What GD is trying to tell you is that all the boxes can be easily ticked where you a concerned about helping the authorities. Your profile is actually perfect. When I came on board this forum and met you online, I was curious about your family background, your SAP era, then your job, your previous PA association and finally that you went to OCS, I realised that you were more than qualified. I find it hard that you were not approached. The only explanation is that Ramseth has been following you from dawn to dusk all these years and lightened up recently. You are ideal target not because you are bad but you in the thick of things and with foray into Malay Bureau, the ears ricked up. If you are not in, I can assure you someone very close to you is in and don't discount family members. No ISD person in charge of that area is going to accept that they don't have anyone and the old man won't visit the toilet until someone can measure your heartbeat. They can't afford to. The Malaysians will be there if no one is doing it. GD has been hinting from the very start about how local politics work. Get with the programme. Start chipping away another 12 %.
You have a weird thesis here. You would trust a politician who will be willingly under the influence of foreigner? LOL! Once you take favours from foreigners, be prepared to pay back many times in return! At whose expense? Of course the citizens! Those who advocate foreign influence and role in Singapore politics are the real bloody fraud. Any politician or even just citizen with that little bit of dignity and pride would not tolerate that. This is also why I have respect for LTK because we share the same values on this one.I do not feel shameful about what I believe in. However, having said these, how do you actually conclude that I will become an agent for ISD just because I believe in this?As long as PAP is in power, ISD will always be my adversary, no ifs or buts. Even if it is about national security, it is their responsibility, not mine. If you really think money can buy me at all, well, you must be a very substandard agent!
Goh Meng Seng
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