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First of all, I would like anyone who is reading this thread of mine to remember that I'm NOT 100% sure, so I MIGHT be WRONG.
Secondly, I had never intended to start such a thread (about @jw5's real-life identity) as long as he refrained from attacking me in any clear/obvious way, such as what he did nearly a week ago in one of my old threads, because of which I started the following thread to reply to him:
Thirdly, I also hesitated to start this latest thread of mine (about his real-life identity) because I wanted to give him a chance to make an effort to humbly apologize to me for his insult and false accusation (even better if he had apologized to his other victims as well); but unfortunately, he seems to have gone past the:

Fourthly, I'm not sure whether our dearest @Leongsam will be annoyed by this latest thread of mine (mainly because @jw5 is one of his very few "Moderators"); but since he has allowed @ginfreely to start a thread about "Jeremy Quek" and to claim that quite a few sammyboy.com members' real-life identity (including mine) is "Jeremy Quek", I believe/assume he would probably also allow me to start a thread about @jw5's real-life identity, right?
Anyway, here are my proofs:
1. Some of the senior members (including @jw5 and especially my dearest @eatshitndie-sama) probably already strongly suspect that I used to be active as another moniker (which I won't reveal, but some of them will probably be able to guess it correctly) back in 2015 (roughly seven years ago). Back then, I was still quite ignorant about the "politics" among the active members in this forum and my impression was that @jw5 and @eatshitndie were the "good guys" counterattacking their common enemy, @scroobal; so I decided to support them, especially @jw5, against @scroobal because @jw5 seemed like a really "good/nice" guy and I was also very impressed by his amazing poems, so I wanted to become his online friend!

Then one day, I stumbled upon the following post by @jw5 (which he posted on "Apr 9, 2015"):
and because I wanted to read the full sentence by that Sinkie Minister, I did a simple google search for those exact words in @jw5's post:Looks like Pinky is trying to ascertain whether it is time for "flooding happens once every 50 years" to retire.![]()
but the only other webpage (or social media post) on the internet that contained those exact words, "flooding happens once every 50 years", was:
or, to be more precise, in the comments section of the above Facebook post, i.e. in one comment by:
he posted a sentence, of which "flooding happens once every 50 years" was a part.
Unfortunately, that Facebook post (and, of course, Allen Low's comment) disappeared a long time ago (probably at least a few years ago) and I also forgot to take a screenshot of it before it disappeared!

2. This "Allen Low" seems to be a Chinese Sinkie man and he has posted words, photos and videos that are related to Taiwan and Hong Kong in his various Facebook posts (even though, in my opinion, there are not many posts on his Facebook page; and he has also deleted at least a few of his posts that I remember reading in the past), which gave me the impression that he has actually lived in Taiwan and Hong Kong; and I believe any sammyboy.com member who knows @jw5 long enough would know him well enough to strongly believe that he has actually lived in both Taiwan and Hong Kong for quite some time, or at least travelled to those two places many times as a tourist or for business trips, right?
Here are some of his sammyboy.com posts in which he posted, or replied to posts that included, the words, "Taiwan":
and "Hong Kong":
By the way, I also strongly suspect that @jw5 is a Cantonese Sinkie, so I wonder how @ginfreely would react if she eventually discovers that @jw5 is really a Cantonese Sinkie!

3. Near the top left of his Facebook page:
there's a link to his Flickr page, on which you can see his Flickr moniker, i.e. "avalon8174", and also see that photography is his hobby:
and a simple google search for "avalon8174" revealed two more of his accounts on other websites:
The name, "Allen Low", appears on his Carousell page, but not on his DeviantArt page; but fortunately, the following photo (and also a few other ones) that he took:
was posted to both his Facebook and DeviantArt pages on the same day ("11 August 2013"):
so I think it's very safe to say that DeviantArt's "avalon8174" is also the same person as:
And on the following page:
you can see that his birthday is "Jan 8", so I strongly suspect that his full date of birth is 8 January 1974 (Tuesday), which means that he is now 48, going on 49, years old; and even if I'm wrong about his date of birth, I believe at least some of you will agree with me that @jw5 was probably born during the 1970s, right?
4. Some of you might already have the impression that @jw5 is not a physically fit Chinese Sinkie man, so those of you who already have such an impression would probably be quite surprised when you see for the very first time the following photos and even videos of a very physically fit "Allen Low" (even though they were probably taken when he was in his early 40s or late 30s); and I think @ginfreely will probably be spellbound!

Anyway, here are some of his photos:
And here are some of his videos:
And according to @jw5's replies to @sweetiepie in the following thread (earlier this year):
in my opinion, he sounds like someone who has really done nearly 100 pull-ups in roughly 10 minutes in the past, right?
Unfortunately for him, his height seems to be at most average for a Chinese Sinkie man (i.e. roughly 170 cm):
or even slightly below average (but probably still above 165 cm), which is probably one of the main reasons he feels a frequent need to behave in a way that overcompensates for his lack of height:
5. Finally, if this "Allen Low" is really @jw5's real-life identity, then I also strongly suspect that @jw5 is a former Sinkie police officer, because of the following item:
that "Allen Low" (i.e. "avalon8174") tried to sell (over a year ago), according to:
@jw5 also posted the following reply to @frenchbriefs roughly two years ago:
but is it possible/probable for him to know such a thing if he has never received such a medal before?When you have $10 Million, you will realise that the stupid long service medal is more valuable than $10K.they will give u whatever dumbass award if it means they could keep their money just like SAF is giving me some goddam stupid medal long service ICT award instead of handing me a check for $10,000.![]()

I'm aware that the above "proofs" of mine might not be good enough, but I still strongly suspect that @jw5's real-life identity is really this "Allen Low"!

Anyway, let's see whether "Allen Low" (or "avalon8174") will delete all the above four accounts of his during the next 24 hours!

Also, let's see whether @jw5 will dare to swear that if his real-life identity is indeed this "Allen Low", then he will die a VERY VIOLENT death well before his 69th birthday!

Come to think of it, to be fair, if @jw5 ever does such a thing AND as long as he refrains from calling me "Jeremy Quek" again, I will also refrain from calling him "Allen Low" and also refrain from posting in this thread (or bumping it up) again; otherwise, I will bump up this thread whenever I have some spare time!

I believe this should be fair, right?

And of course, anyone else is allowed to bump up this thread because of whatever reason!

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