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“In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.”... Mark Twain
The uphill battle against vaccine tyranny clearly shows Mark Twain’s sharp observation. Cross the line and suggest or support a narrative at odds with the government, careers get railroaded and lives destroyed. In the whole of Singapore, there has been to my knowledge, only two medical professionals who have spoken out on the dangers of the noveau vaccines. One quickly retracted his statement under duress. An oncologist today remains a solitary voice of warning.
Whilst there have been several folks who have been vocal and written against the mRNA vaccines, such as Goh Meng Seng and this humble blog, the attempt to galvanise action and initiate an official dialogue and investigation rests on the shoulders of one little woman, Iris Koh. Iris founded the online group ‘Healing the Divide’ to "fill an information gap about COVID-19". She is Mark Twain’s patriot, one-of-a-kind, brave and certainly hated and scorned. Whether one is a detractor, of which there is a multitude, or a supporter, one has to admire Iris’ passion in her pursuit for dialogue and reassessing the evidence. The game is basically over but the Singapore Government plays on.
Yesterday Oct 23, folks in UK finally commenced an inquiry into their high excess death rate. I believe this is under private auspices as their parliament, like everywhere else, is shirking their responsibilities.
Look at the graph below and it is obvious Singapore is in greater dire straits than UK. We like to be tops in various indexes, well congratulations, on a quarterly basis, Singapore has the highest excess death rate in the world for the last four quarters running. And our parliament has still not awaken from their slumber. PAP and opposition members are sleeping in the same bed.
Are these excess death rates something to worry about? In Statistics lingo, the question is, are the rates significant. In this kind of analysis, statisticians have set 5% as the red flag. Anything higher than 5% is significant. Singapore's high excess death rate is very significant. In other words, something beyond the ordinary caused these high rates. There can be only two causation - Covid itself or the mRNA vaccines. From the very beginning, it was determined risk of fatality from Covid is only high in the elderly and those with comorbidity. Even then it was projected at less than 1%. That left the vaccines as the sole causation.
The main questions that need answering by the government are :
1). Why did Singapore surrender our medical sovereignty? There was a show of Task Force and medical professional input and participation in pandemic management, but in reality, all countries including Singapore, simply took the cue from WHO and initiatives of American FDA and CDC.
2). Why did the government put absolute faith on a vaccine that has not been properly tested?
3). Why allow healthy Singaporeans to be injected with a vaccine for which MOF does not even know the biological make up?
4). Why procure vaccines and provide manufacturers with liability waivers?
5). Why did the MOF jettison hundreds of years of medical practice by denying qualified practitioners who knew their patients well and better situated to treat them, but instead became subservient to directives from agents, many of whom never treated a single patient in their life?
I have always said, like in investment decisions, it is never fair to critique from the wisdom of hindsight. One can only criticise based on pre-fact situation. In the case of vaccines, all the pre-fact evidence point to a making of a colossal scam. Was the government scammed, were they a participant, or were they negligent?
The pandemic management point to a total collapse of independent agencies that our community rely on as a matter of ordinary course of daily well being. In the face of rising deaths and injuries all over the world, of new medical studies warning of dangerous findings of adverse effects of the vaccines, of the suppression of dissenting voices, of evidence of wrongful acts by vaccine manufacturers, of false pro-vaccine articles funded by Big pharma, of treatment successes with non-authorised protocols, etc, the silence of following agencies is a betrayal of the public’s trust:
1). The opposition in not pushing for a parliamentary inquiry.
2). The medical profession in the form of various associations whose silence is ear shattering.
3). The legal profession and judiciary that has nothing to say about WHO encroaching into our sovereignty with their Pandemic Treaty, or stepping up to ensure justice for vaccine injured in terms of compensation.
4). Singapore embalmers who have nothing to say about blood clots unlike their counterparts in Western countries who are horrified at what they are seeing.
