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Singapore #Fitspo of the Week: Melanie Foo
Be inspired by the success stories of fitness influencers, celebrities, models and trainers in Singapore
Cheryl Tay
Mon, 6 November 2023 at 12:00 am GMT
Singapore #Fitspo of the Week Melanie Foo is an entrepreneur. (PHOTO: Cheryl Tay) (Cheryl Tay)
Life goes beyond the digits on the scale and your body is capable of so much more! Yahoo’s #Fitspo of the Week series is dedicated to inspirational men and women in Singapore leading healthy and active lifestyles. Have someone to recommend? Hit Cheryl up on Instagram or Facebook!
Name: Melanie Foo (@babymelly)
Age: 33
Height: 1.54m
Weight: 48kg
Occupation: Entrepreneur
Status: Married with a daughter
Food: I don't follow a diet; I've tried and I just end up binge eating within four hours hahaha. So, I just try to remember – everything in moderation. I basically eat whatever whenever I want, because I am a massive carbs and snacks person. An example of my daily meals are like:
8am – Breakfast: two hard boiled eggs, toast with peanut butter and butter (because butter is life) and hot latte
12pm – Lunch: Airfried crispy skin chicken thighs with chargrilled cauliflower
4pm – Tea: Pandan waffle with peanut butter and butter (again, butter is life) and cappuccino
8.30pm – Dinner: Airfried crispy skin salmon with sweet sauce and sauteed long beans
9pm – Dessert: Nata de coco yoghurt
I always need to be full to fall asleep, so if I end up sleeping late, then I will have some cookies and milk before sleeping. Otherwise, I can't sleep.
Exercise: I started my own yoga and fitness studio, Warrior Studios, located at Hong Kong Street. I teach there on Fridays and do my own self practice here and there as well. Besides that, I go to BFT about four to five times a week with my husband. #couplegoals
Melanie started her own yoga and fitness studio - Warrior Studios at Hong Kong Street. (PHOTO: Cheryl Tay) (Cheryl Tay)
Q: When you were younger, were you already active in sports?
A: I was extremely active, as my dad has always been and still is a real sportsman. I dived into pretty much everything – soccer, netball, basketball, softball, swimming (didn't like this though), rock climbing, abseiling, sailing, windsurfing, rowing, gymnastics, ballet and I was on the track and field team for hurdles and sprints.
What did you get into as you got older?
In my 20s, I was more into long distance running, yoga, pilates, CrossFit and strength training. I do rock climb here and there. Currently, I am doing stunt training and wireworks with Sandbox Training Ground. I hope to get their Level 1 Grading in AMCP (Actor's Martial Competency Programme), as well as their Stripe 1 Wire-Rider Action Performer Certification soon.
What inspired you to start yoga?
I was actually a foreign exchange broker for about seven years. It was quite a cut-throat industry. I was stressed mentally, physically and emotionally, and I pretty much did not exercise at all during that period.
I think it got too overwhelming and that's what lead me to quit and start working out again. I had a one-year notice period, so I joined Virgin Active and somehow decided to try out a yoga class, and little did I know I would fall in love with it.
When did you decide to teach yoga?
So after I got released from my company, I decided to take a break. I went to Japan for a month and a bit (Tokyo and Hakuba to snowboard), and when I came back feeling refreshed, I decided to sign up for a full-time yoga teacher's training course.
Melanie took up yoga after a few years working as a foreign exchange broker. (PHOTO: Cheryl Tay) (Cheryl Tay)
It was an intense one month and I wasn't looking to teach yoga. But opportunities somehow arose and people were recommending me to teach corporate classes and groups of friends for fun. I realised even when I’m physically tired, teaching brings energy from within me.
What led to you opening your own yoga studio?
I guess it was literally the quote, "If not now, then when?" Haha! I have always envisioned creating a space where I am able to grow a community of likeminded individuals, be it in fitness, motherhood etc.
I am actually introverted, believe it or not. But within a safe space, I can be super extroverted. That's what I hope I have created for our Warriors :')
How has motherhood changed you?
It has made me TIREEEEEED. Kidding. Actually, motherhood made me want to be healthier and fitter. Luna is like a little koala bear, forever clinging onto me and wanting me to carry her. Strength training definitely helped with that.
I also want to ensure I am healthy so I can continue doing cool stuff with her when she's older, like hiking up Annapurna Base Camp, going on crazy roller coasters, sky diving, jumping off cliffs, raving together at ZoukOut. #mommadaughtergoals
When you were younger, did you experience any incidents that made you feel insecure about yourself?
Yes, but it's quite a funny story looking back at it. I believe it was around 2014 or 2015, I was part of Female's 50 Gorgeous People and there was an event for it. Prior to the event, I went to Japan with my family and we were eating at an amazing izakaya joint. My brothers were both on their third or fourth bowl of rice, and I had just finished my first.
I was about to order my second bowl and my mum said to me "Mel ah, You better not eat anymore. You are getting fat. You have that event." I just sat there in silence with tears rolling down my cheeks haha.
Obviously at the time, I was devastated but I find it funny now because honestly, I wasn't in any way "fat" and I know my mum didn't have any ill intentions and meant well. Love you mummy.
Motherhood has made Melanie more determined to be healthier and fitter. (PHOTO: Cheryl Tay) (Cheryl Tay)
When did you feel the least confident about yourself?
I felt the least confident when I was around six months postpartum. I had not worked out at all since giving birth and had a photoshoot. After I saw the photos, I felt like I had let myself go. I did not realise it because I was so focused on Luna, but I had totally neglected myself both physically and mentally.
I told myself, "nope", and signed up for BFT. I committed to a routine from the moment I signed up and zipped back into shape eventually.
Are you satisfied with your body now?
Without sounding self-conceited, I actually think I look pretty good hahaha! But personally, I don't think I am or ever will be completely satisfied or content with myself.
I think it's my nature to strive for "something more" at all times, which keeps me pushing myself and always making sure I am never complacent especially when it comes to my health and bod.y.
Do you get any comments about your body?
I do, actually. The main feedback I get from people who follow me on Instagram but are meeting me for the first time is "OMG! I did not realise you were so short!"
But I am totally fine with it, I love that I'm "short". I'm a pocket rocket, and well, good things come in small packages right?
If you could change anything about yourself, would you?
Hmmm, I would like to be less of an OCD perfectionist and be able to learn to trust and lean on others for help. Be it at work or at home, I have this "problem" where I think that no one will be able to execute things the way I want it or at least not as efficiently, so I always end up doing everything myself and end up extremely tired a lot of the time.
Singapore #Fitspo of the Week: Melanie Foo. (PHOTO: Cheryl Tay) (Cheryl Tay)