks to you too for:
1. gracing my humble thread with your words of wisdom,
2. liking four of my posts in this thread,
3. and finally, voting in the poll and even agreeing with me and Credit Suisse


I believe that the third most important reason is that despite lots of posturing on both sides, both PRC and ROC are quite contented with the status quo. PRC are quite contented that Taiwan largely does not have an independent country status on the world stage and most countries consider Taiwan as part of China. Taiwan are also quite contented that they have their own system, elected government, freedom to lead their lives the way most of the people want. :wink:
Dear @jw5, for the ninth time, many belated thanks for bumping up my thread again the day before yesterday by posting what you consider to be the third most important reason for your prediction that the PLA will not invade Taiwan!

May I ask, is that your final reason, or do you have a fourth reason? :unsure:


Also, for those of you who are not aware, Japan is actually a "De facto nuclear state":
("Nuclear latency or a nuclear threshold state is the condition of a country possessing the technology to quickly build nuclear weapons, without having actually yet done so. Because such latent capability is not proscribed by the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, this is sometimes called the "Japan Option" (as a work-around to the treaty), as Japan is considered a "paranuclear" state, being a clear case of a country with complete technical prowess to develop a nuclear weapon quickly, or as it is sometimes called "being one screwdriver's turn" from the bomb, as Japan is considered to have the materials, expertise and technical capacity to make a nuclear bomb at will.")

Many belated thanks, in chronological order, to:
for liking the above post of mine!


I am thinking of more reasons. :biggrin:
Dear @jw5, for the tenth time, many belated thanks for bumping up my thread again the day before yesterday by letting me know that you are thinking of more reasons for your prediction that the PLA will not invade Taiwan!

I shall now finally post a long-winded reply to your three reasons:
PLA will not invade Taiwan (for a variety of reasons). :cool:
The most important reason is that Taiwan has not formally declared independence. :wink:
I believe that the second most important reason PLA will not invade Taiwan is that there are many people in both PRC and ROC who consider themselves as part of one country and do not really want to cause hardship to each other. :wink:
I believe that the third most important reason is that despite lots of posturing on both sides, both PRC and ROC are quite contented with the status quo. PRC are quite contented that Taiwan largely does not have an independent country status on the world stage and most countries consider Taiwan as part of China. Taiwan are also quite contented that they have their own system, elected government, freedom to lead their lives the way most of the people want. :wink:
by saying, firstly, that they would all make sense (or maybe only a bit more sense) to me IF you had posted them before this year! :wink:

Secondly, my main reason for your reasons NOT making sense to me this year is that, unless I am very mistaken, the vast majority of KMT voters (5,522,119 valid voters / 19,311,105 eligible voters X 100% = only roughly 28.6% of all eligible voters) in the last election:
were born before 1970, i.e. they are the baby boomers and their parents, who obviously cannot live forever, right? :wink:

Whereas, unless I am very mistaken again, the vast majority of DPP voters were born from the 1970s onwards and would have, therefore, lost touch with Mainland Chinese culture, causing them to be naturally much more anti-PRC/CCP than their parents and grandparents, right? :wink:

If we just focus on the past four elections during the past decade, the percentage of all eligible voters (not just valid voters) voting for the DPP has been gradually increasing from:
5,444,949 valid voters / 17,321,622 eligible voters X 100% = roughly 31.4% of all eligible voters in the:
to 6,093,578 valid voters / 18,086,455 eligible voters X 100% = roughly 33.7% of all eligible voters in the:
to 6,894,744 valid voters / 18,782,991 eligible voters X 100% = roughly 36.7% of all eligible voters in the:
to 8,170,231 valid voters / 19,311,105 eligible voters X 100% = roughly 42.3% of all eligible voters in the:

And according to:
roughly 1,040,000 Taiwanese babies were born from 2000 to 2003 and they will all be eligible to vote in the next election in early 2024; and I'm predicting at least 69% of them will vote for the DPP! :tongue:

Also, roughly 690,000 Taiwanese people died during the past four years (2016 to 2019); roughly 635,000 died from 2012 to 2015 and roughly 585,000 died from 2008 to 2011; therefore, because the number of Taiwanese people dying every four years since 2008 has been increasing by roughly 50,000, there's a good chance that roughly 750,000 will die from this year (2020) to 2023, causing the number of eligible voters to increase by only roughly 300,000 for the next election! :eek:
This is mainly because, besides more people dying every four years, fewer babies have also been born every four years, which is why the number of eligible voters has been increasing by a significantly smaller number every four years and might eventually decrease:
18,086,455 - 17,321,622 = 764,833 more eligible voters in the:
18,782,991 - 18,086,455 = 696,536 more eligible voters in the:
19,311,105 - 18,782,991 = 528,114 more eligible voters in the:

So if the number of eligible voters in the next election (in early 2024) increases by 300,000 to roughly 19.6 million; and out of the 1,040,000 new eligible voters (born from 2000 to 2003), 696,969 of them vote for the DPP and all the 8,170,231 eligible voters who voted for the DPP earlier this year (in January 2020) continue to vote for the DPP again in 2024, the result would be nearly 8.9 million valid votes being won by the DPP and the percentage of eligible voters voting for the DPP would be 8.9 / 19.6 x 100% = roughly 45.4% and this does not count potential swing voters (who voted for the KMT or other parties this year) nor does it count potential DPP voters who did not bother to vote at all this year (roughly a quarter of all eligible voters).

