Those are pretty strong claims you are making. You need to provide some concrete evidence to substantiate your claims in order not to make urself look like an idiot
Go and see the figures yourself how many people the 3 local U take in yearly and how many A level candidates there are. They place more people in their undergraduate programs per year than there are JC students per batch! The smart and the rich go overseas. So one wonders where else can these local Us find victims to fill up the places? The rest come from the polys.
If you dare, go and interview the top students in Raffles and HCI. You are def not in the circle at all.
Almost every local law and med enrolled student are rejects of at least one scholarship overseas, if not ALL the scholarships they applied.
Majority did not even get a single offer. Some got the less coveted (read: undesirable eg IDA, PUB, IRAS scholarship, SGS, SAF-Merit/ATA (not SAFOS hor), SPH, insert name of any 3rd tier scholarship) and were rejected by their top few choices (usually PSC's top 3, GIC), not even granted a first interview or rejected at first interview before the A level results are out.
The 2nd group is the same group of losers who go around crapping to unsuspecting peasant reporters in the Singapore Dog House that they "turned down a prestigious opportunity to study in a fabulous overseas university" to be in farmer law/med which the peasant reporter subsequently turns into a propaganda story of hilarity to promote the farmer schools that scramble in desperation, putting out tens of thousands of $$$ of adverts with the doghouse press promoting themselves.
It can fool the peasant reporters (quite effectively actually), who are of farmer background too as well as the ignorant among general public who don't know what's going on. It doesn't fool the people who are actually in the know and in the system currently or past.
Did you even know that PSC conducts its first elimination way before the A level results are even out? PSC takes the first crop of the top prelim students and uses the 1st of many interviews to get rid of 99% of them, since it has luxury of choice and a strong emphasis on interview performance, psychometrics and CCAs.
Countless of them who already know they were rejected and cannot apply to PSC and GIC are the ones applying to the rest and doing their internships feverishly in the first half of the year. Even then most of them fail to get the lesser scholarships and end up in law/med. The minority who do get them either take up these lesser scholarships or decide to stay local cos these scholarships are not 1st tier.
There is a small but growing trend of very top calibre people turning down OMS after offered, but all of these cases do so because they at the same time secured a full scholarship from a need-blind top American university such as Yale, Harvard, Amherst, MIT.
Others turn down OMS or stat board overseas to take up the PPMM scholarship- very common in the top JCs now. Growing affluence means that presently, there are so many more times of parents who can comfortably send their prince and princess to America, UK, Australia, Ireland, Canada compared to 10 years ago. And 10 years ago, many more could afford to than 20 years ago. They do not turn down OMS or overseas to end up farmer.
Those in this circle born into wealth and never considered scholarships of any kind also go overseas as a matter of course. Go and ask where do the ministers send their children, the Kwees, Banyan Tree Ho brothers went and Yong Pang How's grandkids went. Its been the case since dunno how long ago, probably from way back when u were actually young.
More than 3/4 of the top classes in RI IP and HCI go overseas undergrad. And I mean real overseas. Not some crappy dumb exchange programme passing off as overseas exposure.