5). Singapore academia who should be parsing, dissecting, and discussing into all these new medical studies but are hibernating in their ivory towers.
I notice a parallel of views on the vaccine amongst Singaporeans to folks in Western countries, like US. There seems to be a political correlation. In Western countries, Liberals tend to favour the vaccine and Conservatives tend to be anti-vac. In Singapore the vaccine deniers are predominantly from the opposition crowd. I wonder if it is a case of blind faith vs critical thinking.
The ground seems to be shifting and evidence mounting that the pandemic is indeed a colossal scam on the scale of a criminal act against humanity. In the US, less than 2% are heeding the call for the latest booster shot. The game is basically over. Anthony Fauci and company is facing the possibility of being charged for humanitarian crimes, Pfizers’ days of unimaginable profits are gone, Moderna and Pfizer are facing medical suits with more in the days and years ahead, Bill Gates has admitted the vaccines have not worked as they should, CDC has admitted the science of lockdown was pulled out of a hat.
Over in Switzerland, Pascal Najadi recently called on Swiss Authorities to arrest people behind the release of “Bioweapon” COVID-19 Shot. Pascal Najadi worked with Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger to delve into the dark underbelly of global organizations headquartered in Zurich that are involved with pushing the vaccines.
Dr Astrid Buckelberger is a scientist, researcher, trainer, author who has served as consultant to various UN agencies including WHO. She presents insights from the operations side of WHO. I covered her in my blog The Greatest ‘Grand Jury’ In Human History (Day 2) in March 2022.
Pascal Najadi is a retired Swiss business banker who advises countries and heads of state on the financial direction of the country. His father, Hussain Najadi, was co-founder of the World Economic Forum. Najadi Snr exited WEF in 1980s out of disdain with the organisation, leaving Klaus Schwab at the helm. Hussain Najadi was gunned down in 2013 in Kuala Lumpur for revealing corruption in his Ambank by Malaysian politicians and top executives of PM Najib’s administration.
WHO, GAVI, and WEF are the specific Zurich entities. Najadi calls these three, together with Big Pharma and Big Tech, the Head of the Snake in the pandemic scam. Both GAVI and WEF operate with diplomatic immunity in Switzerland.
GAVI is Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization, which is a Bill Gates’ vehicle for public–private global health partnership with the goal of increasing access to immunization in poor countries. GAVI gives Bill Gates, a non-medical person, a totally unacceptable position to influence national health policies whilst peddling the drugs of Big Pharma in which he has substantial investments.
Najadi’s participation in the revolt against vaccine would be taken lightly at the scammers' peril. In December 2021 Najadi filed a criminal complaint with Swiss police against Alain Berset, then Swiss Health Minister and President. The complaint was Berset either lied, or he acted with gross negligence, when prior to the referendum for extension of Covid-19 Vaccine Certificate, he said on TV that the certificate is proof that the person is not contagious when in fact, at the time, it had already been established both vaccinated and unvaccinated can be contagious. Najadi’s police report led to an Attorney General investigation which forced the resignation of the Swiss President and his retirement from politics.
The game is basically over, but the Singapore Government is very late on the curve. It has recently spent another few hundred million dollars on a vaccine people no longer want. Slowly but surely, anecdotes are building up that just like many other countries, Singapore has its fair share of SDS (Sudden Death Syndrome) and healthy young adults cut down by heart attacks and incapacitated by myocarditis. Turbo cancer is already getting noticed. The government trusted in the science when it comes to the vaccine. Why do they not trust in the science of high excess death statistics now starring at them right in the face?
My guess is bye and bye, vaccine injury and death anecdotes can no longer be suppressed. And when these tragedies struck close to home, Mark Twain will be proven correct yet again, as increasing numbers of timid Singaporeans rally to Iris Koh’s call.
A parting shout out :
Plato said:
“The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”
If you like what you read here and feel it matters Singaporeans know stuff like this, please click and share with your social circle. This makes my effort worthwhile.