Anyway, why am I focusing so much on eligible voters and not valid voters?
Simply because I am predicting a new:
on "Taiwanese independence", similar to the:
and probably as obvious as the:
being held during the next ten years, possibly even as early as next year! :eek: :tongue:

And unless the rules change (or have changed), at least half of all eligible voters have to bother to vote, in order for the referendum result to be valid; so if half of all eligible voters are DPP voters and they all bother to vote, then there's no need for other eligible voters to vote, right? :tongue:

Furthermore, during the past two or three years, there seems to be bipartisan support in the USA for the:
wikipedia.org/wiki/Taiwan_Allies_International_Protection_and_Enhancement_Initiative_Act ("TAIPEI Act")
so if the Republicans and Donald Trump win the US elections later this year (in November), then in my opinion, the chance of Taiwan "formally" becoming an "independent" country would significantly increase, even though in reality, Taiwan has been, in my opinion again, a de facto:
of Japan from 1895 to 1945 and of the USA since 1945, similar to Singapore since 1965! :wink:

And once again, I am also predicting that the PLA will not try to invade Taiwan, but my most important reason is different from yours, i.e. I do not believe that the PRC government has so far not bothered to order the PLA to invade Taiwan just because the Taiwanese/ROC government (whether it's controlled by the KMT or DPP) has so far refrained from "formally" saying/publishing a bunch of words that seem to mean that Taiwan is an "independent" country.

What I do believe is that the:
wikipedia.org/wiki/Government of the People's Republic of China
will not dare to try invading Taiwan in the first place! :smile:
simply because it knows very well that:
if the US provides enough military support, then according to what you yourself said in another thread a few weeks ago:
If it happens, it will be a good fight with the USA winning but incurring great losses. :frown:
implying that not only would the PLA fail to invade Taiwan, the PLA would also lose the overall war, resulting in:
or at least:
being successfully invaded by Taiwanese and US soldiers, right? :wink:

Come to think of it, if the PRC government is really that scared, then that would mean that even if Taiwan were to "formally" declare "independence", the PLA would STILL NOT dare to try invading Taiwan! :tongue:

Finally, as the saying goes:
Therefore, the actions by both the US and Taiwanese/ROC governments so far and the lack of actions by the PRC government have proven that Taiwan has never truly been a:
wikipedia.org/wiki/Province of the People's Republic of China
wikipedia.org/wiki/Taiwan Province, People's Republic of China
right? :wink:
How can the PRC government be making sense when it claims Taiwan to be "part of its territory" when it has never governed it? :confused:
It would make sense if it claims, for example:
to be "part of its territory".
But if it can make sense by claiming Taiwan to be "part of its territory" when it has never governed it, then you or I can also make sense by claiming the entire Earth to be part of your or my territory, right? :wink:
Last edited:


My fourth reason why the PLA will not invade Taiwan is that they are concerned other countries including the USA will intervene in time and cause them to fail in their attempt. :wink:

But if it can make sense by claiming Taiwan to be "part of its territory" when it has never governed it, then you or I can also make sense by claiming the entire earth to be part of your or my territory, right? :wink:


My fourth reason why the PLA will not invade Taiwan is that they are concerned other countries including the USA will intervene in time and cause them to fail in their attempt. :wink:




America forgot about WW2 where China with barely any arms from USA and with single shot bolt rifles and swords and bare hands fought and killed 3,000,000 Japanese invaders?

And USA needed no less than aircraft carriers and battleships and planes and artilleries and automatic rifles to kill 300,000 Japs in the Pacific?

Or Korean War where China with single shot bolt action rifles drove USA and all her allies when USA firepower 100 times greater than China and fighting with automatic weapons and artillery and battleships with 16 inch guns .

The military might and strength of USA with heavy artillery and planes and tanks and battleships with 16 inch guns cannot be resisted by China with economy slightly out of stone age and with single shot bolt action rifles. Bolt operated rifles were just one stage above using muzzle loading muskets and black powder.

That Chinese be slaughtered and turned into red pulp should they dare to fight good old Dugout in Korea.

Chinese whacked USA and the UN combined that they had to flee south of the Parallel as demanded by China.Chinese fought with bolt operated rifles against Ma Dueces , automatic weapons and artillery and tanks and planes and chopters and battleships with 16″ guns.

Go read the book by David Halberstam
The Coldest Winter


Look on the front line at 24 Nov 1950 and the front line of 16 Dec 1950.


It took China only twenty days and less to do that push down to 38 parallel fighting USA and the UN combined who had 100 times and more of the firepower of China.

And what about Vietnam?
USA firepower at least 100 times that of Vietnam and China combined?




China budget for military spending is 1.5% , or 175 billion USD. Not even at 2% as wanted by USA for her puppet countries like UK, France , Germany , Australia , Japan etc. USA budget for military spending is 686 billion USD or 3.5%
Just imagine if China military budget is at 2%, or like USA, at 3.5%
Further more, this is not like in the case of Germany during Hitler time. Werhmact had the Tigers tanks, a much better tank than Russia or USA or UK.
Germany manufactured only 5,966 tanks, as compared to 29,497 for the US, 7,476 for Britain, and an estimated 20,000 for the Soviet Union. And the results shown many many more will take out the best and the few.
In China now, not only the key assets got better reach and more bang then USA, China got more of them than USA.
Report: China has some of world’s most advanced weapons, remains ‘long way’ from US military
China’s been showing off a lot of new powerful weapons, and experts think they’re sending a message
Some Chinese military tech surpasses US, Pentagon admits
**Let us start with MRLS.**
Now China is as good if not better than Russians in rocket artillery.
Top 10 Multiple Launch Rocket Systems (Top 10 Multiple Launch Rocket Systems)
The PHL 03 is a Chinese artillery rocket system. It is a copy of the Soviet
Smerch (Smerch Multiple Launch Rocket System)
. It reportedly entered service with the Chinese army in 2004-2005. The PHL 03 is also being proposed for the export customers as the AR2. It has been exported to Morocco (one battalion with 36 units).
The PHL 03 has 12 tubes for 300 mm rockets. A standard rocket weights around 800 kg and has a 280 kg warhead. Maximum range of fire is 70-130 km depending on the warhead type. Though some sources report that rockets of this system has a maximum range of 150 km. Rockets are available with High Explosive Fragmentation (HE-FRAG), fuel-air explosive, and cluster warheads with anti-armor and anti-personnel submunitions. Cluster warheads may also carry self-targeting anti-tank munitions. A full salvo of this system could potentially cover an area of up to 67 hectares.
**Even though the PHL 03 is a Chinese version of the Smerch, it appears that Chinese overtook Russians in terms of rockets, as rockets of the PHL 03 have longer range than those of the Smerch. Manufacturers claim, that Chinese 300 mm rockets are not compatible with the Russian Smerch rockets as these use different propellant motors and components.**
USA is a distant third to Russia and China. Be that in rocket artillery or tube artillery.
China's PHL03, advanced Multiple Launch Rocket System (China's PHL03, advanced Multiple Launch Rocket System)
Various types of the 300 mm caliber rocket shells fired by the PHL03 are equipped with simple automatic correction system which allows more dense impact points. The impact point intensity doubles and the accuracy triples. In this way, a high kill probability with fewer rocket shells is possible.
Comparison with its peers


