Prioritising UK unemployed ... Employment Minister Chris Grayling
By TOM NEWTON DUNN, Political Editor
Published: Today at 01:10
FIRMS should hire jobless Brits
before foreigners, the Employment Minister declared yesterday...........
Chris Grayling controversially
urged bosses to give the nation's own unemployed priority for new positions.
And he suggested the
Government should be ready to intervene to ease a growing jobs crisis.
Tory Mr Grayling's
bold remarks came after it emerged migrant workers are landing jobs here at the same rate as Brits are LOSING them.
His plea will spark a bitter row with Brussels as it contravenes EU law to act prejudicially against non-UK nationals.
And his stance will anger his Lib Dem coalition partners who firmly back equal working rights across the continent.............
Mr Grayling
branded that situation "not one that I think is acceptable and not one we should tolerate".
He added: "It is one that we should work hard to try to change."
The minister said he hoped every UK employer deciding whether to recruit in the next few months "will put young UK unemployed people at the top of their priority list".
Mr Grayling said Britain's one million jobless 16 to 24-year-olds are often up against Eastern Europeans five years older and with a good CV. The minister also defended a voluntary government scheme for people to get unpaid work experience at firms such as Tesco.
Critics have branded it as forced labour.