“In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.”... Mark Twain
The uphill battle against vaccine tyranny clearly shows Mark Twain’s sharp observation. Cross the line and suggest or support a narrative at odds with the government, careers get railroaded and lives destroyed. In the whole of Singapore, there has been to my knowledge, only two medical professionals who have spoken out on the dangers of the noveau vaccines. One quickly retracted his statement under duress. An oncologist today remains a solitary voice of warning.
Whilst there have been several folks who have been vocal and written against the mRNA vaccines, such as Goh Meng Seng and this humble blog, the attempt to galvanise action and initiate an official dialogue and investigation rests on the shoulders of one little woman, Iris Koh. Iris founded the online group ‘Healing the Divide’ to "fill an information gap about COVID-19". She is Mark Twain’s patriot, one-of-a-kind, brave and certainly hated and scorned. Whether one is a detractor, of which there is a multitude, or a supporter, one has to admire Iris’ passion in her pursuit for dialogue and reassessing the evidence. The game is basically over but the Singapore Government plays on.
Yesterday Oct 23, folks in UK finally commenced an inquiry into their high excess death rate. I believe this is under private auspices as their parliament, like everywhere else, is shirking their responsibilities.
Look at the graph below and it is obvious Singapore is in greater dire straits than UK. We like to be tops in various indexes, well congratulations, on a quarterly basis, Singapore has the highest excess death rate in the world for the last four quarters running. And our parliament has still not awaken from their slumber. PAP and opposition members are sleeping in the same bed.
Are these excess death rates something to worry about? In Statistics lingo, the question is, are the rates significant. In this kind of analysis, statisticians have set 5% as the red flag. Anything higher than 5% is significant. Singapore's high excess death rate is very significant. In other words, something beyond the ordinary caused these high rates. There can be only two causation - Covid itself or the mRNA vaccines. From the very beginning, it was determined risk of fatality from Covid is only high in the elderly and those with comorbidity. Even then it was projected at less than 1%. That left the vaccines as the sole causation.
The main questions that need answering by the government are :
1). Why did Singapore surrender our medical sovereignty? There was a show of Task Force and medical professional input and participation in pandemic management, but in reality, all countries including Singapore, simply took the cue from WHO and initiatives of American FDA and CDC.
2). Why did the government put absolute faith on a vaccine that has not been properly tested?
3). Why allow healthy Singaporeans to be injected with a vaccine for which MOF does not even know the biological make up?
4). Why procure vaccines and provide manufacturers with liability waivers?
5). Why did the MOF jettison hundreds of years of medical practice by denying qualified practitioners who knew their patients well and better situated to treat them, but instead became subservient to directives from agents, many of whom never treated a single patient in their life?
I have always said, like in investment decisions, it is never fair to critique from the wisdom of hindsight. One can only criticise based on pre-fact situation. In the case of vaccines, all the pre-fact evidence point to a making of a colossal scam. Was the government scammed, were they a participant, or were they negligent?
The pandemic management point to a total collapse of independent agencies that our community rely on as a matter of ordinary course of daily well being. In the face of rising deaths and injuries all over the world, of new medical studies warning of dangerous findings of adverse effects of the vaccines, of the suppression of dissenting voices, of evidence of wrongful acts by vaccine manufacturers, of false pro-vaccine articles funded by Big pharma, of treatment successes with non-authorised protocols, etc, the silence of following agencies is a betrayal of the public’s trust:
1). The opposition in not pushing for a parliamentary inquiry.
2). The medical profession in the form of various associations whose silence is ear shattering.
3). The legal profession and judiciary that has nothing to say about WHO encroaching into our sovereignty with their Pandemic Treaty, or stepping up to ensure justice for vaccine injured in terms of compensation.
4). Singapore embalmers who have nothing to say about blood clots unlike their counterparts in Western countries who are horrified at what they are seeing.