From the table above, it can be concluded that in terms of overall design, or in particular, the range, intensity, power, survivability and maneuverability, the PHL03 MLRS has a series of major breakthroughs compared with traditional rockets. Some of its aspects meet or even exceed the world's advanced level.
The service of the PHL03 Multiple Launch Rocket System has greatly enhanced the capability of remote fire support of the Chinese military. The operational performance of the system will continue to improve with the development of China's rocket shell technology. And it will become an indispensable remote firepower for the Chinese military.
**Chinese tube artillery**
Saudi Arabia uses Chinese NORINCO PLZ-45 self propelled howitzer for the clear advantage over that of the best of USA artillery. More accurate and longer reach than the best of USA artillery. And Saudi Arabia is USA captive country and yet refused to use USA artillery as that so inferior to China.
Saudis Use Chinese-made Cannons in Yemen (Saudis Use Chinese-made Cannons in Yemen)







Chinese designed and made their own GL5 APS for their battle tanks.
China unveils GL5 active protection system for main battle tanks
You will see photos of the missile warhead being taken out by the APS meters before the missile hit the tank .





USA got no equivalent despite their vast spendings , and had to go cap in hand to Israel to buy their Trophy system and mount it on their Abrahms.

China also got the most powerful non-nuclear explosive. So a Chinese AShM carrying 500 kg semi armour piercing warhead might well be the equivalent of a 1,500 kg warhead of USA equivalent. And same for Chinese propellant.
Other than nuclear explosives, the most powerful are Semtex, HMX, or even the holy grail Octanitrocubane sought by the West in vain.
China leapt pass that into the N15 kind of explosive 10 to 100 times more powerful than TNT. N15 in propellent form is also used by China in her missiles .
In Chinese
军事深度_新浪军事_新浪网... (中国竟先于美推出高含能材料:重要程度堪比055下水)
Partial extract via
Google Translate (Google Translate)
In January 2017, China announced a new research result. The world's first all-anion anion salt was successfully synthesized. The related research papers have become China's first research paper in the field of energetic materials published in the international top science "science" , But also allow China to occupy a new generation of ultra-high-energy energetic materials to study the international high ground.
As all-nitrogen ultra-high energy material energy up to 10 to 100 times the TNT above, the power comparable to small nuclear bombs, with high density, high energy, clean and detonated pollution-free, nitrogen explosion products, stable and safe. Therefore, the main object of development.
More than 200 years ago, people isolated nitrogen from the air and later discovered nitrogen ions. Various theoretical calculations were made on all-nitrogen derivatives. However, the earliest synthesis was recorded in 1956. Before this century, It is considered a breakthrough and is currently under exploration. Its prospects have attracted the positive research from all countries.


**Shooting war in the sea will also have shooting war in the air and AWACs important to that air war.**
Husuo Batao's answer to Is it true that Chinese AWACS aircraft are 50 percent more efficient than those used by the USA? (Quora User's answer to Is it true that Chinese AWACS aircraft are 50 percent more efficient than those used by the USA?)
extract of above

Thanks a lot to all those that feared China and took steps to block her from the Israeli deal.
Thereby forcing China to do it by herself and thereby making even far better AWACs then those possessed by USA or Israel instead of merely being on par with USA /Israel.
Just like the fear that China supercomputers be better than USA and USA blocking sales of chips to be used on China supercomputer. China went on to design and made their own chips and China Supercomputers fastest in the world. Please do not tell me USA now hold the title for fastest supercomputer.
China decided not to enter her latest supercomputer in that Top500 to avoid yet more kneejerks from Dotard.
China said to play down US supercomputing rivalry amid trade war
As for Chinese AWACs, I am reposting Lin Xieyi from his July 2017 answer on How capable is Chinese AWACS system as compared to US or Israeli systems?


It was the successful efforts by the US in 2000 in pressurizing Israel and Russia not to export AWACs technology to China that prompted Beijing to embark on an intensive effort to develop advanced home-grown radar technology. Only when the KJ-2000 entered service in 2005 did China possess the capability to coordinate its air force in large-scale air battles while simultaneously tracking many enemy aircraft and ships. The speed of Chinese AWACS development overtook the speed of acquisition of AWACS by other countries - China completed the path of catching up and overtaking the West on AWACS research and by 2012, China became the world leader in AWACS aircraft in terms of stealth detection range and fixed rotodome design.

  1. Stealth detection Range : Although the US E-3 Sentry AWACS can detect/track 3rd-Gen military aircraft out to 400 km in range, it can only detect 4th and 5th Gen stealth aircraft out to 150 Km. On the other hand the Chinese KJ-500 (or KJ-2000) can detect 4th & 5th Gen stealth aircraft at 250 km range, giving it a heads-up in transmitting enemy aircraft info to escorting fighters.
  2. Fixed Rotodome design : The PLAAF’s current top-of-the-line AEWC&C system, the KJ-2000, is believed to be one full generation ahead of U.S. E-3 AWACS and E-2 Hawkeye aircraft. While the US AWACS are still using rotating rotodomes, the Chinese AWACS are using fixed rotodome which reduce wear and tear due to less moving mechanical parts.
[1] China’s Emerging C4ISR Revolution


[1] China’s Emerging C4ISR Revolution
Since then, China came up with even more powerful AWACS, aka KJ-600 Carrier Based AWACS .
Meet KJ-600, the aircraft that could help China's navy rival America's
And from Wuming Chan answer.

