Hi ah monki, you sound so frustrated over inability of sammies to explain to you 'sickchui'. Here is an explanation for you. Here goes,...
'Sickchui' must had been spoken in teochew. It should actually be 'sek chui' if properly pronounced, only in monkey talk it came out as 'sickchui' Literally translation from Teochew to English is 'sek = understand or know', 'chui=water'. That is, you 'understand/know' water. Actual meaning is that you understand the market, know how to choose good product over a variety or variation of choices, that is, out of so many types of crabs, big/ small crabs, big/small claws, big/small eyes, flower/no flower, etc, those chosen by you were considered, by him, to be good specimens of crabs to be eaten. Meaning something like 'wah lao, you are really expert in choosing good crabs to eat'.
So hope you now fully understand 'sek chui'.
Just in case your head swollen now, knowing the above meaning, kindly be aware the above word 'sek chui' was said to you because he wanted to:
1 porlumpar you, to make you happy that you are considered by him, an expert in selling crabs to be an expert in choosing crabs and an expert in eating crabs;
2 to make you happy to reduce your resistance to the exorbitant price he was going to propose to you because you have been praised to high heavens to be an expert in crabs;
3 It is very standard practice for market sellers to use such words on customers to close the deal, which in many cases, the prices are higher than normal'.
A really 'sek chui' will ask (and already know) what were really reasonable market price for the chosen items. For example, did you ask him what was his price per kilo quoted, then check he did not overcharge you or calculate wrongly, instead of just accepting the final price at $150? Do you know the prices of the same type of crabs being sold in same market or else where?
My guess is that seller is a prc or Malaysian who always uses the same method on young roberts or middle age uncles. The last time when I bought whole salmon from same location, prc fish cutter also said I 'sek huo' to chose the right salmon, out of the so many on display!

. Well, I did ask him to go ahead to fillet the salmon, but my decision was based on how big I wanted the salmon to be. Price already I know as it is standard price on offer, same as those in Giant or Cold Storage supermarkets.
Okaydoooo, many many exchanged words over one small little Teochew word.
I hope now you 'sekchui', hor!! given efforts made for you.