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- Mar 10, 2024
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Now lots of madmen, the uneducated, the paranoid, the Devils Within and Without have been propagating lots of misinformation, in fact screaming absolute nonsense that a particular leeligion is responsible for the killings of millions of people and babies on this good Earth.
I agree some people of a particular leegion have been lesponsible for many killings BUT, yes the word is BUTT when compared to some other leeligion the people of that particular leeligion become or are like an ant as when compared to an elephant in the number of humans, including babies and animals slaughtered in the name of its leeligion.
Now which leeligion ie. its adherents were, are, and shall continue to be the most violent, aggressive, murderous, hateful, intolerant, destructive, ferocious, savage, barbarous, belligerent, ruinous, crazed, explosive, ghastly, dreadful, vicious, wild, maniacal, lunatic, etc etc leeligion of all time?
Is it Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, Animism, Taoism, Shintoism, Bahai faith, Confucianism, Voodoo, Judaism, Islam or Christianity or any other leeligion?
I shall do a comparative study of each and every leeligion.
I give the madmen and the paranoid, the uneducated, the Devils Within and Without to tell me which leeligion is the most murderous leeligion of all the leeligions.
----- ie. If you have the balls to state your views first, because you can be assured by me that I will crush your balls when I state my leesons for stating the most kind and gentle leeligion of them all. --- if you know what I mean.
----- Come cum cum Devil Within and Without state your views ----- if you can cum at all.
I agree some people of a particular leegion have been lesponsible for many killings BUT, yes the word is BUTT when compared to some other leeligion the people of that particular leeligion become or are like an ant as when compared to an elephant in the number of humans, including babies and animals slaughtered in the name of its leeligion.
Now which leeligion ie. its adherents were, are, and shall continue to be the most violent, aggressive, murderous, hateful, intolerant, destructive, ferocious, savage, barbarous, belligerent, ruinous, crazed, explosive, ghastly, dreadful, vicious, wild, maniacal, lunatic, etc etc leeligion of all time?
Is it Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, Animism, Taoism, Shintoism, Bahai faith, Confucianism, Voodoo, Judaism, Islam or Christianity or any other leeligion?
I shall do a comparative study of each and every leeligion.
I give the madmen and the paranoid, the uneducated, the Devils Within and Without to tell me which leeligion is the most murderous leeligion of all the leeligions.
----- ie. If you have the balls to state your views first, because you can be assured by me that I will crush your balls when I state my leesons for stating the most kind and gentle leeligion of them all. --- if you know what I mean.
----- Come cum cum Devil Within and Without state your views ----- if you can cum at all.