How much can one truly know how capable the Chinese AWACS systems can be?
Much of that might be secret until the time when that is being used to deliver good news to KC-135s and carriers and AWECs and other assets which is likely to be a lot less stealth than hoped for.
How difficult is it to detect stealth planes and to target them when the quality of radar Chinese are dealing with can be set to detect not just mosquitoes a few kilometers away.
Whether the mosquito is female or male will also be known.
Your stealth F35s or B1s B2s got smaller radar profile than a mosquito?
China Using Radar To Combat Mosquitoes
China is using military technology to wage war ... on mosquitoes
USA or Israeli got any systems able to do that?
Thank you USA for enforcing ban on China in purchasing that from Israel or other countries.
Forcing China to do it all on its own and leaving you either far behind or far far behind.
**And Chinese air weaponary. To splash the air tankers and AWACs and JSTAR USA rely on to direct the fight in the air. And the Stealth planes of USA.**
How China's Clever New Missile Could Cripple American Air Power
China's Mach 6 Monster Air-to-Air Missile Could Make the U.S. Air Force Come in for a ‘Crash Landing’
This is what USA Airforce Secretary got to say in 2018
Air Force secretary: China, Russia could shoot down new JSTARS on day one of a war
There will be no usable bases for USA airforce in Japan or Guam within the first 10 minutes of the war.
First Strike: China's Missile Threat to U.S. Bases in Asia
A Missile 'Pearl Harbor': How China Could Win a War Against America?
Missile Strikes on U.S. Bases in Asia: Is This China's Real Threat to America?
Those bases will all be hit and cratered by DFs with conventional warheads so planes cannot take off.
Go into above to see photos of strikes made by Chinese on model setups in the Western desert of China that represent hardened bunkers for planes and runways and dock settings with models of Burkes and Ticos and the bases HQs to see the pin point targetting of the DFs.







Naval assets and head quarters will all be hit and sunk and taken out of play.
Then Chinese cruise missiles will fly by the thousands to take out planes still stuck in those bases.
As for shooting war at the sea. And forgetting for time being the DF-21Ds and DF-26Bs and CM-401s that China have and figment of imagination in heads of USA Admirals.
Just on AShMs.
Xi Jinping's Rocket Force is nullifying U.S. military primacy in Asia

Apart from weapons covered by the INF Treaty where China has a monopoly, the PLA has other missiles in its arsenal that outperform their U.S. counterparts. These include two supersonic anti-ship cruise missiles, the YJ-12, with a range of 400 km, and the YJ-18, which can hit targets up to 540 km away.
To counter these missiles, the United States relies on its subsonic, Harpoon anti-ship missile which has been modified to give it a maximum range of about 240 km. “That is a very big gap,” said Haddick, who is also an adviser to the U.S. Special Operations Command. “China’s anti-ship missile capability exceeds those of the United States in terms of range, speed and sensor performance.”






The whole world will be watching Muricans kids lead by a Dotard and his demented side kicks Bolton and Pompeo carrying knives to indulge in their blood letting fantasies in a fucking gun fight with China, when China got the guns against the knives of Murican kids.

China has thousands of supersonic Mach 3 AShMs and thousands of subsonic stealth AShMs that then can sprint to Mach 3 within 40 km of the target.
And eyes above in satellite and high flying drones above and sonar devices on sea bed that will know every second where the carriers are and where they are heading to tell the AShMs where to hit.




dafeng cao@dafengcao


Truly god view, Jilin-1 video satellite shot @OneSpace01 OS-X1 suborbital rocket's launch at JSLC this noon.

7:59 PM - Sep 7, 2018
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1,323 people are talking about this

China got 3000++ of Mach 3s YJ-12 and YJ18 to throw against the 11 carriers USA want to bring to their self declared FONOP.
Or at least 300++ Mach 3s on each carrier group.
Assuming only 20 % of those will hit. So be assured that at least 10 missiles will hit the carrier and not just 1 missile.
And not just the warhead, there will be 2–3 tons of missiles coming behind the warhead at Mach 3 tearing into the bulkheads and ordnance and aviation fuel and the poor men and women in the carrier. Those 2–3 tons of missile body will be tearing in the bulkheads faster and more deadly then APFSDS. Andf carrying its own unburned fuel to add to the fun.
Even steel will burn when hit with hell fire and tons of steel and debris coming in at Mach 3. The aviation fuel, and paint on walls, the bombs and ordnance will all cook off and add to the huge huge fire inside the carrier. Regardless if carrier under Condition Zebra or Donkey or Jackass.
The brave sailors in those carriers will not care or worry and be happy that their carrier not sinking. And only burning and burning from one end to the other end.



"Illustration of U.S. and threat anti-ship missile ranges from Bryan Clark's CSBA monograph 'Commanding the Seas: A Plan to Reinvigorate U.S. Navy Surface Warfare' https://csbaonline.org/uploads/d...
And do not forget the DF-21Ds and DF-26Bs and the CM-401s



The U.S. Navy Won't Like China's New Ship-Killer Hypersonic Missile
China Reveals Short-Range Anti-Ship Ballistic Missile Designed To Dodge Enemy Defenses
Graphics associated with the CM-401 suggest it has a “porpoising” or “skip-glide” trajectory that involves the warhead abruptly pulling up at least once as it begins the terminal stage of its flight. This maneuver could extend the range of a ballistic weapon, but has only ever been used to give the warhead a much more irregular flight path and allow it to adjust its course.


A Chinese graphic showing a ballistic missile with a skip-glide trajectory associated with the CM-401.
This, in turn, makes it harder for an opponent to try and intercept the warhead. The CM-401’s terminal speed, which CASIC says is between Mach 4 and 6, would also help it break through enemy defenses to reach its target. The launch platform reportedly has the ability to fire its two missiles on different trajectories against either one or two targets at once, again increasing the difficulty for the defender to respond to the incoming threat.
I cannot imagine the big brothers of CM-401 do not have that capability. Especially as the CM-401 build for the export market.
And what about hypersonic weapons?
The Chinese military in 2014 said it had conducted a hypersonic test flight. By early 2016, it had conducted six successful tests, according to U.S. military officials. How many more since then is anyone guess.








