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Serious Oh dear! Looks like Marco Polo "never actually went to China", according to some "AMDKs"! So should we believe them or @ginfreely? hahaha

Do you believe the "AMDKs" or @ginfreely? hahaha

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  • Screenshot_2019-02-01 Explorer Marco Polo 'never actually went to China'.png
    Screenshot_2019-02-01 Explorer Marco Polo 'never actually went to China'.png
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You just need to google and there are plenty of historians that have verified his various accounts and agreeing it’s true. Of course there are some inaccuracies as he wrote the book only after twenty over years when he returned to Venice and in a jail. Of course you being no principle evil shit will misrepresent history to satisfy your evil agenda.


You just need to google and there are plenty of historians that have verified his various accounts and agreeing it’s true. Of course there are some inaccuracies as he wrote the book only after twenty over years when he returned to Venice and in a jail. Of course you being no principle evil shit will misrepresent history to satisfy your evil agenda.
And my assessment after I read the translated version and his detailed account of kublai khan and their system, there is no way a person can write in such details without being present I.e he was definitely in China.


And my assessment after I read the translated version and his detailed account of kublai khan and their system, there is no way a person can write in such details without being present I.e he was definitely in China.
Not to mention the news of sunken ships already verified Marco Polo description of hokkien ships. And yet evil agenda Chinese traitor dogs can just ignore all the evidence and point their ccb fingers at me just to achieve their smart and clever motive of painting me as a whore telling lies. That’s how evil and horrible humans are.


And my assessment after I read the translated version and his detailed account of kublai khan and their system, there is no way a person can write in such details without being present I.e he was definitely in China.
And frankly I learnt so much about mongols and yuan dynasty system and wealth from this book. Amazing book. No wonder Columbus was inspired to follow mongol ways to plunder and snatch lands to achieve immense wealth.


And frankly I learnt so much about mongols and yuan dynasty system and wealth from this book. Amazing book. No wonder Columbus was inspired to follow mongol ways to plunder and snatch lands to achieve immense wealth.
Marco Polo was a real smart and clever person to be able to observe and remember so many details without writing down until years later.


And frankly I learnt so much about mongols and yuan dynasty system and wealth from this book. Amazing book. No wonder Columbus was inspired to follow mongol ways to plunder and snatch lands to achieve immense wealth.
Actually not just Columbus but all the angmohs learnt from Marco Polo and mongols. Only chinese traitor dogs snakes crocodiles learnt nothing - until today still the same.


most important is we called out auntie (vir)gin's bs on her version of history.
No you are the liar caught putting words into my mouth. Everything I said is proven fact including history proven by news which you ignored and called it fake news when it’s not.