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【台錢櫃大火●不斷更新】釀5死2命危 工人指電梯對角處起火 與工程無關
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相關新聞:【台錢櫃大火】1997年黑幫寶勒巷卡拉OK縱火兩疑兇仍在逃 慘劇釀17死13傷
21:12 大火發生後,其中一名女性傷者獲救後無呼吸心跳,送往馬偕醫院後不治死亡。由於她身上無相關證件,一度無法確認身份,直到晚上經警方查證後確認是36歲周姓女子。周女家屬趕到派出所時,情緒崩潰痛哭,家屬難過地表示,今天是周女的生日,所以跟朋友相約到錢櫃唱歌慶生,豈料一場大火,讓壽星遭逢死劫。
19:37 台北林森錢櫃大火,造成5死慘劇。死者名單出爐,分別是曾冠騰(男、27歲);錢櫃吧台員工林子晨(男、44歲);林軒煒(男、34歲);黃嘉二(男、33歲)及周雨喬(女、36歲)。
19:33 34歲竹科工程師、林姓男子今天在錢櫃火警喪命。今早11時許,他致電媽媽訣別,表示卡拉OK起火,濃煙密佈,已無法逃生,哽咽道別:「我出不去了!」。
相關新聞:【台錢櫃大火】生還者批警鐘未響無灑水 靠一個電話逃生天
18:21 錢櫃發生大火,電梯相關工程被指是釀成火警的原因,但有施工工人表示,起火點在電梯「對角處」,大火與施工工程無關。據悉,施工工人今日在錢櫃5樓電梯井周邊施工,僅負責處理鋼筋混凝土結構,其餘均無動工。
16:53 大火期間,有5名卡拉OK員工一度失蹤,及後被消防員尋回。可是,其中一名姓林男員工,送院搶救後證實不治。據了解,林是一名新手爸爸,兒子今年剛好1歲。
15:46 台北市長柯文哲下午巡視火場,他表示具體起火原因應由消防單位處理,目前初步了解是電梯施工引發火警,已要求卡拉OK先停業,保留證據,並交由專家鑑定以確定起火原因。同時,對於消防系統全部被關,業者是否在公安通報上有疏失,市政府亦會徹查。柯文哲強調,現在先要把責任釐清,「要處罰的再處罰」。
15:15 針對有逃生者稱,卡拉OK內沒有警鐘、沒有灑水,台北市消防大隊第三大隊長王正雄表示,調查發現卡拉OK內的5項消防設備,包括排煙、灑水、消防警報、住警器、廣播系統全被關掉,這是嚴重人為疏忽,「也絕對違法」,將會調查是否由電梯工人關閉,並會追究相關單位責任。
15:00 錢櫃發表182字聲明回應這次火警,公司除對事件深表歉意,並表示目前第一要務是要協助救治傷者,使傷害降至最低,及協助死者家屬處理後事。公司一定會配合消防單位調查起火原因,「負起應負的責任,絕不推卸」。目前已經啟動內部緊急檢查,檢視消防設備及逃生設施,防止同類事件再次發生。
14:46 被指因為加裝電梯而引發火警,錢櫃集團CEO連福財表示:「我不知道。」他只強調,目前會全力配合消防部門調查,以了解火警原因。由於錢櫃的股票在證券櫃枱買賣中心上市,今日雖然沒有交易,但由於事件涉及公安意外,要求該公司在明天早上7時前公開說明。
14:30 火災增至5死,另有2人危殆、7昏迷。
14:23 一名17歲陳姓女員工,驚傳失蹤,其母親在現場着急尋找,哭喊「救救我女兒」;所幸該女員工獲救,與媽媽痛哭相擁,媽媽抱着女兒重複地說「沒事了、沒事了」,令人動容。
14:20 卡拉OK內起火狀況曝光。
14:00 台北市消防局指出,至下午2時,已有7名傷者救出時無生命迹象,共51人送院,分別送往馬偕、台大、新光、台安及長庚等醫院救治,其中一名送往馬偕醫院的傷者搶救後不治。
13:30 有獲救者指,火警發生時卡拉OK內的警鐘沒響,沒有灑水,逃生門及窗戶都打不開。
老毛秘史和他的女人們 熟讀紅色抗爭策略


三立新聞網 setn.com
50.8k 人追蹤
2020年4月27日 下午12:00
最新/錢櫃大火5死 北市府10:35送達「停業」通知書
疑有吸毒報警才知失火 倖存者批罔顧人命
7大救命設備竟全關 排煙、灑水都沒開
少女嗆傷困包廂 消防員霸氣抱出火場
錢櫃惡火奪5命 屁孩消遣死者挨轟竟反嗆
[Taiwan cabinet fire ● Constantly updated] Brewing 5 dead and 2 fatal
18 hours ago
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(Updated content) The cash drawer karaoke flagship store at 312 Linsen North Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City, a fire broke out at 10 o'clock this morning. According to the latest news, when 7 people were rescued, there were no signs of life. Among them, 5 people were sent to hospital to declare incurable, 2 people were in danger, and 7 others were in a coma. The remaining 32 people were conscious and sent to Mackay, Xinguang, and National Taiwan University Hospital for treatment. There was also a video on the Internet that allegedly involved a fire on the floor. I saw the flames at that time, but no one fled in haste.