1:21 PM - Feb 6, 2018
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Starry Sky 2
More likely than not, Chinese hypersonic weapon systems already operational and deployed . USA equivalent still in the dreaming stages and going out to tender.
China leads U.S. on potent super-fast missiles
As for the really serious business that I hope never ever be used,
DF-41 - Wikipedia
The Dong Feng 41 (CSS-X-10) is a road- and rail-mobile intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM). The DF-41 is currently in its final testing stages and will be the next land-based ballistic missile to be deployed in the People’s Republic of China (PRC). It is estimated to have an operational range of 12,000 to 15,000 km, which would make it the longest range missile in operation. It will likely have a top speed of Mach 25 and will be capable of delivering up to 10 MIRVed warheads.
The DF-41 is a three-stage solid-fueled intercontinental ballistic missile reported to have a maximum range of up to 15,000 kilometers (more than 9320 miles) and a top speed of Mach 25 (19,030 mph). It is said to be capable of carrying up to 10 multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle (MIRVs). Its launch preparation time is estimated to be between 3 to 5 minutes.
This would make the DF-41 the world's longest range missile, surpassing the range of the US LGM-30 Minuteman which has a reported range of 13,000 km.
As by Jan 2017, Chinese media have reported the deployment of three brigades of DF-41 ICBMs. There is photographic evidence of a possible fourth brigade of DF-41 ICBMs on the Tibetan plateau. However, we have only counted the number of DF-41 ICBM TELs (ie. Transporter Erector Launcher), or 4 X 12 TELs
It is inefficient to fire only one ballistic missile per launcher. It is more logical to fire two ballistic missiles per launcher. This process is called re-loading. A DF-41 TEL can either be re-loaded with another DF-41 ICBM missile nearby or the DF-41 TEL can drive to a hidden re-supply location for another DF-41 ICBM.
If you accept that China has one re-load missile for each DF-41 TEL then the total number of Chinese DF-41 ICBMs has to be doubled.
Four brigades of DF-41 ICBMs (Heilongjiang, Henan, Xinjiang, and Tibet Provinces) with one re-load per DF-41 TEL yields 96 total DF-41 ICBMs.


Reported DF-41 Deployment: China 'Responding to US Missile Defense in Asia'
Expert: DF-41 among most advanced missiles in the world
If China got only 260 thermonukes like what everyone is saying and hoping, the surplus warheads will be delivering dim sum and tea bags and cleaned pressed laundry from Chinese laundrymen.
Please remember DF-41 got a very big brother coming up as well in case you think DF-41 not worthy enough to deliver dim sum and tea bags and cleaned laundry.
Russia’s RS-28 “Sarmat” ten-ton payload, rated as the most dangerous ICBM . Reportedly it may carry up to fifteen 350 kiloton warheads, or up to twenty-four of the new “Avangard” nuclear-armed Hypersonic Glide Vehicle (HGV) warheads. Sarmat will be dwarfed by Chinese new missile with even larger twenty-ton payload. That will be solid-fuel space-launch vehicle (SLV), and could form the basis for what might become the world’s largest “mobile” ICBM.

The Next China Military Threat: The World's Biggest Mobile ICBM?


I have been thinking of more reasons, and here is the 5th. :biggrin:

My 5th reason why PLA will not invade Taiwan is related to your point below. PRC can make sense by claiming Taiwan to be part of its territory on the basis that the KMT lost the civil war and escaped to an island, for which PRC now claims ownership of both the island and the people. Conversely, Taiwan can also claim to be independent, on the basis that the civil war was never legal in the first place, and the people on Taiwan island should have right to determine their own fate and governance. Both these claims are not watertight in their argument, hence there is a huge doubt to the validity of either claim, which means that the status quo continues. :wink:

But if it can make sense by claiming Taiwan to be "part of its territory" when it has never governed it, then you or I can also make sense by claiming the entire earth to be part of your or my territory, right? :wink:






America forgot about WW2 where China with barely any arms from USA and with single shot bolt rifles and swords and bare hands fought and killed 3,000,000 Japanese invaders?

And USA needed no less than aircraft carriers and battleships and planes and artilleries and automatic rifles to kill 300,000 Japs in the Pacific?

Or Korean War where China with single shot bolt action rifles drove USA and all her allies when USA firepower 100 times greater than China and fighting with automatic weapons and artillery and battleships with 16 inch guns .

The military might and strength of USA with heavy artillery and planes and tanks and battleships with 16 inch guns cannot be resisted by China with economy slightly out of stone age and with single shot bolt action rifles. Bolt operated rifles were just one stage above using muzzle loading muskets and black powder.

That Chinese be slaughtered and turned into red pulp should they dare to fight good old Dugout in Korea.

Chinese whacked USA and the UN combined that they had to flee south of the Parallel as demanded by China.Chinese fought with bolt operated rifles against Ma Dueces , automatic weapons and artillery and tanks and planes and chopters and battleships with 16″ guns.

Go read the book by David Halberstam
The Coldest Winter


Look on the front line at 24 Nov 1950 and the front line of 16 Dec 1950.


It took China only twenty days and less to do that push down to 38 parallel fighting USA and the UN combined who had 100 times and more of the firepower of China.

And what about Vietnam?
USA firepower at least 100 times that of Vietnam and China combined?