5). Singapore academia who should be parsing, dissecting, and discussing into all these new medical studies but are hibernating in their ivory towers.
I notice a parallel of views on the vaccine amongst Singaporeans to folks in Western countries, like US. There seems to be a political correlation. In Western countries, Liberals tend to favour the vaccine and Conservatives tend to be anti-vac. In Singapore the vaccine deniers are predominantly from the opposition crowd. I wonder if it is a case of blind faith vs critical thinking.
The ground seems to be shifting and evidence mounting that the pandemic is indeed a colossal scam on the scale of a criminal act against humanity. In the US, less than 2% are heeding the call for the latest booster shot. The game is basically over. Anthony Fauci and company is facing the possibility of being charged for humanitarian crimes, Pfizers’ days of unimaginable profits are gone, Moderna and Pfizer are facing medical suits with more in the days and years ahead, Bill Gates has admitted the vaccines have not worked as they should, CDC has admitted the science of lockdown was pulled out of a hat.
Over in Switzerland, Pascal Najadi recently called on Swiss Authorities to arrest people behind the release of “Bioweapon” COVID-19 Shot. Pascal Najadi worked with Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger to delve into the dark underbelly of global organizations headquartered in Zurich that are involved with pushing the vaccines.
Dr Astrid Buckelberger is a scientist, researcher, trainer, author who has served as consultant to various UN agencies including WHO. She presents insights from the operations side of WHO. I covered her in my blog The Greatest ‘Grand Jury’ In Human History (Day 2) in March 2022.
Pascal Najadi is a retired Swiss business banker who advises countries and heads of state on the financial direction of the country. His father, Hussain Najadi, was co-founder of the World Economic Forum. Najadi Snr exited WEF in 1980s out of disdain with the organisation, leaving Klaus Schwab at the helm. Hussain Najadi was gunned down in 2013 in Kuala Lumpur for revealing corruption in his Ambank by Malaysian politicians and top executives of PM Najib’s administration.
WHO, GAVI, and WEF are the specific Zurich entities. Najadi calls these three, together with Big Pharma and Big Tech, the Head of the Snake in the pandemic scam. Both GAVI and WEF operate with diplomatic immunity in Switzerland.
GAVI is Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization, which is a Bill Gates’ vehicle for public–private global health partnership with the goal of increasing access to immunization in poor countries. GAVI gives Bill Gates, a non-medical person, a totally unacceptable position to influence national health policies whilst peddling the drugs of Big Pharma in which he has substantial investments.
Najadi’s participation in the revolt against vaccine would be taken lightly at the scammers' peril. In December 2021 Najadi filed a criminal complaint with Swiss police against Alain Berset, then Swiss Health Minister and President. The complaint was Berset either lied, or he acted with gross negligence, when prior to the referendum for extension of Covid-19 Vaccine Certificate, he said on TV that the certificate is proof that the person is not contagious when in fact, at the time, it had already been established both vaccinated and unvaccinated can be contagious. Najadi’s police report led to an Attorney General investigation which forced the resignation of the Swiss President and his retirement from politics.
The game is basically over, but the Singapore Government is very late on the curve. It has recently spent another few hundred million dollars on a vaccine people no longer want. Slowly but surely, anecdotes are building up that just like many other countries, Singapore has its fair share of SDS (Sudden Death Syndrome) and healthy young adults cut down by heart attacks and incapacitated by myocarditis. Turbo cancer is already getting noticed. The government trusted in the science when it comes to the vaccine. Why do they not trust in the science of high excess death statistics now starring at them right in the face?
My guess is bye and bye, vaccine injury and death anecdotes can no longer be suppressed. And when these tragedies struck close to home, Mark Twain will be proven correct yet again, as increasing numbers of timid Singaporeans rally to Iris Koh’s call.
A parting shout out :
Plato said:
“The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”
If you like what you read here and feel it matters Singaporeans know stuff like this, please click and share with your social circle. This makes my effort worthwhile.