Gonna start the "i up u, u up me" and "i diap u, i call my peng you 2 diap u" again??:p
ms.. lidat u must sing the dang dang dang song to SAM liao.
Psst... dunno can xfer rpt pt frm the other forum 2 here onot har:p
Or there kena diap here oso kena...:p:p
Gonna start the "i up u, u up me" and "i diap u, i call my peng you 2 diap u" again??:p
oh 'Shite'... i kenna red carded ...Infractions: 0/3 (6)..
some guy 'Dap me' but never explain what I did wrong. Totally unjustified!!! I'm hurt.. I'm mortified... I feel like leaving the forum for good. My self esteem is affected.. I feel unappreciated... my reputation score is a matter of life and death...
ms u remember this classic quote or not??![]()
Cannot "diap", only can UP!![]()
Boss... diaping is a good way of knowing how popular ur opinion is leh...:p
u miss 1 more... "Shit i gonna complain to my MP!!":p
MS.. u sure can complain to MP huh?? will they say....' what to do.. it has happens.. let's move on???'![]()
actually nevermind la.. they want to zap let them do lor.. i dont even bother to remove the red cards i got..![]()
MS.. u sure can complain to MP huh??
The red card thing is where some of these people should grow up. Sometimes when they give you, they expect you to retaliate.
In psychology terms, these people expect attention and retaliation which is what makes them happy. So if you don't take any action, instead they will feel more pissed off with you. they just LL move on
You diap me, I diap you, you create 10 clones to diap me back. Endless cycle. :p
Can... MP will say "We'll look into it.... Tell me.... Wat do u noe bout dis... Sam..":p
Can... MP will say "We'll look into it.... Tell me.... Wat do u noe bout dis... Sam..":p
Yo Ms.. Nat Nat
Big sexy account kenna ban liao.. so i create new account to post lor.. no big deal .... life goes on..![]()
You have been banned for the following reason:
Insulted members
Date the ban will be lifted: 12-08-2008, 12:00 AM
Bans here are only temporary. They expire after a set time... your ban has already expired.
not yet expire la sam.. i just tried to login 5 mins ago.. it says
You have been banned for the following reason:
Insulted members
Date the ban will be lifted: 12-08-2008, 12:00 AM...
will not use this account after the expiry date..( will only use it in the event of kenna banned again..)![]()
I just checked. It has already been lifted. Log out and log in again microsoft stye.![]()
Can... MP will say "We'll look into it.... Tell me.... Wat do u noe bout dis... Sam..":p
ms.. i am back and ready to kick some ass again..![]()
Kick 4 wat... How many can u kick?? Save ur engery go kio kway better lah... Remember dis dialogue onot har??![]()