China budget for military spending is 1.5% , or 175 billion USD. Not even at 2% as wanted by USA for her puppet countries like UK, France , Germany , Australia , Japan etc. USA budget for military spending is 686 billion USD or 3.5%
Just imagine if China military budget is at 2%, or like USA, at 3.5%
Further more, this is not like in the case of Germany during Hitler time. Werhmact had the Tigers tanks, a much better tank than Russia or USA or UK.
Germany manufactured only 5,966 tanks, as compared to 29,497 for the US, 7,476 for Britain, and an estimated 20,000 for the Soviet Union. And the results shown many many more will take out the best and the few.
In China now, not only the key assets got better reach and more bang then USA, China got more of them than USA.
Report: China has some of world’s most advanced weapons, remains ‘long way’ from US military
China’s been showing off a lot of new powerful weapons, and experts think they’re sending a message
Some Chinese military tech surpasses US, Pentagon admits
**Let us start with MRLS.**
Now China is as good if not better than Russians in rocket artillery.
Top 10 Multiple Launch Rocket Systems (Top 10 Multiple Launch Rocket Systems)
The PHL 03 is a Chinese artillery rocket system. It is a copy of the Soviet
Smerch (Smerch Multiple Launch Rocket System)
. It reportedly entered service with the Chinese army in 2004-2005. The PHL 03 is also being proposed for the export customers as the AR2. It has been exported to Morocco (one battalion with 36 units).
The PHL 03 has 12 tubes for 300 mm rockets. A standard rocket weights around 800 kg and has a 280 kg warhead. Maximum range of fire is 70-130 km depending on the warhead type. Though some sources report that rockets of this system has a maximum range of 150 km. Rockets are available with High Explosive Fragmentation (HE-FRAG), fuel-air explosive, and cluster warheads with anti-armor and anti-personnel submunitions. Cluster warheads may also carry self-targeting anti-tank munitions. A full salvo of this system could potentially cover an area of up to 67 hectares.
**Even though the PHL 03 is a Chinese version of the Smerch, it appears that Chinese overtook Russians in terms of rockets, as rockets of the PHL 03 have longer range than those of the Smerch. Manufacturers claim, that Chinese 300 mm rockets are not compatible with the Russian Smerch rockets as these use different propellant motors and components.**
USA is a distant third to Russia and China. Be that in rocket artillery or tube artillery.
China's PHL03, advanced Multiple Launch Rocket System (China's PHL03, advanced Multiple Launch Rocket System)
Various types of the 300 mm caliber rocket shells fired by the PHL03 are equipped with simple automatic correction system which allows more dense impact points. The impact point intensity doubles and the accuracy triples. In this way, a high kill probability with fewer rocket shells is possible.
Comparison with its peers


From the table above, it can be concluded that in terms of overall design, or in particular, the range, intensity, power, survivability and maneuverability, the PHL03 MLRS has a series of major breakthroughs compared with traditional rockets. Some of its aspects meet or even exceed the world's advanced level.
The service of the PHL03 Multiple Launch Rocket System has greatly enhanced the capability of remote fire support of the Chinese military. The operational performance of the system will continue to improve with the development of China's rocket shell technology. And it will become an indispensable remote firepower for the Chinese military.
**Chinese tube artillery**
Saudi Arabia uses Chinese NORINCO PLZ-45 self propelled howitzer for the clear advantage over that of the best of USA artillery. More accurate and longer reach than the best of USA artillery. And Saudi Arabia is USA captive country and yet refused to use USA artillery as that so inferior to China.
Saudis Use Chinese-made Cannons in Yemen (Saudis Use Chinese-made Cannons in Yemen)







Chinese designed and made their own GL5 APS for their battle tanks.
China unveils GL5 active protection system for main battle tanks
You will see photos of the missile warhead being taken out by the APS meters before the missile hit the tank .





USA got no equivalent despite their vast spendings , and had to go cap in hand to Israel to buy their Trophy system and mount it on their Abrahms.

China also got the most powerful non-nuclear explosive. So a Chinese AShM carrying 500 kg semi armour piercing warhead might well be the equivalent of a 1,500 kg warhead of USA equivalent. And same for Chinese propellant.
Other than nuclear explosives, the most powerful are Semtex, HMX, or even the holy grail Octanitrocubane sought by the West in vain.
China leapt pass that into the N15 kind of explosive 10 to 100 times more powerful than TNT. N15 in propellent form is also used by China in her missiles .
In Chinese
军事深度_新浪军事_新浪网... (中国竟先于美推出高含能材料:重要程度堪比055下水)
Partial extract via
Google Translate (Google Translate)
In January 2017, China announced a new research result. The world's first all-anion anion salt was successfully synthesized. The related research papers have become China's first research paper in the field of energetic materials published in the international top science "science" , But also allow China to occupy a new generation of ultra-high-energy energetic materials to study the international high ground.
As all-nitrogen ultra-high energy material energy up to 10 to 100 times the TNT above, the power comparable to small nuclear bombs, with high density, high energy, clean and detonated pollution-free, nitrogen explosion products, stable and safe. Therefore, the main object of development.
More than 200 years ago, people isolated nitrogen from the air and later discovered nitrogen ions. Various theoretical calculations were made on all-nitrogen derivatives. However, the earliest synthesis was recorded in 1956. Before this century, It is considered a breakthrough and is currently under exploration. Its prospects have attracted the positive research from all countries.


**Shooting war in the sea will also have shooting war in the air and AWACs important to that air war.**
Husuo Batao's answer to Is it true that Chinese AWACS aircraft are 50 percent more efficient than those used by the USA? (Quora User's answer to Is it true that Chinese AWACS aircraft are 50 percent more efficient than those used by the USA?)
extract of above

Thanks a lot to all those that feared China and took steps to block her from the Israeli deal.
Thereby forcing China to do it by herself and thereby making even far better AWACs then those possessed by USA or Israel instead of merely being on par with USA /Israel.
Just like the fear that China supercomputers be better than USA and USA blocking sales of chips to be used on China supercomputer. China went on to design and made their own chips and China Supercomputers fastest in the world. Please do not tell me USA now hold the title for fastest supercomputer.
China decided not to enter her latest supercomputer in that Top500 to avoid yet more kneejerks from Dotard.
China said to play down US supercomputing rivalry amid trade war
As for Chinese AWACs, I am reposting Lin Xieyi from his July 2017 answer on How capable is Chinese AWACS system as compared to US or Israeli systems?


It was the successful efforts by the US in 2000 in pressurizing Israel and Russia not to export AWACs technology to China that prompted Beijing to embark on an intensive effort to develop advanced home-grown radar technology. Only when the KJ-2000 entered service in 2005 did China possess the capability to coordinate its air force in large-scale air battles while simultaneously tracking many enemy aircraft and ships. The speed of Chinese AWACS development overtook the speed of acquisition of AWACS by other countries - China completed the path of catching up and overtaking the West on AWACS research and by 2012, China became the world leader in AWACS aircraft in terms of stealth detection range and fixed rotodome design.