Related news: [Taiwan cabinet fire] Two suspected arsonists are still at the karaoke arson in Boller Lane in 1997
21:12 After the fire, one of the female wounded was rescued without breathing heartbeat and was taken to Mackay Hospital where he died without treatment. Because she had no relevant documents on her body, she was unable to confirm her identity until she was verified by the police at night and confirmed to be a 36-year-old woman named Zhou. When Zhou's family arrived at the police station, their emotions collapsed and wept bitterly. The family said sadly that today was Zhou Nu's birthday, so she met her friend and sang in the cashbox to celebrate her birthday. Unexpectedly, a fire caused Shou Xing to die.
19:37 The fire in Taipei ’s Linsen cashbox caused 5 deaths. The list of deceased persons was released, Zeng Guanteng (male, 27 years old); cash bar staff Lin Zichen (male, 44 years old); Lin Xuanwei (male, 34 years old); Huang Jiaer (male, 33 years old) and Zhou Yuqiao (female, 27 years old) 36 years old).
19:33 A 34-year-old bamboo engineer and a man surnamed Lin died today in a fire in Qianqian. At 11 o'clock this morning, he called his mother to say goodbye, saying that karaoke was on fire and the smoke was so thick that he could no longer escape. He choked goodbye: "I can't get out!".
Related news: [Taiwan cabinet fire] The survivors approve the alarm bells are not ringing without watering
18:21 A fire broke out in the cash drawer, and elevator-related projects were allegedly the cause of the fire alarm. However, some construction workers said that the fire point was "diagonally" in the elevator, and the fire was not related to the construction project. It is reported that construction workers are constructing around the elevator shaft on the 5th floor of Qiangui today. They are only responsible for handling reinforced concrete structures, and the rest are not started.
16:53 During the fire, five karaoke employees were missing, and were later recovered by firefighters. However, one of the employees, surnamed Lin, was found dead after being sent to the hospital for rescue. It is understood that Lin is a novice dad, and his son is just 1 year old this year.
15:46 Taipei Mayor Ke Wenzhe visited the fire in the afternoon. He said that the specific cause of the fire should be dealt with by the fire protection unit. At present, the preliminary understanding is that the elevator construction caused the fire alarm. Karaoke has been requested to close the business first, retain the evidence, and submit it to experts to determine the cause of the fire . At the same time, the municipal government will thoroughly investigate whether the fire protection system has been shut down and whether the operators have made mistakes in the public security notice. Ke Wenzhe emphasized that it is necessary to clarify the responsibility now, "then to punish again".
15:15 For those who escaped, there were no alarm bells and no watering in karaoke. Wang Zhengxiong, the third leader of the Taipei City Fire Brigade, said that the investigation found five items of fire fighting equipment in karaoke, including smoke exhaust, watering, and fire fighting. Alarms, alarms, and broadcasting systems are all turned off. This is a serious human negligence. "It is also absolutely illegal." It will investigate whether elevator workers are turned off and will be held responsible.
At the same time, Wang Zhengxiong also said that the application for installing an elevator was only applied to the Taipei City Government, and no construction safety plan was reported to the Construction Management Office and Fire Bureau.
15:00 Qiangui issued a 182-word statement in response to the fire. The company apologized for the incident and stated that the first priority is to assist in the treatment of the injured, minimize the injury, and assist the deceased's family to deal with the aftermath. The company will definitely cooperate with the fire protection unit to investigate the cause of the fire and "account for its responsibilities and never shirk it." At present, internal emergency inspections have been initiated to inspect fire-fighting equipment and escape facilities to prevent similar incidents from happening again.