  1. Stealth detection Range : Although the US E-3 Sentry AWACS can detect/track 3rd-Gen military aircraft out to 400 km in range, it can only detect 4th and 5th Gen stealth aircraft out to 150 Km. On the other hand the Chinese KJ-500 (or KJ-2000) can detect 4th & 5th Gen stealth aircraft at 250 km range, giving it a heads-up in transmitting enemy aircraft info to escorting fighters.
  2. Fixed Rotodome design : The PLAAF’s current top-of-the-line AEWC&C system, the KJ-2000, is believed to be one full generation ahead of U.S. E-3 AWACS and E-2 Hawkeye aircraft. While the US AWACS are still using rotating rotodomes, the Chinese AWACS are using fixed rotodome which reduce wear and tear due to less moving mechanical parts.
[1] China’s Emerging C4ISR Revolution


[1] China’s Emerging C4ISR Revolution
Since then, China came up with even more powerful AWACS, aka KJ-600 Carrier Based AWACS .
Meet KJ-600, the aircraft that could help China's navy rival America's
And from Wuming Chan answer.

How much can one truly know how capable the Chinese AWACS systems can be?
Much of that might be secret until the time when that is being used to deliver good news to KC-135s and carriers and AWECs and other assets which is likely to be a lot less stealth than hoped for.
How difficult is it to detect stealth planes and to target them when the quality of radar Chinese are dealing with can be set to detect not just mosquitoes a few kilometers away.
Whether the mosquito is female or male will also be known.
Your stealth F35s or B1s B2s got smaller radar profile than a mosquito?
China Using Radar To Combat Mosquitoes
China is using military technology to wage war ... on mosquitoes
USA or Israeli got any systems able to do that?
Thank you USA for enforcing ban on China in purchasing that from Israel or other countries.
Forcing China to do it all on its own and leaving you either far behind or far far behind.
**And Chinese air weaponary. To splash the air tankers and AWACs and JSTAR USA rely on to direct the fight in the air. And the Stealth planes of USA.**
How China's Clever New Missile Could Cripple American Air Power
China's Mach 6 Monster Air-to-Air Missile Could Make the U.S. Air Force Come in for a ‘Crash Landing’
This is what USA Airforce Secretary got to say in 2018
Air Force secretary: China, Russia could shoot down new JSTARS on day one of a war
There will be no usable bases for USA airforce in Japan or Guam within the first 10 minutes of the war.
First Strike: China's Missile Threat to U.S. Bases in Asia
A Missile 'Pearl Harbor': How China Could Win a War Against America?
Missile Strikes on U.S. Bases in Asia: Is This China's Real Threat to America?
Those bases will all be hit and cratered by DFs with conventional warheads so planes cannot take off.
Go into above to see photos of strikes made by Chinese on model setups in the Western desert of China that represent hardened bunkers for planes and runways and dock settings with models of Burkes and Ticos and the bases HQs to see the pin point targetting of the DFs.







Naval assets and head quarters will all be hit and sunk and taken out of play.
Then Chinese cruise missiles will fly by the thousands to take out planes still stuck in those bases.
As for shooting war at the sea. And forgetting for time being the DF-21Ds and DF-26Bs and CM-401s that China have and figment of imagination in heads of USA Admirals.
Just on AShMs.
Xi Jinping's Rocket Force is nullifying U.S. military primacy in Asia

Apart from weapons covered by the INF Treaty where China has a monopoly, the PLA has other missiles in its arsenal that outperform their U.S. counterparts. These include two supersonic anti-ship cruise missiles, the YJ-12, with a range of 400 km, and the YJ-18, which can hit targets up to 540 km away.
To counter these missiles, the United States relies on its subsonic, Harpoon anti-ship missile which has been modified to give it a maximum range of about 240 km. “That is a very big gap,” said Haddick, who is also an adviser to the U.S. Special Operations Command. “China’s anti-ship missile capability exceeds those of the United States in terms of range, speed and sensor performance.”






The whole world will be watching Muricans kids lead by a Dotard and his demented side kicks Bolton and Pompeo carrying knives to indulge in their blood letting fantasies in a fucking gun fight with China, when China got the guns against the knives of Murican kids.

China has thousands of supersonic Mach 3 AShMs and thousands of subsonic stealth AShMs that then can sprint to Mach 3 within 40 km of the target.
And eyes above in satellite and high flying drones above and sonar devices on sea bed that will know every second where the carriers are and where they are heading to tell the AShMs where to hit.




dafeng cao@dafengcao


Truly god view, Jilin-1 video satellite shot @OneSpace01 OS-X1 suborbital rocket's launch at JSLC this noon.

7:59 PM - Sep 7, 2018
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China got 3000++ of Mach 3s YJ-12 and YJ18 to throw against the 11 carriers USA want to bring to their self declared FONOP.
Or at least 300++ Mach 3s on each carrier group.
Assuming only 20 % of those will hit. So be assured that at least 10 missiles will hit the carrier and not just 1 missile.
And not just the warhead, there will be 2–3 tons of missiles coming behind the warhead at Mach 3 tearing into the bulkheads and ordnance and aviation fuel and the poor men and women in the carrier. Those 2–3 tons of missile body will be tearing in the bulkheads faster and more deadly then APFSDS. Andf carrying its own unburned fuel to add to the fun.
Even steel will burn when hit with hell fire and tons of steel and debris coming in at Mach 3. The aviation fuel, and paint on walls, the bombs and ordnance will all cook off and add to the huge huge fire inside the carrier. Regardless if carrier under Condition Zebra or Donkey or Jackass.
The brave sailors in those carriers will not care or worry and be happy that their carrier not sinking. And only burning and burning from one end to the other end.



"Illustration of U.S. and threat anti-ship missile ranges from Bryan Clark's CSBA monograph 'Commanding the Seas: A Plan to Reinvigorate U.S. Navy Surface Warfare' https://csbaonline.org/uploads/d...
And do not forget the DF-21Ds and DF-26Bs and the CM-401s



The U.S. Navy Won't Like China's New Ship-Killer Hypersonic Missile
China Reveals Short-Range Anti-Ship Ballistic Missile Designed To Dodge Enemy Defenses
Graphics associated with the CM-401 suggest it has a “porpoising” or “skip-glide” trajectory that involves the warhead abruptly pulling up at least once as it begins the terminal stage of its flight. This maneuver could extend the range of a ballistic weapon, but has only ever been used to give the warhead a much more irregular flight path and allow it to adjust its course.


A Chinese graphic showing a ballistic missile with a skip-glide trajectory associated with the CM-401.
This, in turn, makes it harder for an opponent to try and intercept the warhead. The CM-401’s terminal speed, which CASIC says is between Mach 4 and 6, would also help it break through enemy defenses to reach its target. The launch platform reportedly has the ability to fire its two missiles on different trajectories against either one or two targets at once, again increasing the difficulty for the defender to respond to the incoming threat.
I cannot imagine the big brothers of CM-401 do not have that capability. Especially as the CM-401 build for the export market.
And what about hypersonic weapons?
The Chinese military in 2014 said it had conducted a hypersonic test flight. By early 2016, it had conducted six successful tests, according to U.S. military officials. How many more since then is anyone guess.








1:21 PM - Feb 6, 2018
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59 people are talking about this



Starry Sky 2
More likely than not, Chinese hypersonic weapon systems already operational and deployed . USA equivalent still in the dreaming stages and going out to tender.
China leads U.S. on potent super-fast missiles
As for the really serious business that I hope never ever be used,
DF-41 - Wikipedia
The Dong Feng 41 (CSS-X-10) is a road- and rail-mobile intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM). The DF-41 is currently in its final testing stages and will be the next land-based ballistic missile to be deployed in the People’s Republic of China (PRC). It is estimated to have an operational range of 12,000 to 15,000 km, which would make it the longest range missile in operation. It will likely have a top speed of Mach 25 and will be capable of delivering up to 10 MIRVed warheads.
The DF-41 is a three-stage solid-fueled intercontinental ballistic missile reported to have a maximum range of up to 15,000 kilometers (more than 9320 miles) and a top speed of Mach 25 (19,030 mph). It is said to be capable of carrying up to 10 multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle (MIRVs). Its launch preparation time is estimated to be between 3 to 5 minutes.
This would make the DF-41 the world's longest range missile, surpassing the range of the US LGM-30 Minuteman which has a reported range of 13,000 km.
As by Jan 2017, Chinese media have reported the deployment of three brigades of DF-41 ICBMs. There is photographic evidence of a possible fourth brigade of DF-41 ICBMs on the Tibetan plateau. However, we have only counted the number of DF-41 ICBM TELs (ie. Transporter Erector Launcher), or 4 X 12 TELs
It is inefficient to fire only one ballistic missile per launcher. It is more logical to fire two ballistic missiles per launcher. This process is called re-loading. A DF-41 TEL can either be re-loaded with another DF-41 ICBM missile nearby or the DF-41 TEL can drive to a hidden re-supply location for another DF-41 ICBM.
If you accept that China has one re-load missile for each DF-41 TEL then the total number of Chinese DF-41 ICBMs has to be doubled.
Four brigades of DF-41 ICBMs (Heilongjiang, Henan, Xinjiang, and Tibet Provinces) with one re-load per DF-41 TEL yields 96 total DF-41 ICBMs.


Reported DF-41 Deployment: China 'Responding to US Missile Defense in Asia'
Expert: DF-41 among most advanced missiles in the world
If China got only 260 thermonukes like what everyone is saying and hoping, the surplus warheads will be delivering dim sum and tea bags and cleaned pressed laundry from Chinese laundrymen.
Please remember DF-41 got a very big brother coming up as well in case you think DF-41 not worthy enough to deliver dim sum and tea bags and cleaned laundry.
Russia’s RS-28 “Sarmat” ten-ton payload, rated as the most dangerous ICBM . Reportedly it may carry up to fifteen 350 kiloton warheads, or up to twenty-four of the new “Avangard” nuclear-armed Hypersonic Glide Vehicle (HGV) warheads. Sarmat will be dwarfed by Chinese new missile with even larger twenty-ton payload. That will be solid-fuel space-launch vehicle (SLV), and could form the basis for what might become the world’s largest “mobile” ICBM.

The Next China Military Threat: The World's Biggest Mobile ICBM?




CCP rank and file, and their military chinks die, I totally welcome that. But I hope the US and their allies will keep chink civilian casualties down to a minimal. I believe a lot of them are either misguided or are anti-CCP.
We think that when given all the info, PRCs themselves will throw Xi and the CCP under the bus. Eventually this has to happen - when the CCP can no longer keep them in line. They will want more.

China is not your friend


Old Fart
We think that when given all the info, PRCs themselves will throw Xi and the CCP under the bus. Eventually this has to happen - when the CCP can no longer keep them in line. They will want more.

China is not your friend
But Prcs are enslaved by the great firewall, they are denied real info and news.

It is really tragic. China has come a long way, and the world would gladly embrace her as a leading world power and economy. All this is destroyed by their CCP regime, they have become a global villian. History has shown that such a regime would be quashed eventually. Lives will be lost, the country would be destroyed and rebuilt to be a responsible and obedient member of the global community.

As a chink (I will be chink for a few weeks), I weep for my race. :cry:


But Prcs are enslaved by the great firewall, they are denied real info and news.

It is really tragic. China has come a long way, and the world would gladly embrace her as a leading world power and economy. All this is destroyed by their CCP regime, they have become a global villian. History has shown that such a regime would be quashed eventually. Lives will be lost, the country would be destroyed and rebuilt to be a responsible and obedient member of the global community.

As a chink (I will be chink for a few weeks), I weep for my race. :cry:

Time to do like the south Koreans, drop propaganda leaflets all over China using balloons. The truth will set them free!