14:46 Accused of having caused a fire by installing an elevator. The CEO of Qiangui Group Lian Fucai said: "I don't know." He only emphasized that he would fully cooperate with the fire department investigation to understand the cause of the fire. Because the stock of the cash drawer was listed in the securities counter trading center, although there was no transaction today, but because the incident involved a public security accident, the company was asked to make a public statement before 7 o'clock tomorrow morning.
14:30 The fire increased to 5 deaths, and 2 others were in critical condition and 7 were in a coma.
14:23 A 17-year-old female employee with the surname Chen was reported missing, her mother was looking for her on the spot, crying "Save my daughter" Saying "It's okay, it's okay" is touching.
The female employee said that the box was being cleaned on the 9th floor at the time of the incident. No alarm bells were heard and the sprinkler equipment did not respond. She heard a scream from other colleagues before she hurried to a large box on the same floor. A total of more than 10 people and guests plugged the door with towels. Although he tried to open the escape ladder, the smoke was too big and he had to give up. Fortunately, the firemen rushed to knock on the door, and they escaped.
14:20 The fire situation in karaoke was exposed.
14:00 The Taipei City Fire Bureau pointed out that by 2 pm, there were 7 wounded who showed no signs of life when they were rescued. A total of 51 people were sent to the hospital and were sent to the hospitals such as Mackay, National Taiwan University, Xinguang, Tai'an and Chang Geng. An injured person sent to Mackay Hospital died after being rescued.
13:30 A rescued person pointed out that the alarm bell in karaoke did not sound when the fire broke out, no water was sprayed, and the escape door and window could not be opened.
It is understood that Karaoke is located in a 14-floor building with a fire on the 5th floor. At the beginning, on-site news indicated that at least 24 people were trapped on the 7th floor and there were staff on the 6th floor. The Taipei City Fire Bureau said that after receiving the report, 53 fire engines have been dispatched and a total of 139 people have been rescued. Some people at the scene shouted, "Help," by the window. They even wanted to jump off the building to escape. There were still many customers at the scene who had not yet come out. Huang Shanshan, deputy mayor of Taipei City, rushed to the scene after the incident. According to my understanding, the elevator was being installed on the fifth floor at the time of the incident.
Some of the rescued were frightened and wept, while others hurriedly called their families to report their safety. Many people still had thick black marks on their faces. Since karaoke could not keep track of the number of people on the scene, firefighters had to ask the people who escaped the fire one by one to understand that there were people singing in multiple boxes on the 7th to 9th floors when the fire broke out, and many people were waiting for rescue in the kitchen on the back of the 6th floor.
The police said that the fire authorities have been invited to check whether the building has installed a fire alarm and whether the fire alarm has been activated. The fire department said that karaoke had conducted a safety inspection on March 30 and the result was qualified.
Due to the Wuhan pneumonia epidemic in Taiwan, the Central Epidemic Epidemic Command Center requested that hotels, dance halls and other entertainment venues be closed for business. However, many chain karaokes, including cash drawers, actively adjusted the capacity of the private rooms to match the social distance and requested customers to wear masks.
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Outbreak + fire! Zhongxiao cashbox 90 points only 3 guests
[Sanli News Network setn.com]
Sanli News Network setn.com
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Sanli News Net
April 27, 2020 at 12:00 PM
Social Center / Taipei Report
A fire broke out in Taipei ’s Linsen Cashier KTV yesterday (26) morning, killing at least 5 people. The cause of the fire is still under investigation, but what is certain is that the fire station confirmed that the cashbox confirmed that the 5 major fire fighting equipment was turned off at the time of construction. At the moment of the fire alarm, the operational alarm bell and sprinkler equipment were not activated. After the public security problem of the cash drawer surfaced, other branches of Qianshi North City had obviously affected their business yesterday (26) nights. Among them, Zhongxiao cash drawer in the Eastern District was only one and a half hours from 10:30 in the evening. 3 ~ 4 people.
Zhongxiao ’s cash drawer business was obviously affected by the epidemic and the Linsen cash draw fire. (Picture / data screen)
Zhongxiao ’s cash drawer business was obviously affected by the epidemic and the Linsen cash draw fire. (Picture / data screen)
According to the "ETtoday" report, from 10:30 in the evening, only 3 to 4 guests came in 90 minutes, and the street vendor said that the original Wuhan pneumonia epidemic, the number of people who sang at the door decreased a lot, and it also affected their business Now there is a fire in the Qiansen Linsen store, and fewer people come to sing than before.
Another female guest who had left the cashbox said that she had to make an appointment because she had already made an appointment. But when she entered the box, she paid special attention to the "evacuation route map" and left the box earlier than expected.
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